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Publikationen von Prof. DR. J. Schorer

Gereviewte Artikel

Farah. L., Baker, J., Schorer, J. & Wattie, N. (in Druck). Population density and proximity to junior developmental teams affect the development of National Hockey League draftees. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport.

Schorer, J., Schapschröer, M., Habben, J., Fischer, L. & Baker, J. (in Druck). An augmented perceptual-cognitive intervention using a pattern recall paradigm with junior soccer players. Frontiers in Psychology, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology.

Baker, J., Schorer, J., & Wattie, N. (2018). Compromising Talent: Issues in Identifying and Selecting Talent in Sport. Quest, 10, 48-63. doi:10.1080/00336297.2017.1333438.

Johnston, K., Watttie, N., Schorer, J. & Baker, J. (2018). Talent identification in sport: A systematic review. Sports Medicine, 48, 97-108.

Kreutz, G., Schorer, J., Sojke, D., Neugebauer, J., Bullack, A. (2018). In dubio pro silentio – Even loud music does not facilitate strenuous ergometer exercise. Frontiers in Psychology, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00590.

De Oliveira, R., Raab, M., Hegele, M., & Schorer, J. (2017). Task integration facilitates multitasking. Frontiers in Psychology, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology.

Schorer, J., Rienhoff, R., Fischer, L., & Baker, J. (2017). Long-Term Prognostic Validity of Talent Selections: Comparing National and Regional Coaches, Laypersons and Novices. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1146). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01146

Steingröver, C., Wattie, N., Baker, J., Helsen, W. F., Schorer, J. (2017a). Is there an interaction between constitutent year and within-one-year effects in elite German youth basketball? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 27, 627-633.

Steingröver, C., Wattie, N., Baker, J., Helsen, W. F., & Schorer, J. (2017b). Geographical variations in the interaction of relative age effects in youth and adult elite soccer. Frontiers in Psychology, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology.

Wattie, N., Schorer, J., & Baker, J. (2017). Seeing the forest but not the trees: Heterogeneity in community size effects in Canadian ice hockey players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36 (4), 436-444. doi:10.1080/02640414.2017.1313444

Fischer, L., Baker, J., Rienhoff, R., Strauß, B., Tirp, J., Büsch, D. & Schorer, J. (2016). Perceptual-cognitive expertise of handball coaches in their young and middle adult years. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34, 1637-1642.

Fischer, L., Baker, J., Tirp, J., Rienhoff, R., Strauss, B., & Schorer, J. (2016). Maintenance of perceptual cognitive expertise in female volleyball players and its adaptation to different time constraints. Talent Development and Excellence, 8, 15-26.

Helsen, W. F., Dieleman, A., Wattie, N., Steingröver, C., Starkes, J., Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2016). Relative age effects in a cognitive task: A case study of youth chess. High Ability Studies, 27, 211-221.

Rienhoff, R., Tirp, J., Strauß, B., Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2016). The ‚Quiet eye‘ and motor performance: A systematic review based on Newell´s constraint-led model. Sports Medicine, 46, 589-603.

Schapschröer, M., Baker, J., Lemesz, S., & Schorer, J. (2016). Physical load affects perceptual-cognitive performance of skilled athletes: A systematic review. Sports Medicine Open, 2 (37), 1-16.

Schapschröer, M., Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2016a). Effects of domain-specific exercise load on speed and accuracy of a domain-specific perceptual-cognitive task. Human Movement Science, 48, 121-131.

Schapschröer, M., Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2016b). Exploring the interaction of physical exercise load and pattern recall performance in female handball players. Experimental Brain Research, 234, 1713-1723.

Schorer, J., Tirp, J. & Rienhoff, R. (2016). Quiet Eye: The next generation - comments on Vickers. Current Issues in Sport Science, 1, 1-4.

Steingröver, C., Baker, J., Wattie, N., & Schorer, J. (2016). Relative age affects career length in North-American professional sports. Sports Medicine Open, 2 (18), 1-7.

Fischer, L., Rienhoff, R., Tirp, J., Baker, J., Strauß, B., & Schorer, J. (2015). Retention of quiet eye in older skilled basketball players. Journal of Motor Behavior, 47, 407-414.

Loffing, F., Hagemann, N., Schorer, J., & Baker, J. (2015). Skilled players' and novices' difficulty anticipating left- vs. right-handed opponents' action intentions varies across different points in time. Human Movement Science, 40, 410-421.

Rienhoff, R., Fischer, L., Strauß, B., Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2015). Focus of attention influences quiet eye behavior: An exploratory investigation of different skill levels in female basketball players. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 4, 62-74.

Schorer, J., Cobley, S., Bräutigam, H., Loffing, F., Hütter, S., Büsch, D., Wattie, N., Helsen, W., & Baker, J. (2015). Developmental Contexts, Depth of Competition and Relative Age Effects in Sport: A Database Analysis and a Quasi-Experiment. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 57, 126-143.

Schorer, J., Rienhoff, R., Fischer, L., Overbeck, I., Weiß, C. & Baker, J. (2015). Hastening the acquisition of perceptual skill in volleyball players. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 46, 128-149.

Schorer, J., Rienhoff, R., Loffing, F. & Baker, J. (2015). Left kickers choke during play-offs in soccer penalties. Talent Development and Excellence, 7, 91-94.

Tirp, J., Steingröver, C., Wattie, N., Baker, J., & Schorer, J. (2015). Virtual realities as optimal learning environments in sport - A transfer study of virtual and real dart throwing. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 57, 57-69.

Wattie, N., Schorer, J. & Baker, J. (2015). The relative age effect in sport: A developmental systems model. Sports Medicine, 45, 83-94.

Baker, J., Shuiskiy, K. & Schorer, J. (2014). Does size of one’s community affect likelihood of being drafted into the NHL? - Analysis of 25 years of data. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32, 1570-1575.

Baker, J., Janning, C., Wong, H., Cobley, S., & Schorer, J. (2014). Variations in relative age effects in individual sports: Skiing, figure skating and gymnastics. European Journal of Sport Science, 14, S183-S190.

Tirp, J., Baker, J., Weigelt, M. & Schorer, J. (2014). Combat stance in judo - Laterality differences between and within competition levels. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14, 217-224.

Wattie, N., Tietjens, M., Cobley, S., Schorer, J., Baker, J., & Kurz, D. (2014). Relative age-related participation and dropout trends in German youth sports clubs. European Journal of Sport Science, 14, S213-S220.

Wattie, N., Tietjens, M., Schorer, J., Ghanbari, M.-C., Strauss, B., Seidel, I. & Baker, J. (2014). Does relative age influence motor test performance of fourth grade pupils? European Physical Education Review, 20, 398-406. doi: 0.1177/1356336X14534363.

Baker, J., Koz, D., Kungl, A.-M., Fraser-Thomas, J., & Schorer, J. (2013). Staying at the top: playing position and performance affect career length in professional sport. High Ability Studies, 24, 63-76.

Baker, J., Kungl, A.-M., Pabst, J., Strauß, B., Büsch, D., & Schorer, J. (2013). Your fate is in your hands? - Handedness, digit ratio (2D:4D) and selection to a National talent development system. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 18 (6), 710-718.

Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2013). The Southpaw Advantage? - Lateral Preference in Mixed Martial Arts. PLoS ONE, 8 (11): e79793. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079793.

Gründel, A., Schorer, J., Strauss, B., & Baker, J. (2013). Does playing experience improve coaching? - An exploratory study of perceptual-cognitive skill in soccer coaches. Frontiers in Movement Science and Sport Psychology, 4, 129. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00129

Raab, M., de Oliviera, R. F., Schorer, J., & Hegele, M. (2013). Adaptation of motor control strategies to environmental cues in a pursuit-tracking task. Experimental Brain Research, 228, 155-160.

Rienhoff, R., Hopwood, M. J., Fischer, L., Strauss, B., Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2013). Transfer of motor and perceptual skills from basketball to darts. Frontiers in Psychology - Movement Science and Sport Psychology, 4. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00593.

Schorer, J., Rienhoff, R., Fischer, L., & Baker, J. (2013). Foveal and peripheral fields of vision influence perceptual skill in anticipating opponents´ attacking position in volleyball. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38 (3), 185-192.

Schorer, J., Wattie, N., & Baker, J. (2013). A new dimension to relative age effects: Constant year effects in German youth handball. Plos One, 8 (4), e60336. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060336.

Schorer, J., Westphal, H., Rienhoff, R., & Baker. J. (2013). Digit ratio effects between expertise levels in American Football players. Talent Development and Excellence, 5 (2), 113-116.

Abernethy, B., Schorer, J., Jackson, R. C., & Hagemann, N. (2012). Perceptual training methods compared: The relative efficacy of different approaches to enhancing sport-specific anticipation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 143-153.

Baker, J., Bagats, S., Büsch, D., Strauß, B. & Schorer, J. (2012). Training differences and selection in a talent identification system. Talent Development and Excellence, 4, 23-32.

Ellenbürger, T., Boutin, A., Panzer, S., Blandin, Y., Fischer, L., Schorer, J. & Shea, C. (2012). Observational training in visual half-fields and the coding of movement sequences. Human Movement Science, 31, 1436-1448.

Helsen, W. F., Baker, J., Michiels, S., Schorer, J., Van Winckel, J., & Williams, A. M. (2012). The relative age effect in European professional soccer: Did ten years of research make any difference? Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 1665-1671.

Loffing, F., Schorer, J., Hagemann, N., & Baker, J. (2012). On the advantage of being left-handed in volleyball: further evidence of the specificity of skilled visual perception. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74, 446-453.

Rienhoff, R., Baker, J., Fischer, L., Strauß, B. & Schorer, J. (2012). Field of vision influences sensory-motor control of skilled and less-skilled dart players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11, 542-550.

Schorer, J. & Baker, J. (2012). Continuing challenges for a systemic theory of gifted education. High Ability Studies, 23, 105-106.

Schorer, J., Jaitner, T., Wollny, R., Fath, F., & Baker, J. (2012). Influence of varying focus of attention conditions on dart throwing performance in experts and novices. Experimental Brain Research, 217, 287-297.

Schorer, J., Loffing, F., Hagemann, N. & Baker, J. (2012). Human handedness in interactive situations: Negative perceptual frequency effects can be reversed! Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 507-513.

Wattie, N., Schorer, J., Tietjens, M, Baker, J., & Cobley, S. (2012). Relative age effects in higher education: An investigation of potential long term impacts resulting from youth sport and education policies. Talent Development & Excellence, 1, 49-64.

Cañal-Bruland, R., Lotz, S., Hagemann, N., Schorer, J., & Strauß, B. (2011). Visual span and change detection in soccer: an expertise study. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 302-310.

Schorer, J., Neumann, J., Cobley, S., Tietjens, M. & Baker, J. (2011). Lingering effects of relative age in basketball players‘ post athletic career. International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching, 6, 143-147.

Baker, J. & Schorer, J. (2010). Identification and Development of Talent in Sport - Introduction to the Special Issue. Talent Development & Excellence, 2, 1-3.

Baker, J., Schorer, J., & Cobley, S. (2010). “Happy Birthday!?” - The Importance of Relative Age Effects in Sport. Sportwissenschaft, 1, 26-30.

Hagemann, N., Schorer, J., Cañal-Bruland, R., Lotz, S., & Strauß, B. (2010). Visual Perception in Fencing: Do the Eye Movements of Fencers Represent Their Information Pickup? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 2204-2214.

Loffing, F., Schorer, J., & Cobley, S. (2010). Handedness influences relative age effects in professional tennis. High Ability Studies, 21, 19-25.

Pabst, J., Büsch, D., Wilhelm, A., & Schorer, J. (2010). Haben es gute Handballer (selbst) in der Hand? Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 2, 140-154.

Puterman, J., Schorer, J., & Baker, J. (2010). Laterality differences in elite ice hockey: An investigation of shooting and catching orientation. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24, 1581-1593.

Schorer, J., Baker, J., Lotz, S., & Büsch, D. (2010). Influence of early environmental constraints on achievement motivation in talented young handball players. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 41, 42-57.

Schorer, J., Cañal-Bruland, R., & Cobley, S. (2010). Frequency of augmented feedback does not influence perceptual learning and retention in novices. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 41, 107-117.

Baker, J., Schorer, J., Cobley, S., Bräutigam, H., & Büsch, D. (2009). Gender, depth of competition and relative age effects in team sports. Asian Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 6, 7-13.

Baker, J., Schorer, J., Cobley, S., Schimmer, G., & Wattie, N. (2009). Circumstantial development and athletic excellence: The role of birth date and birth place. European Journal of Sport Science, 9, 329-339.

Schorer, J., & Baker, J. (2009). An exploratory study of aging and perceptual-motor expertise in handball goalkeepers. Experimental Aging Research, 35, 1-19.

Schorer, J., Baker, J., Büsch, D., Wilhelm, A., & Pabst, J. (2009). Relative age, talent identification and youth skill development: Do relatively younger have superior technical skills? Talent Development and Excellence, 1, 45-56.

Schorer, J., Cobley, S., Büsch, D., Bräutigam, H., & Baker, J. (2009). Influences of competition level, gender, player nationality, career stage and playing position on relative age effects. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 19, 720-730.

Cobley, S., Schorer, J,. & Baker, J. (2008). Relative age effects in elite German soccer: A historical analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26, 1531-1538.

Horton, S., Baker, J., & Schorer, J. (2008). Aging and sports expertise: Are some skills like good wine? European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 5, 89-96.

Schorer, J., Baker, J., Fath, F., & Jaitner, T. (2007). Identification of inter- and intrainidividual movement patterns in varying expertise levels. Journal of Motor Behavior, 39, 409-421.

Schorer, J., & Weiß, C. (2007). A weighted Kappa-coefficient for three observers as a measure for reliability of expert ratings on characteristics in handball throwing patterns. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11, 177-187.


Herausgeber und Gasteditor

Baker, J., Cobley, S., Schorer, J. & Wattie, N. (2017). The Routledge Handbook of Talent Identification and Development in Sport. London: Routledge.

Schorer, J., Baker, J., Stöger, H., & Ziegler, A. (2015). Identifying effective learning environments – Part 1. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 57, 37-39.

Ziegler, A. Stöger, H., Baker, J., & Schorer, J. (2015). Identifying effective learning environments – Part 2. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 57, 162.

Baker, J., Cobley, S., & Schorer, J. (2012). Talent Identification and Development in Sport - An international perspective. London: Routledge.

Baker, J., & Schorer, J. (2010). Identification and development of talent in sport. Talent Development and Excellence, 2.


Bücher und Buchbeiträge

Schorer, J. (in Druck). Erhalt von sportlicher Expertise im Alter: was wir von älteren Spitzensportlern lernen können.

Schorer, J., Panten, J., Neugebauer, J., & Loffing, F. (2018). Perceptual Expertise in Handball. In L. Laver, P. Landreau, R. Seil, & N. Popovic (Hrsg.), Handball Sports Medicine: Basic Science, Injury Management and Return to Sport (S. 597-614). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Baker, J., Cobley, S., Schorer, J. & Wattie, N. (2017). Talent identification and development in sport: An introduction. In J. Baker, S. Cobley, J. Schorer, & N. Wattie (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Talent Identification and Development in Sport (S. 1-8). London: Routledge.

Büsch, D., Schorer, J., & Raab, M. (2017). Taktik und Taktiktraining. In K. Hottenrott & I. Seidel (Hrsg.), Handbuch Trainingswissenschaft – Trainingslehre (S. 291-303). Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Hofmann.

Schorer, J., Wattie, N., Cobley, S. & Baker, J. (2017). Concluding, but definitely not conclusive, remarks on talent identification and development. In J. Baker, S. Cobley, J. Schorer, & N. Wattie (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Talent Identification and Development in Sport (S. 466-476). London: Routledge.

Schorer, J., Tirp, J., Steingröver, C. & Baker, J. (2016). Laterality and its role in talent identification and athlete development. In F. Loffing, N. Hagemann, B. Strauß & C. MacMahon (Hrsg.), Laterality in sports: Theories and applications (S. 88-106). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Baker, J., Wattie, N., & Schorer, J. (2015). Defining expertise: A taxonomy of skill levels for research in skill acquisition and expertise. In J. Baker & D. Farrow (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Sport Expertise (S. 145-155). London: Routledge.

Schorer, J., Loffing, F., Rienhoff, R., & Hagemann, N. (2015). Efficacy of training interventions for acquiring perceptual-cognitive skill. In J. Baker & D. Farrow (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Sport Expertise (S. 430-438). London: Routledge.

Schorer, J., Rienhoff, R. & Fischer, L. (2015). Talentprognose im Sport: Zwischen Wissenschaft und Wahrsagen. In C. Fischer, C. Fischer-Ontrup, F. Käpnick, F.-J. Mönks & C. Solzbacher (Hrsg.), Giftedness across the lifespan: Begabungsförderung von der frühen Kindheit bis ins Alter. (S. 369-378). Lit-Verlag: Berlin.

Schorer, J. & Elferink-Gemser, M. (2013). How good are we at predicting athletes‘ futures? In D. Farrow, J. Baker & C. MacMahon (Hrsg.), Developing sport expertise: Researchers and coaches put theory into practice (S. 30-40, 2. Ausgabe). London: Routledge.

Baker, J. Schorer, J. & Cobley, S. (2012). Lessons learned: The future of research in talent identification and development. In J. Baker, S. Cobley & J. Schorer (Hrsg.), Talent Identification and Development in Sport - International Perspectives (S. 167-173). London: Routledge.

Cobley, S., Schorer, J., & Baker, J. (2012). Talent identification and development: Background to a growing field of research and practice. In J. Baker, S. Cobley & J. Schorer (Hrsg.), Talent Identification and Development in Sport - International Perspectives (S. 1-10). London: Routledge.

Schorer, J., Büsch, D., Fischer, L., Pabst, J., Rienhoff, R., Sichelschmidt, P. & Strauß, B. (2012). Back to the future - A case report of the ongoing evaluation process of the German handball talent selection and development system. In J. Baker, S. Cobley & J. Schorer (Hrsg.), Talent Identification and Development in Sport - International Perspectives (S. 119-129). London: Routledge.

Schorer, J., Büsch, D., & Strauß, B. (2012). Talentsichtung beim Deutschen Handballbund zwischen Begabungs- und Expertiseansatz. In C. Fischer, C. Fischer-Ontrup, F. Käpnick, F. J. Mönks, H. Scheerer & C. Solzbacher (Hrsg.), Individuelle Förderung multipler Begabungen (S. 347-360). Lit-Verlag: Berlin.

Schorer, J., Fischer, L., Rienhoff, R., & Strauß, B. (2012) Unterstützung der Talentsichtungsmaßnahmen des Deutschen Handball-Bundes. BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2011/12 (S. 171-174). Bonn: Hausdruckerei des statistischen Bundesamtes.

Baker, J., & Schorer, J. (2011). How rowers develop. In V. Nolte (Hrsg.), Rowing faster (S. 33-40). Human Kinetics.

Schorer, J., Rienhoff, R., Fischer, L. & Strauß, B. in Kooperation mit P. Sichelschmidt, U. Lemmel, C. Schwarzer, F. Marschall, A. Wilhelm & D. Büsch (2011). Evaluation des Talentischuntgskonzepts des Deutschen Handball-Bundes. In Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Hg.), BISp-Jahrbuch – Forschungsförderung 2010/11 (S. 155-160). Bonn: Hausdruckerei des statistischen Bundesamtes.

Baker, J., & Schorer, J. (2010). Maintenance of skilled performance with age: Lessons from the Masters (Kapitel 6). In J. Baker, S. Horton & P. Weir (Hrsg.), Masters athletes: Understanding the role of exercise in optimizing aging (S. 66-78). London: Routledge.

Strauß, B., Schorer, J., Fischer, L., & Büsch, D. (2009). Fortführung von ergänzenden Sichtungstests im Handball – Leistungsmotivation und Antizipation als Prädiktoren. In Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Hg.), BISp-Jahrbuch – Forschungsförderung 2008/09 (S. 193-196). Bonn: Hausdruckerei des statistischen Bundesamtes.

Schorer, J. (2007). Höchstleistung im Handballtor - Eine Studie zur Identifikation, den Mechanismen und der Entwicklung senso-motorischer Expertise. Dissertationsschrift an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.
www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/7310. (17.04.2007).

Der Brockhaus Sport (6. Auflage - 2006). Mannheim: Brockhaus.

Fessler, N., Frommknecht, R., Kaiser, R., Renna, M., Schorer, J., & Binder, M. (2001). Förderung des leistungssportlichen Nachwuchses - Ergebnisse der Athletenbefragung in der D-Kader-Studie Baden-Württemberg 1999/2000. Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Hofmann.

Schorer, J. (2000). Die Ballschule im Gymnasium als Ersatz für die schwindende Straßenspielerfahrung - Ein Unterrichtsversuch bezüglich der überdauernden Transfermöglichkeiten von Taktikbausteinen in einer 5. Klasse. Zulassungsarbeit zum 2. Staatsexamen am staatlichen Seminar für Schulpädagogik Heidelberg. www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/4183. (13.01.2004).

Schorer, J. (1998). Regelt Struktur Lernen? - Über die Wechselwirkungen zwischen einer Tracking- und einer Tonzählaufgaben beim impliziten und expliziten motorischen Lernen. Zulassungsarbeit zum 1. Staatsexamen im Fach Sport und Sportwissenschaft an der Universität Heidelberg. www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/3970. (20.11.2003).


Beiträge zu Fachzeitschriften für Trainer und Lehrer

Loffing, F., Hagemann, N., Schorer, J. & Büsch, D. (2018). Vorteil Linkshänder? Handballtraining, 2, 36-37.

Büsch, D., Schorer, J., Pabst, J., Strauss, B., Petersen, K.-D., Pfänder, J. & Sichelschmidt, P. (2013). Evaluation of the talent identification programme of the German Handball Federation. In European Handball Federation (Eds.), 2nd EHF Scientific Conference. Women and handball: Scientific and practical approaches (S. 40-42). Vienna: European Handball Federation.

Pabst, J., Büsch, D., Schorer, J., Lemmel, U., Petersen, K.-D., Schwabe, A., Engler, T., Schmidt, W., Schwarzer, C., & Sichelschmidt, P. (2011). Die DHB-Talentsichtung 2011 – Teil 2. Handballtraining, 1, 40-44.

Pabst, J., Büsch, D., Schorer, J., Lemmel, U., Petersen, K.-D., Armbruster, C., Schwarzer, C., Wilhelm, A., Teichmann, R. & Sichelschmidt, P. (2010). Die DHB-Talentsichtung 2011 – Teil 1. Handballtraining, 12, 28-33.

Schorer, J. (2006). Just do it!: Thinking hinders competition performance, but does it help training? Coaching Australia, 9, 7.

Roth, K., Schorer, J., & Greco, P. (2005). Kleines 3 mal 3 der Kreativität - Teil 2. Handballtraining, 12, 2-6.

Schorer, J. & Wörner, A. (2005). Ich schau´ Dir in die Augen, Großer! - Blickbewegungsanalyse von Handballtorhütern beim Siebenmeterwurf und ihre Trainingsimplikationen. Handballtraining, 9+10, 42-46.

Abel, S., Fath, F., & Schorer, J. (2004). Passen, Werfen, Prellen - Fertigkeitsorientiertes Koordinationstraining. Sport & Spiel - Praxis in Bewegung, 16, 30-36.

Roth, K., Schorer, J., & Greco, P. (2004). Kleines 3 mal 3 der Kreativität - Teil 1. Handballtraining, 4, 17-22.

Schorer, J. (2003). eLearning in Geographie? - Ein Versuch in der gymnasialen Oberstufe. Praxis Geographie, 33, 59-60.

Schorer, J., & Müller, D. (2002). Quidditch für Muggles - Das Harry-Potter-Spiel für kleine Ballhexen und Ballzauberer. Handballtraining, 2, 28-31. (auch erschienen ohne das Wissen der Autoren unter Schorer, J. & Müller, D. (2002). Quidditch für Muggles - Das Harry-Potter-Spiel für kleine Leichtathletikhexen und -zauberer. Leichtathletiktraining, 3, 36-39.)

Schorer, J., & Müller, D. (2000). Wer zu spät kommt ... - Theoretische Einführung und Technikleitbilder für Torhüterinnen Teil 1. Handballtraining, 5, 4-8.

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