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Semester: Summer term 2017

3.02.191 S Dealing with Errors -  

Event date(s) | room


Language errors are an inseparable part of the language learning process. Although most foreign language learners are familiar with them, the nature of errors is actually quite complex and rather poorly understood. There are a number of fundamental questions concerning errors that we will deal with over the course of the seminar: What makes a language utterance an error? How many types of errors can second language speakers make? What makes an error trivial? Why do statements like "As you know lives my aunt on a farm" or "Waiter, I want two beers" seem more incorrect to some language users than to others? What errors should be corrected? How should we correct errors without over/underemphasizing their significance?

The seminar offers a thorough investigation of various aspects of language errors, focusing on theory as well as practice. Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
• Discuss various definitions of language errors as well as issues involved in error identification
• Describe and categorize learner competences and errors
• Diagnose the causes of specific errors
• Assess the gravity of errors taking into consideration modern teaching approaches as well as standards like curricula or CEFR
• Discuss the significance of errors, their evaluation and possible feedback methods



  • ang619 Contexts of Language Teaching and Learning

Study fields

  • Studium generale / Gasthörstudium



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