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Semester: Wintersemester 2016

3.90.159 Turkish Rap in Germany – A workshop on a music style that emerged among young migrants -  

Veranstaltungstermin | Raum

  • Dienstag, 1.11.2016 14:00 - 18:00 | A10-2-212
  • Mittwoch, 2.11.2016 9:00 - 13:00 | A4-4-414


Die Veranstaltung findet statt im Rahmen des Studiengangs EMMIR ist aber für andere Studierende der Universität geöffnet. Für Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an

Carried out by Dr. Verda Kaya (Berlin)

The history of German–Turkish rap began in the 1980s when teenagers from Turkish backgrounds started to imitate this new American music style. Later, the youth developed indigenous styles aligned with their own cultural and social background by combining different songs and languages and rapping about their specific local, national and transnational situation. Rap music has become a medium through which these youth express their opinions, emotions, and affiliations as well as their position relative to other social groups.
In this workshop, by analyzing selected songs and video clips from different periods, we will investigate how political and social circumstances and the position of German–Turkish youth within German society have affected the rap music produced by these artists. I will draw examples from my own research, but students are also welcome to contribute their own experiences and perspectives.

• Bower, Kathrin (2011): Minority Identity as German Identity in Conscious Rap and Gangsta Rap: Pushing the Margins, Redefending the Center. German Studies Review 34/2, 377- 398.
• Eksner, Julia (2006) : Ghetto Ideologies, Youth Identities and Stylized Turkish German - Turkish Youth in Berlin – Kreuzberg. Berlin: LIT Verlag Berlin, 7-14 & 30-50.
• Elias, Norbert (1994): The Established and the Outsiders – A Sociological Enquiry into Community Problems. London: Sage Publicstions, p XV-LII.
• Hall, Stuart (1993): Question of cultural identity . In: Hall, Stuart & Davod Jeöd & Tony McGrew (eds): Modernity and ist Futures. Polit Press, 291-309.
• Hall, Stuart (1990): Cultural Identity and Diaspora; URL: http://people.ucsc.edu/~jizamora/Hall_Cultural_Identity_and_Diaspora.pdf; 222-237.
• Kautny, Oliver (2013): Immigrant HipHop in Germany: The Cultural Identities of Migrants. In: Nitzsche, Sina & Walter Grünzweig (eds): Hip-Hop in Europe – Cultural Identities and Transnational Flows. Berlin: LIT, 405-419.

Verda Kaya is working as a freelance researcher in Berlin. She received her Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from the European University Viadrina in 2015. Her main areas of research are popular culture, urban anthropology, migration, transnationalism, music, HipHop, and ethnicity in Berlin and Istanbul. She is the author of two books (in German): HipHop zwischen Istanbul und Berlin: Eine (deutsch-)türkische Jugendkultur im lokalen und transnationalen Beziehungsgeflecht and Lehmburgen und Wellblechdächer: Architektur und Lebensform bei den Dagara in Ghana.



  • ipb618 Transculturality and Cultural Mobility
  • mir120 Evaluating und Developing Research Methods for Transcultural Contexts
  • mir320 Theory and Methods in Migration Studies



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