The following table was created as response to the SQL query SELECT sbs_sbsnumber "SBS number", sbs_sbsname "SBS name", wlv_name "woodiness", ssd_n "number of replicates ", ssd_valid "valid", ssdlv_name "SSD specific method", ssd_mean "mean SSD [g/cm^3]", ssd_maximum "maximum SSD [g/cm^3]", ssd_minimum "minimum SSD [g/cm^3]", ssd_median "median SSD [g/cm^3]", ssd_replicates "sample size", ssd_balanceerror "balance error [mg]", ssd_collectiondate "collection date", ssd_comment "general comment", eun_habcodeandname "EUNIS habitat code and name", m_methodname "general method", or_origrefname "original reference", ref_refname "reference" FROM (SELECT wlv.wlv_name, ssd_sbs.sbs_sbsnumber, ssd_sbs.sbs_sbsname, ssd_sbs.ssd_n, ssd_sbs.ssd_valid, ssd_sbs.ssdlv_name, ssd_sbs.ssd_mean, ssd_sbs.ssd_maximum, ssd_sbs.ssd_minimum, ssd_sbs.ssd_median, ssd_sbs.ssd_replicates, ssd_sbs.ssd_balanceerror, ssd_sbs.ssd_collectiondate, ssd_sbs.ssd_comment, ssd_sbs.eun_habcodeandname, ssd_sbs.m_methodname, ssd_sbs.or_origrefname, ssd_sbs.ref_refname, ssd_sbs.ssd_sbsnumber FROM (SELECT woodinessid AS wlv_id, woodinessname AS wlv_name FROM (SELECT woodinessid, woodinessname from woodiness_lv)) wlv JOIN (SELECT ssd_ssdlv.ssd_woodinessid, sbs.sbs_sbsnumber, sbs.sbs_sbsname, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_n, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_valid, ssd_ssdlv.ssdlv_name, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_mean, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_maximum, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_minimum, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_median, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_replicates, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_balanceerror, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_collectiondate, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_comment, ssd_ssdlv.eun_habcodeandname, ssd_ssdlv.m_methodname, ssd_ssdlv.or_origrefname, ssd_ssdlv.ref_refname, ssd_ssdlv.ssd_sbsnumber FROM (SELECT ssd_hab.ssd_woodinessid, ssd_hab.ssd_sbsnumber, ssd_hab.ssd_n, ssd_hab.ssd_valid, ssdlv.ssdlv_name, ssd_hab.ssd_mean, ssd_hab.ssd_maximum, ssd_hab.ssd_minimum, ssd_hab.ssd_median, ssd_hab.ssd_replicates, ssd_hab.ssd_balanceerror, ssd_hab.ssd_collectiondate, ssd_hab.ssd_comment, ssd_hab.eun_habcodeandname, ssd_hab.m_methodname, ssd_hab.or_origrefname, ssd_hab.ref_refname FROM (SELECT ssd_m.ssd_woodinessid, ssd_m.ssd_sbsnumber, ssd_m.ssd_specmethid, ssd_m.ssd_n, ssd_m.ssd_valid, ssd_m.ssd_mean, ssd_m.ssd_maximum, ssd_m.ssd_minimum, ssd_m.ssd_median, ssd_m.ssd_replicates, ssd_m.ssd_balanceerror, ssd_m.ssd_collectiondate, ssd_m.ssd_comment, hab_eun.eun_habcodeandname, ssd_m.m_methodname, ssd_m.or_origrefname, ssd_m.ref_refname FROM (SELECT ssd_orf.ssd_woodinessid, ssd_orf.ssd_sbsnumber, ssd_orf.ssd_specmethid, ssd_orf.ssd_n, ssd_orf.ssd_valid, ssd_orf.ssd_mean, ssd_orf.ssd_maximum, ssd_orf.ssd_minimum, ssd_orf.ssd_median, ssd_orf.ssd_replicates, ssd_orf.ssd_balanceerror, ssd_orf.ssd_collectiondate, ssd_orf.ssd_comment, ssd_orf.ssd_habitattypeid, m.m_methodname, ssd_orf.or_origrefname, ssd_orf.ref_refname FROM (SELECT ssd_r.ssd_woodinessid, ssd_r.ssd_sbsnumber, ssd_r.ssd_specmethid, ssd_r.ssd_n, ssd_r.ssd_valid, ssd_r.ssd_mean, ssd_r.ssd_maximum, ssd_r.ssd_minimum, ssd_r.ssd_median, ssd_r.ssd_replicates, ssd_r.ssd_balanceerror, ssd_r.ssd_collectiondate, ssd_r.ssd_comment, ssd_r.ssd_habitattypeid, ssd_r.ssd_methodid, orf.or_origrefname, ssd_r.ref_refname FROM (SELECT ssd.ssd_woodinessid, ssd.ssd_sbsnumber, ssd.ssd_specmethid, ssd.ssd_n, ssd.ssd_valid, ssd.ssd_mean, ssd.ssd_maximum, ssd.ssd_minimum, ssd.ssd_median, ssd.ssd_replicates, ssd.ssd_balanceerror, ssd.ssd_collectiondate, ssd.ssd_comment, ssd.ssd_habitattypeid, ssd.ssd_methodid, ssd.ssd_origreferenceid, r.ref_refname FROM (SELECT woodinessid AS ssd_woodinessid, sbsnumber AS ssd_sbsnumber, ssdspecificmethodid AS ssd_specmethid, n AS ssd_n, valid AS ssd_valid, stemtissuedensityid AS ssd_recordid, mean AS ssd_mean, maximum AS ssd_maximum, minimum AS ssd_minimum, median AS ssd_median, replicates AS ssd_replicates, balanceerror AS ssd_balanceerror, collectiondate AS ssd_collectiondate, p_comment AS ssd_comment, habitattypeid AS ssd_habitattypeid, methodid AS ssd_methodid, origreferenceid AS ssd_origreferenceid, referenceid AS ssd_referenceid FROM (SELECT stemtissuedensityid, n, mean, median, minimum, maximum, stddeviation, stderror, replicates, collectiondate, sbsnumber, woodinessid, ssdspecificmethodid, referenceid, origreferenceid, p_comment, created_when, updated_when, methodid, taxonid, originalwoodinessvalue, batchid, updatedwho, plantstageid, balanceerror, habitattypeid, georefid, valid, validsince, validuntil, ledaid from stemtissuedensity natural join taxontosbsassignment WHERE valid IN (-2, 1, -1, 0, 2, -8, 2, -8))) ssd JOIN (SELECT referenceid AS ref_referenceid, refname AS ref_refname FROM (select referenceid, refname, reftypeid from reference)) r ON ssd.ssd_referenceid = r.ref_referenceid) ssd_r LEFT JOIN (SELECT origreferenceid AS or_origrefid, origrefname AS or_origrefname FROM (select referenceid as origreferenceid, refname as origrefname, reftypeid as origreftypeid from reference)) orf ON ssd_r.ssd_origreferenceid = orf.or_origrefid) ssd_orf LEFT JOIN (SELECT methodid AS m_methodid, methodname AS m_methodname FROM (select * from method_lv)) m ON ssd_orf.ssd_methodid = m.m_methodid) ssd_m LEFT JOIN (SELECT hab.hab_habitattypeid, eun.eun_habcodeandname FROM (SELECT habitattypeid AS hab_habitattypeid, eunishabitattypeid AS hab_eunisid FROM (select * from habtype_base)) hab FULL JOIN (SELECT eunishabitattypeid AS eun_habitattypeid, eunishabitattypecodeandname AS eun_habcodeandname FROM (SELECT eunishabitattypeid, eunishabitattypename, eunishabitattypecode, eunishabitattypecodeandname FROM eunishabitattype_lv)) eun ON hab.hab_eunisid = eun.eun_habitattypeid) hab_eun ON ssd_m.ssd_habitattypeid = hab_eun.hab_habitattypeid) ssd_hab LEFT JOIN (SELECT ssdspecificmethodid AS ssdlv_id, ssdspecificmethodname AS ssdlv_name FROM (select ssdspecificmethodid, ssdspecificmethodname from ssdspecificmethod_lv)) ssdlv ON ssd_hab.ssd_specmethid = ssdlv.ssdlv_id) ssd_ssdlv JOIN (SELECT speciesno AS sbs_sbsnumber, fullname AS sbs_sbsname FROM (SELECT fullname, speciesno, familyname, isinledalist from (select fullname, speciesno, family as familyid, isinledalist from taxon where specieslist = 60028) natural join taxonomicfamily)) sbs ON ssd_ssdlv.ssd_sbsnumber = sbs.sbs_sbsnumber) ssd_sbs ON wlv.wlv_id = ssd_sbs.ssd_woodinessid) ORDER BY sbs_sbsname on Wed Aug 08 09:53:25 CEST 2007 . SBS number;SBS name;woodiness;number of replicates ;valid;SSD specific method;mean SSD [g/cm^3];maximum SSD [g/cm^3];minimum SSD [g/cm^3];median SSD [g/cm^3];sample size;balance error [mg];collection date;general comment;EUNIS habitat code and name;general method;original reference;reference 697;Abies alba;woody;1;1;;;719;240;;1;;;moisture content 12-15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 697;Abies alba;woody;2;1;;.43;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 25800;Abutilon theophrasti;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 811;Acer campestre;woody;1;1;;690;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Woods of the world, 811;Acer campestre;woody;2;1;;.63;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 811;Acer campestre;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 811;Acer campestre;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 811;Acer campestre;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 811;Acer campestre;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 811;Acer campestre;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 811;Acer campestre;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Rebele, F. (1992): Colonization and early succession on anthropogenic soils.;BIOPOP April 2005 785;Acer negundo;woody;1;1;;540;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Woods of the world, 785;Acer negundo;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 801;Acer platanoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 801;Acer platanoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 801;Acer platanoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 801;Acer platanoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 801;Acer platanoides;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 803;Acer pseudoplatanus;woody;1;1;;610;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Woods of the world, 803;Acer pseudoplatanus;woody;1;1;;630;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Woods of the world, 803;Acer pseudoplatanus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 803;Acer pseudoplatanus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 803;Acer pseudoplatanus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 803;Acer pseudoplatanus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 803;Acer pseudoplatanus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39442;Aceras anthropophorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39442;Aceras anthropophorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4689;Achillea cartilaginea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5353;Achillea clusiana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3512;Achillea collina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5359;Achillea distans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3013;Achillea millefolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3013;Achillea millefolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Poschlod, P.(2003): BIOPOP - A database of plant traits and internet application for nature conservation.;BIOPOP April 2005 3013;Achillea millefolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3014;Achillea nobilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5321;Achillea pannonica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 59399;Achillea pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4799;Achillea ptarmica;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4799;Achillea ptarmica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4799;Achillea ptarmica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3187;Achillea roseo-alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3187;Achillea roseo-alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5941;Achillea setacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24605;Acinos alpinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24605;Acinos alpinus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24493;Acinos arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24493;Acinos arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27413;Aconitum lycoctonum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 27413;Aconitum lycoctonum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27279;Aconitum napellus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45875;Aconitum napellus s. firmum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 45874;Aconitum napellus s. tauricum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27421;Aconitum variegatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 45341;Aconitum variegatum s. paniculatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35825;Acorus calamus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35825;Acorus calamus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4695;Acroptilon repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27324;Actaea spicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27324;Actaea spicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15316;Adenophora lilifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3188;Adenostyles alliariae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27328;Adonis aestivalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27328;Adonis aestivalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27329;Adonis annua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27329;Adonis annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27336;Adonis flammea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29095;Adonis vernalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2407;Adoxa moschatellina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2407;Adoxa moschatellina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41112;Aegilops geniculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40461;Aegilops neglecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2007;Aegopodium podagraria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2007;Aegopodium podagraria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 2007;Aegopodium podagraria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24980;Aesculus carnea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24982;Aesculus hippocastanum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 24982;Aesculus hippocastanum;woody;1;1;;510;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 24982;Aesculus hippocastanum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24982;Aesculus hippocastanum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 3652;Aetheorhiza bulbosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14330;Aethionema saxatile;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14330;Aethionema saxatile;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1502;Aethusa cynapium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1502;Aethusa cynapium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39394;Agapanthus praecox;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4803;Ageratum houstonianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29512;Agrimonia eupatoria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29512;Agrimonia eupatoria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29512;Agrimonia eupatoria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29916;Agrimonia procera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29916;Agrimonia procera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16318;Agrostemma githago;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16318;Agrostemma githago;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40530;Agrostis agrostiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40532;Agrostis canina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40532;Agrostis canina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40532;Agrostis canina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41392;Agrostis capillaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41392;Agrostis capillaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41392;Agrostis capillaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40483;Agrostis curtisii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40852;Agrostis gigantea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40852;Agrostis gigantea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40856;Agrostis mertensii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 41403;Agrostis scabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41403;Agrostis scabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40378;Agrostis schleicheri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40861;Agrostis stolonifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40861;Agrostis stolonifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40861;Agrostis stolonifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40861;Agrostis stolonifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40861;Agrostis stolonifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41896;Agrostis vinealis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41896;Agrostis vinealis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34523;Ailanthus altissima;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34523;Ailanthus altissima;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 34523;Ailanthus altissima;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40866;Aira caryophyllea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40866;Aira caryophyllea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41628;Aira elegantissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41628;Aira elegantissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41629;Aira praecox;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41629;Aira praecox;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24497;Ajuga chamaepitys;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24497;Ajuga chamaepitys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24142;Ajuga genevensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24142;Ajuga genevensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24144;Ajuga pyramidalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24144;Ajuga pyramidalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25159;Ajuga reptans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25159;Ajuga reptans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25159;Ajuga reptans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 25760;Alcea rosea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29516;Alchemilla acutiloba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29517;Alchemilla alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 29517;Alchemilla alpina;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29517;Alchemilla alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30404;Alchemilla filicaulis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30404;Alchemilla filicaulis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30979;Alchemilla glabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 30979;Alchemilla glabra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30979;Alchemilla glabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29479;Alchemilla glaucescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30703;Alchemilla glomerulans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29481;Alchemilla gracilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30969;Alchemilla minima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30970;Alchemilla mollis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30970;Alchemilla mollis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29465;Alchemilla monticola;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29465;Alchemilla monticola;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30975;Alchemilla plicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30381;Alchemilla propinqua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30359;Alchemilla subcrenata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30359;Alchemilla subcrenata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30359;Alchemilla subcrenata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 60849;Alchemilla vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30964;Alchemilla wichurae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30366;Alchemilla xanthochlora;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 30366;Alchemilla xanthochlora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30366;Alchemilla xanthochlora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18992;Aldrovanda vesiculosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35625;Alisma gramineum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35625;Alisma gramineum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35630;Alisma lanceolatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35630;Alisma lanceolatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35609;Alisma plantago-aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35609;Alisma plantago-aquatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13080;Alliaria petiolata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13080;Alliaria petiolata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13080;Alliaria petiolata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 38373;Allium angulosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39346;Allium atropurpureum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39360;Allium carinatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38778;Allium cepa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38778;Allium cepa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 39386;Allium fistulosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39387;Allium flavum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39298;Allium moly;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39347;Allium nigrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38816;Allium oleraceum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38816;Allium oleraceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38827;Allium paradoxum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39316;Allium porrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39214;Allium sativum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 39221;Allium schoenoprasum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39221;Allium schoenoprasum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39339;Allium scorodoprasum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39339;Allium scorodoprasum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38736;Allium scorodoprasum s. rotundum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39230;Allium senescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38329;Allium senescens s. montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39232;Allium sphaerocephalon;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38745;Allium suaveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39242;Allium triquetrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39242;Allium triquetrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39243;Allium ursinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39243;Allium ursinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38350;Allium victorialis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39246;Allium vineale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39246;Allium vineale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39246;Allium vineale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11692;Alnus cordata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11694;Alnus glutinosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11694;Alnus glutinosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 11694;Alnus glutinosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11694;Alnus glutinosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11694;Alnus glutinosa;woody;1;1;;410;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15 %;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 11695;Alnus incana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11695;Alnus incana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40867;Alopecurus aequalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40867;Alopecurus aequalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42103;Alopecurus bulbosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42103;Alopecurus bulbosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41635;Alopecurus geniculatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41635;Alopecurus geniculatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41138;Alopecurus myosuroides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 41138;Alopecurus myosuroides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41138;Alopecurus myosuroides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40391;Alopecurus pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40391;Alopecurus pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40391;Alopecurus pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25778;Althaea hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25782;Althaea officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25782;Althaea officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13424;Alyssum alyssoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13424;Alyssum alyssoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14366;Alyssum montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14356;Alyssum montanum s. gmelinii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 891;Amaranthus albus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 892;Amaranthus blitoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 894;Amaranthus caudatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 900;Amaranthus deflexus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 901;Amaranthus graecizans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 897;Amaranthus hybridus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 897;Amaranthus hybridus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 924;Amaranthus lividus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 924;Amaranthus lividus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44854;Amaranthus powellii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 931;Amaranthus retroflexus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 931;Amaranthus retroflexus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 932;Amaranthus standleyanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44859;Amaranthus viridis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4198;Ambrosia artemisiifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5955;Ambrosia coronopifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6319;Ambrosia trifida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30111;Amelanchier canadensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30928;Amelanchier grandiflora;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 50025;Amelanchier lamarckii;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29390;Amelanchier ovalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29852;Amelanchier spicata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1508;Ammi majus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1509;Ammi visnaga;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40398;Ammophila arenaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40398;Ammophila arenaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12585;Amsinckia lycopsoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12586;Amsinckia menziesii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39443;Anacamptis pyramidalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39443;Anacamptis pyramidalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4926;Anacyclus clavatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4926;Anacyclus clavatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28783;Anagallis arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28783;Anagallis arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28783;Anagallis arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 28783;Anagallis arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29031;Anagallis foemina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28953;Anagallis minima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28953;Anagallis minima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28935;Anagallis tenella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28935;Anagallis tenella;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5740;Anaphalis margaritacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33247;Anarrhinum bellidifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12189;Anchusa arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12189;Anchusa arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12189;Anchusa arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12594;Anchusa azurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12206;Anchusa ochroleuca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12527;Anchusa officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12527;Anchusa officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 19573;Andromeda polifolia;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19573;Andromeda polifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 19573;Andromeda polifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19573;Andromeda polifolia;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28969;Androsace elongata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29061;Androsace lactea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28785;Androsace maxima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28905;Androsace septentrionalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27220;Anemone apennina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27345;Anemone blanda;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45374;Anemone narcissifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27355;Anemone nemorosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27355;Anemone nemorosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27355;Anemone nemorosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27355;Anemone nemorosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27359;Anemone ranunculoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27363;Anemone sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1512;Anethum graveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1514;Angelica archangelica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1514;Angelica archangelica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1518;Angelica palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1519;Angelica sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1519;Angelica sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1519;Angelica sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4017;Antennaria carpatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2770;Antennaria dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 2770;Antennaria dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2770;Antennaria dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4553;Anthemis altissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3024;Anthemis arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3024;Anthemis arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3024;Anthemis arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kay, Q. O. N. (1971): Biological flora of the British Isles: Anthemis arvensis L.;BIOPOP April 2005 4304;Anthemis austriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2778;Anthemis cotula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2778;Anthemis cotula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3848;Anthemis ruthenica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2787;Anthemis tinctoria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38767;Anthericum liliago;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38246;Anthericum ramosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41906;Anthoxanthum alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 41906;Anthoxanthum alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40551;Anthoxanthum aristatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41907;Anthoxanthum odoratum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41907;Anthoxanthum odoratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 41907;Anthoxanthum odoratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41907;Anthoxanthum odoratum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1975;Anthriscus caucalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1975;Anthriscus caucalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1526;Anthriscus cerefolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1526;Anthriscus cerefolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1447;Anthriscus nitida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1916;Anthriscus sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1916;Anthriscus sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1916;Anthriscus sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1916;Anthriscus sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21660;Anthyllis vulneraria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19687;Anthyllis vulneraria s. maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33261;Antirrhinum majus;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33261;Antirrhinum majus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41910;Apera interrupta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41910;Apera interrupta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40884;Apera spica-venti;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40884;Apera spica-venti;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40884;Apera spica-venti;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29391;Aphanes arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29391;Aphanes arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29391;Aphanes arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29391;Aphanes arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 59469;Aphanes australis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 50026;Aphanes inexspectata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1456;Apium graveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1456;Apium graveolens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1920;Apium inundatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1920;Apium inundatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1922;Apium nodiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1922;Apium nodiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1922;Apium nodiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1922;Apium nodiflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1923;Apium repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1923;Apium repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3210;Aposeris foetida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27254;Aquilegia atrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27156;Aquilegia vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27156;Aquilegia vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13762;Arabidopsis suecica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12652;Arabidopsis thaliana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12652;Arabidopsis thaliana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12652;Arabidopsis thaliana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13346;Arabis alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45783;Arabis alpina s. caucasica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13349;Arabis glabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13349;Arabis glabra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13002;Arabis hirsuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13002;Arabis hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 50027;Arabis nemorensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14272;Arabis pumila;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14273;Arabis sagittata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14273;Arabis sagittata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13357;Arabis stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13010;Arabis turrita;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19577;Arbutus unedo;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6084;Arctium lappa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6084;Arctium lappa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6084;Arctium lappa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4154;Arctium minus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 4154;Arctium minus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3371;Arctium nemorosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2788;Arctium pubens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3664;Arctium tomentosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19579;Arctostaphylos alpinus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19579;Arctostaphylos alpinus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19579;Arctostaphylos alpinus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19579;Arctostaphylos alpinus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19582;Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19582;Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 19582;Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19582;Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19582;Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29395;Aremonia agrimonoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15688;Arenaria biflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16814;Arenaria ciliata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16393;Arenaria norvegica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16829;Arenaria procera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17328;Arenaria procera s. procera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16833;Arenaria serpyllifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 16833;Arenaria serpyllifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44912;Arenaria serpyllifolia s. leptoclados;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44915;Arenaria serpyllifolia s. marschlinsii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25430;Argemone mexicana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2411;Aristolochia clematitis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 2411;Aristolochia clematitis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2411;Aristolochia clematitis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44684;Aristolochia macrophylla;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28355;Armeria maritima;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Woodell, S. R. J. (1993): Biological flora of the British Isles: Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. (Statice armeria L., S. maritima Mill.).;BIOPOP April 2005 28355;Armeria maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28704;Armeria maritima s. alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28709;Armeria maritima s. elongata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28712;Armeria maritima s. halleri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28229;Armeria maritima s. maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13400;Armoracia rusticana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13400;Armoracia rusticana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3665;Arnica montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3666;Arnoseris minima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3666;Arnoseris minima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40414;Arrhenatherum elatius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40414;Arrhenatherum elatius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40414;Arrhenatherum elatius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40414;Arrhenatherum elatius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5486;Artemisia absinthium;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5486;Artemisia absinthium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5486;Artemisia absinthium;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5487;Artemisia annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5603;Artemisia austriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 60555;Artemisia biennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2974;Artemisia campestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2974;Artemisia campestris;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2974;Artemisia campestris;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 2974;Artemisia campestris;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6183;Artemisia dracunculus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5950;Artemisia herba-alba;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2981;Artemisia maritima;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5607;Artemisia norvegica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5491;Artemisia pontica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5327;Artemisia rupestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4158;Artemisia vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4158;Artemisia vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4158;Artemisia vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 4158;Artemisia vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 59052;Arum cylindraceum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 35838;Arum italicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35838;Arum italicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35847;Arum maculatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35847;Arum maculatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31209;Aruncus dioicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2429;Asarum europaeum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2546;Asclepias syriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38660;Asparagus officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38660;Asparagus officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38660;Asparagus officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12544;Asperugo procumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31962;Asperula aristata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32387;Asperula arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31904;Asperula cynanchica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31904;Asperula cynanchica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: occidentalis. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31904;Asperula cynanchica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: cynanchica. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32080;Asperula neilreichii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31751;Asperula purpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31704;Asperula taurina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32329;Asperula tinctoria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44473;Asplenium foreziense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44479;Asplenium ruta-muraria s. dolomiticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44469;Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3537;Aster amellus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 5953;Aster laevis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5496;Aster lanceolatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5330;Aster linosyris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5845;Aster macrophyllus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5614;Aster novae-angliae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4901;Aster novi-belgii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4901;Aster novi-belgii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 4901;Aster novi-belgii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5754;Aster squamatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3673;Aster tradescantii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3539;Aster tripolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3539;Aster tripolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3539;Aster tripolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4781;Aster x salignus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3674;Asteriscus aquaticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21673;Astragalus alpinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-07-22 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 21673;Astragalus alpinus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20420;Astragalus arenarius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21198;Astragalus cicer;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22416;Astragalus danicus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21682;Astragalus exscapus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21746;Astragalus frigidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22427;Astragalus glycyphyllos;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 22427;Astragalus glycyphyllos;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22427;Astragalus glycyphyllos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19740;Astragalus hamosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21291;Astragalus monspessulanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22386;Astragalus onobrychis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1925;Astrantia major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1469;Athamanta cretensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35;Athyrium distentifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 4163;Atractylis humilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17758;Atriplex calotheca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17760;Atriplex glabriuscula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17760;Atriplex glabriuscula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17763;Atriplex halimus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17771;Atriplex hortensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17773;Atriplex laciniata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17773;Atriplex laciniata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17778;Atriplex littoralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17778;Atriplex littoralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17778;Atriplex littoralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17780;Atriplex longipes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17780;Atriplex longipes;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44812;Atriplex micrantha;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 17673;Atriplex oblongifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17675;Atriplex patula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17675;Atriplex patula;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Bassett, I. J. (1987): The biology of Canadian weeds. 81. Atriplex patula L., A. prostata Boucher ex DC. and A. rosea L.;BIOPOP April 2005 17675;Atriplex patula;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Bassett, I. J. (1987): The biology of Canadian weeds. 81. Atriplex patula L., A. prostata Boucher ex DC. and A. rosea L.;BIOPOP April 2005 17675;Atriplex patula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 17675;Atriplex patula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17675;Atriplex patula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17675;Atriplex patula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17675;Atriplex patula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17675;Atriplex patula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17678;Atriplex praecox;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44815;Atriplex prostrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44815;Atriplex prostrata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 44815;Atriplex prostrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44815;Atriplex prostrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44815;Atriplex prostrata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17679;Atriplex rosea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17681;Atriplex tatarica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35087;Atropa bella-donna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14284;Aubrieta deltoidea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14284;Aubrieta deltoidea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45901;Aurinia saxatilis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40425;Avena fatua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40425;Avena fatua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40425;Avena fatua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41151;Avena sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41440;Avena sterilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41440;Avena sterilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41440;Avena sterilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40565;Avena strigosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40921;Avenula pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40921;Avenula pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40923;Avenula pubescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40923;Avenula pubescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40923;Avenula pubescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17687;Axyris amaranthoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44564;Azolla mexicana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44564;Azolla mexicana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35614;Baldellia ranunculoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35614;Baldellia ranunculoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 59543;Baldellia repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24563;Ballota nigra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 24563;Ballota nigra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24561;Ballota nigra s. meridionalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13016;Barbarea intermedia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13016;Barbarea intermedia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14378;Barbarea stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14378;Barbarea stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13787;Barbarea verna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13787;Barbarea verna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14291;Barbarea vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14291;Barbarea vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14291;Barbarea vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34451;Bartsia alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 34451;Bartsia alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34451;Bartsia alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17801;Bassia hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44827;Bassia hyssopifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44830;Bassia laniflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44831;Bassia scoparia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44831;Bassia scoparia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40600;Beckmannia eruciformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33193;Bellardia trixago;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3540;Bellis annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2808;Bellis perennis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 2808;Bellis perennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2808;Bellis perennis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11672;Berberis vulgaris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 11672;Berberis vulgaris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11672;Berberis vulgaris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31306;Bergenia crassifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14292;Berteroa incana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1938;Berula erecta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1938;Berula erecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17813;Beta macrocarpa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17818;Beta trigyna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17819;Beta vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17819;Beta vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17822;Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11714;Betula humilis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11715;Betula nana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;De Groot, W. J.(1997): Biological flora of the British Isles: Betula nana L. and Betula glandulosa Michx.;BIOPOP April 2005 11715;Betula nana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;woody stems below soil surface!;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 11715;Betula nana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11716;Betula obscura;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11720;Betula pendula;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11720;Betula pendula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11720;Betula pendula;woody;1;1;;657;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 11720;Betula pendula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 11720;Betula pendula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 11720;Betula pendula;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11725;Betula pubescens;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;G4.2 - Mixed taiga woodland with [Betula];observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 11725;Betula pubescens;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11725;Betula pubescens;woody;1;1;;;719;600;;1;;;Moisture Content 12-15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 11725;Betula pubescens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5620;Bidens bipinnata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3807;Bidens cernua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3807;Bidens cernua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3153;Bidens connata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3153;Bidens connata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6191;Bidens frondosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6191;Bidens frondosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4278;Bidens pilosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5325;Bidens radiata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3990;Bidens tripartita;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3990;Bidens tripartita;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5102;Bidens vulgata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1939;Bifora radians;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2359;Bifora testiculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13799;Biscutella laevigata;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 22864;Blackstonia perfoliata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22864;Blackstonia perfoliata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37421;Blysmus compressus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37421;Blysmus compressus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37423;Blysmus rufus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37423;Blysmus rufus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12546;Borago officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41945;Brachypodium phoenicoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40931;Brachypodium pinnatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40931;Brachypodium pinnatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41177;Brachypodium pinnatum s. pinnatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41177;Brachypodium pinnatum s. pinnatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 41666;Brachypodium retusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41179;Brachypodium sylvaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41179;Brachypodium sylvaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41179;Brachypodium sylvaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41179;Brachypodium sylvaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14200;Brassica elongata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13688;Brassica juncea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14206;Brassica napus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14206;Brassica napus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14206;Brassica napus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13691;Brassica nigra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13691;Brassica nigra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14208;Brassica oleracea;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14208;Brassica oleracea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14208;Brassica oleracea;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13695;Brassica rapa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13695;Brassica rapa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41668;Briza maxima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40342;Briza media;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40342;Briza media;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41669;Briza minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40609;Bromus arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40609;Bromus arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41454;Bromus benekenii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41454;Bromus benekenii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41455;Bromus brachystachys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40352;Bromus carinatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40352;Bromus carinatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40941;Bromus commutatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40941;Bromus commutatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42153;Bromus diandrus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40358;Bromus erectus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40358;Bromus erectus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40358;Bromus erectus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42156;Bromus grossus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40361;Bromus hordeaceus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40361;Bromus hordeaceus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40361;Bromus hordeaceus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41461;Bromus hordeaceus subsp. thominii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40620;Bromus inermis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40620;Bromus inermis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40621;Bromus intermedius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40365;Bromus japonicus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40365;Bromus japonicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42158;Bromus lanceolatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42159;Bromus lepidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42159;Bromus lepidus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40949;Bromus madritensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40626;Bromus pseudosecalinus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40951;Bromus racemosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40951;Bromus racemosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40952;Bromus ramosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40952;Bromus ramosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42165;Bromus rigidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41194;Bromus scoparius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40610;Bromus secalinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40610;Bromus secalinus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40372;Bromus squarrosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40373;Bromus sterilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40373;Bromus sterilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40373;Bromus sterilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40373;Bromus sterilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 41688;Bromus tectorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 41688;Bromus tectorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41688;Bromus tectorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42170;Bromus willdenowii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25298;Broussonetia papyrifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18474;Bryonia alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18476;Bryonia cretica s. cretica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18478;Bryonia cretica s. dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18478;Bryonia cretica s. dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18478;Bryonia cretica s. dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15414;Buddleja davidii;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15414;Buddleja davidii;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15414;Buddleja davidii;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15414;Buddleja davidii;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12486;Buglossoides purpurocaerulea;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14224;Bunias erucago;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14415;Bunias orientalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2366;Bunium bulbocastanum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2366;Bunium bulbocastanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5238;Buphthalmum salicifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1435;Bupleurum baldense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1903;Bupleurum baldense s. gussonei;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1909;Bupleurum falcatum;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 1909;Bupleurum falcatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1909;Bupleurum falcatum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1418;Bupleurum gerardi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1884;Bupleurum lancifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1423;Bupleurum longifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1894;Bupleurum rotundifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1896;Bupleurum stellatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1364;Bupleurum tenuissimum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1364;Bupleurum tenuissimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35620;Butomus umbellatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35620;Butomus umbellatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14716;Buxus sempervirens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14716;Buxus sempervirens;woody;1;1;;910;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 14716;Buxus sempervirens;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14716;Buxus sempervirens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 14716;Buxus sempervirens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 14226;Cakile maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14226;Cakile maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40633;Calamagrostis arundinacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40960;Calamagrostis canescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40960;Calamagrostis canescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41199;Calamagrostis epigejos;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 41199;Calamagrostis epigejos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41199;Calamagrostis epigejos;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40637;Calamagrostis pseudophragmites;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40263;Calamagrostis purpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41480;Calamagrostis purpurea s. phragmitoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40639;Calamagrostis purpurea subsp. pseudopurpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40265;Calamagrostis stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40265;Calamagrostis stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40967;Calamagrostis varia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40268;Calamagrostis villosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23766;Calamintha nepeta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23766;Calamintha nepeta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24205;Calamintha sylvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35608;Caldesia parnassifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3677;Calendula arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3991;Calendula officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12957;Calepina irregularis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35879;Calla palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15440;Callitriche brutia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15447;Callitriche cophocarpa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15444;Callitriche hamulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15444;Callitriche hamulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15453;Callitriche hermaphroditica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15453;Callitriche hermaphroditica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15457;Callitriche obtusangula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15457;Callitriche obtusangula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15420;Callitriche palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15423;Callitriche platycarpa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15423;Callitriche platycarpa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15424;Callitriche stagnalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15424;Callitriche stagnalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15424;Callitriche stagnalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15431;Callitriche truncata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19587;Calluna vulgaris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19587;Calluna vulgaris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19587;Calluna vulgaris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 19587;Calluna vulgaris;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19587;Calluna vulgaris;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27293;Caltha palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27293;Caltha palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18945;Calystegia sepium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18945;Calystegia sepium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18945;Calystegia sepium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18945;Calystegia sepium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18953;Calystegia silvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18953;Calystegia silvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18962;Calystegia soldanella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18962;Calystegia soldanella;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14231;Camelina alyssum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13713;Camelina microcarpa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14234;Camelina sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14234;Camelina sativa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15267;Campanula alliariifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15244;Campanula baumgartenii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15249;Campanula bononiensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15223;Campanula cenisia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15224;Campanula cervicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15227;Campanula cochlearifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15158;Campanula glomerata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15158;Campanula glomerata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15145;Campanula latifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15145;Campanula latifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15116;Campanula medium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15092;Campanula patula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15092;Campanula patula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15092;Campanula patula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15103;Campanula persicifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15103;Campanula persicifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15082;Campanula rapunculoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15082;Campanula rapunculoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15082;Campanula rapunculoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15083;Campanula rapunculus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15083;Campanula rapunculus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15089;Campanula rhomboidalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15045;Campanula rotundifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15045;Campanula rotundifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15045;Campanula rotundifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15045;Campanula rotundifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 15030;Campanula sibirica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14991;Campanula thyrsoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15002;Campanula trachelium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15002;Campanula trachelium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15002;Campanula trachelium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14695;Cannabis sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12848;Capsella bursa-pastoris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12848;Capsella bursa-pastoris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12848;Capsella bursa-pastoris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12848;Capsella bursa-pastoris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13720;Capsella rubella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35076;Capsicum annuum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20788;Caragana arborescens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 14239;Cardamine amara;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14239;Cardamine amara;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14430;Cardamine bulbifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14430;Cardamine bulbifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14432;Cardamine enneaphyllos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13294;Cardamine flexuosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13294;Cardamine flexuosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13726;Cardamine heptaphylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14245;Cardamine hirsuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14245;Cardamine hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14245;Cardamine hirsuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 13298;Cardamine impatiens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13298;Cardamine impatiens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14444;Cardamine parviflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14251;Cardamine pentaphyllos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14249;Cardamine pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14249;Cardamine pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45757;Cardamine pratensis s. crassifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13397;Cardamine pratensis s. dentata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 45759;Cardamine pratensis s. matthioli;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14130;Cardaminopsis arenosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14132;Cardaminopsis halleri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13735;Cardaminopsis petraea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13313;Cardaria draba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13313;Cardaria draba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 13313;Cardaria draba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3326;Carduus acanthoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2731;Carduus crispus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 2731;Carduus crispus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): C. acanthoides;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2731;Carduus crispus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3164;Carduus defloratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3493;Carduus nutans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3493;Carduus nutans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2736;Carduus personata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5921;Carduus tenuiflorus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5921;Carduus tenuiflorus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38000;Carex acuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38000;Carex acuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37460;Carex acutiformis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37460;Carex acutiformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37462;Carex alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37464;Carex appropinquata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37464;Carex appropinquata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38015;Carex aquatilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38015;Carex aquatilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38017;Carex arenaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38017;Carex arenaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38021;Carex atherodes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37469;Carex atrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37469;Carex atrata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36945;Carex atrata s. aterrima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37347;Carex atrofusca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37347;Carex atrofusca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37350;Carex bigelowii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37350;Carex bigelowii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38036;Carex binervis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38039;Carex bohemica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37356;Carex brizoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37929;Carex brunnescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37930;Carex buekii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37932;Carex buxbaumii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37932;Carex buxbaumii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37936;Carex capillaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-07-21 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37936;Carex capillaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37362;Carex caryophyllea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37362;Carex caryophyllea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37943;Carex cespitosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37947;Carex chordorrhiza;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37950;Carex curta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37950;Carex curta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37370;Carex curvula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37956;Carex davalliana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37963;Carex depauperata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37377;Carex diandra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37377;Carex diandra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37970;Carex digitata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37970;Carex digitata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37970;Carex digitata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 37381;Carex dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37381;Carex dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37979;Carex distans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37979;Carex distans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37982;Carex disticha;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37982;Carex disticha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37984;Carex divisa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37984;Carex divisa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37393;Carex divulsa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37393;Carex divulsa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37393;Carex divulsa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36954;Carex divulsa subsp. leersii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37888;Carex echinata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37888;Carex echinata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37396;Carex elata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37396;Carex elata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37397;Carex elongata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37397;Carex elongata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37398;Carex ericetorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37398;Carex ericetorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37399;Carex extensa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37399;Carex extensa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37903;Carex ferruginea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37912;Carex flacca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 37912;Carex flacca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37912;Carex flacca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37404;Carex flava;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37404;Carex flava;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37407;Carex fritschii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37290;Carex hallerana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37293;Carex hartmanii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37834;Carex heleonastes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37296;Carex hirta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37296;Carex hirta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 37296;Carex hirta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37300;Carex hostiana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37300;Carex hostiana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37847;Carex humilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37313;Carex lachenalii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37865;Carex laevigata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37865;Carex laevigata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37319;Carex lasiocarpa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37319;Carex lasiocarpa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37871;Carex lepidocarpa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37874;Carex ligerica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37761;Carex limosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37761;Carex limosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D2.1 - Valley mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37761;Carex limosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37333;Carex magellanica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37338;Carex maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37342;Carex melanostachya;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37344;Carex microglochin;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37346;Carex montana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37224;Carex muricata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 37224;Carex muricata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37224;Carex muricata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37228;Carex nigra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37228;Carex nigra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37228;Carex nigra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37233;Carex norvegica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37233;Carex norvegica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37237;Carex ornithopoda;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37711;Carex otrubae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37711;Carex otrubae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37242;Carex ovalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37242;Carex ovalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37247;Carex pallescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37247;Carex pallescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37248;Carex panicea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D2.1 - Valley mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37248;Carex panicea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37248;Carex panicea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37249;Carex paniculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37249;Carex paniculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37251;Carex pauciflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37252;Carex pediformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37253;Carex pendula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37253;Carex pendula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37256;Carex pilosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37739;Carex pilulifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37739;Carex pilulifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37742;Carex praecox;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37749;Carex pseudobrizoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37263;Carex pseudocyperus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37263;Carex pseudocyperus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37751;Carex pulicaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37751;Carex pulicaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37752;Carex punctata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37752;Carex punctata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37753;Carex rariflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37267;Carex recta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37756;Carex remota;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37756;Carex remota;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37273;Carex riparia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37273;Carex riparia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37274;Carex rostrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37274;Carex rostrata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37277;Carex rupestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-07-22 00:00:00.0;;H3.6 - Weathered rock and outcrop habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37277;Carex rupestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37653;Carex saxatilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37653;Carex saxatilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37016;Carex scandinavica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37658;Carex secalina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37285;Carex spicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37285;Carex spicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37165;Carex stenophylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37674;Carex strigosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37674;Carex strigosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37169;Carex supina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37678;Carex sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37678;Carex sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 37678;Carex sylvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37173;Carex tomentosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37174;Carex trinervis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37688;Carex umbrosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37695;Carex vaginata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37695;Carex vaginata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37183;Carex vesicaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37183;Carex vesicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37185;Carex vulpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37185;Carex vulpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37584;Carex vulpinoidea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3171;Carlina acaulis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3338;Carlina vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2945;Carlina vulgaris s. vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17990;Carpinus betulus;woody;2;1;;.71;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 17990;Carpinus betulus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17990;Carpinus betulus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 17990;Carpinus betulus;woody;1;1;;610;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 17990;Carpinus betulus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 17990;Carpinus betulus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 922;Carpobrotus edulis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2947;Carthamus lanatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3822;Carthamus tinctorius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2331;Carum carvi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1858;Carum verticillatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1858;Carum verticillatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19524;Cassiope hypnoides;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jahn, Ralf(1995): Exkursionsflora für Kreta [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19524;Cassiope hypnoides;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 22480;Castanea sativa;woody;1;1;;500;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22480;Castanea sativa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22480;Castanea sativa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41695;Catabrosa aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41695;Catabrosa aquatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2948;Catananche caerulea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2287;Caucalis platycarpos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35171;Celtis australis;woody;1;1;;;719;600;;1;;;Moisture content 12-15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 41697;Cenchrus incertus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2954;Centaurea aspera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2960;Centaurea calcitrapa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2960;Centaurea calcitrapa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3132;Centaurea cyanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3132;Centaurea cyanus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 3132;Centaurea cyanus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3965;Centaurea debeauxii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6142;Centaurea diffusa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5595;Centaurea diluta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3112;Centaurea jacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3112;Centaurea jacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 4270;Centaurea jacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3112;Centaurea jacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4985;Centaurea melitensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2682;Centaurea montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2682;Centaurea montana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 4875;Centaurea muretii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3754;Centaurea nigra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3754;Centaurea nigra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2931;Centaurea nigrescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2714;Centaurea paniculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2883;Centaurea phrygia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4249;Centaurea rhenana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3597;Centaurea scabiosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 3597;Centaurea scabiosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3597;Centaurea scabiosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3444;Centaurea solstitialis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3444;Centaurea solstitialis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2942;Centaurea stenolepis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22963;Centaurium erythraea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22963;Centaurium erythraea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22951;Centaurium littorale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22951;Centaurium littorale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22823;Centaurium pulchellum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22823;Centaurium pulchellum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22772;Centaurium scilloides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22724;Centaurium tenuiflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34865;Centranthus ruber;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34865;Centranthus ruber;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39459;Cephalanthera damasonium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39459;Cephalanthera damasonium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39466;Cephalanthera longifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39466;Cephalanthera longifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39469;Cephalanthera rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39469;Cephalanthera rubra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19049;Cephalaria alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19362;Cephalaria gigantea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16895;Cerastium alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 16895;Cerastium alpinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16782;Cerastium arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16782;Cerastium arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16782;Cerastium arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 16786;Cerastium brachypetalum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16412;Cerastium brachypetalum s. brachypetalum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17207;Cerastium cerastoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 17207;Cerastium cerastoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15674;Cerastium dichotomum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16473;Cerastium diffusum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16473;Cerastium diffusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17210;Cerastium dubium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16798;Cerastium fontanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16798;Cerastium fontanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 16798;Cerastium fontanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44993;Cerastium fontanum s. vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44993;Cerastium fontanum s. vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 17356;Cerastium glomeratum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17356;Cerastium glomeratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 17356;Cerastium glomeratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16863;Cerastium pumilum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16863;Cerastium pumilum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45003;Cerastium pumilum s. glutinosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15651;Cerastium semidecandrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15651;Cerastium semidecandrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15651;Cerastium semidecandrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 16387;Cerastium tomentosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45620;Ceratocapnos claviculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45620;Ceratocapnos claviculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17691;Ceratophyllum demersum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17691;Ceratophyllum demersum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17699;Ceratophyllum submersum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17699;Ceratophyllum submersum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12134;Cerinthe minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33202;Chaenorhinum minus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33202;Chaenorhinum minus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33202;Chaenorhinum minus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2289;Chaerophyllum aromaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1393;Chaerophyllum aureum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1394;Chaerophyllum bulbosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1398;Chaerophyllum hirsutum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 59605;Chaerophyllum temulum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 59605;Chaerophyllum temulum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19530;Chamaedaphne calyculata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3726;Chamaemelum mixtum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4366;Chamaemelum nobile;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21791;Chamaespartium sagittale;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5994;Chamomilla recutita;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5994;Chamomilla recutita;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 5994;Chamomilla recutita;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5904;Chamomilla suaveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5904;Chamomilla suaveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5904;Chamomilla suaveolens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 5904;Chamomilla suaveolens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5904;Chamomilla suaveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39472;Chamorchis alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25435;Chelidonium majus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25435;Chelidonium majus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 25435;Chelidonium majus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17842;Chenopodium album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17842;Chenopodium album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17842;Chenopodium album;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17842;Chenopodium album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17719;Chenopodium ambrosioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17724;Chenopodium bonus-henricus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17724;Chenopodium bonus-henricus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17732;Chenopodium botrys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44805;Chenopodium capitatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17727;Chenopodium chenopodioides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17866;Chenopodium ficifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17866;Chenopodium ficifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44802;Chenopodium foliosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17871;Chenopodium giganteum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17874;Chenopodium glaucum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17874;Chenopodium glaucum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17875;Chenopodium hybridum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17875;Chenopodium hybridum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17880;Chenopodium murale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17880;Chenopodium murale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17881;Chenopodium opulifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17882;Chenopodium polyspermum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17882;Chenopodium polyspermum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 17882;Chenopodium polyspermum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44801;Chenopodium pumilio;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17729;Chenopodium rubrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17729;Chenopodium rubrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44800;Chenopodium schraderianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17718;Chenopodium strictum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17888;Chenopodium suecicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17891;Chenopodium urbicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17892;Chenopodium vulvaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17892;Chenopodium vulvaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17892;Chenopodium vulvaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28795;Chimaphila umbellata;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5390;Chondrilla juncea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5390;Chondrilla juncea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12872;Chorispora tenella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3460;Chrysanthemum coronarium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3728;Chrysanthemum segetum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3728;Chrysanthemum segetum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31308;Chrysosplenium alternifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31308;Chrysosplenium alternifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31313;Chrysosplenium oppositifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31313;Chrysosplenium oppositifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22974;Cicendia filiformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22974;Cicendia filiformis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19805;Cicer arietinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2692;Cicerbita alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3060;Cicerbita macrophylla;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5540;Cicerbita plumieri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3061;Cichorium endivia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2694;Cichorium intybus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2694;Cichorium intybus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 2694;Cichorium intybus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2694;Cichorium intybus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2295;Cicuta virosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2295;Cicuta virosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26057;Circaea alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26057;Circaea alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26061;Circaea lutetiana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26061;Circaea lutetiana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3252;Cirsium acaule;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3252;Cirsium acaule;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5024;Cirsium arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5024;Cirsium arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5024;Cirsium arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 5024;Cirsium arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5024;Cirsium arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Moore, R. J. (1975): The biology of Canadian weeds 13. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.;BIOPOP April 2005 2905;Cirsium canum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5048;Cirsium dissectum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5048;Cirsium dissectum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2903;Cirsium eriophorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2903;Cirsium eriophorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2903;Cirsium eriophorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 3067;Cirsium helenioides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6109;Cirsium oleraceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5896;Cirsium palustre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5896;Cirsium palustre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4050;Cirsium rivulare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3068;Cirsium tuberosum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3737;Cirsium vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3737;Cirsium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3737;Cirsium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 3737;Cirsium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Klinkhamer, P. G. L. (1993): Biological flora of the British Isles: Cirsium vulgare (Savi.) Ten.;BIOPOP April 2005 3737;Cirsium vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18461;Citrullus lanatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37586;Cladium mariscus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37586;Cladium mariscus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27495;Claytonia perfoliata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27495;Claytonia perfoliata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27498;Claytonia sibirica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27498;Claytonia sibirica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27310;Clematis alpina;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27200;Clematis integrifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27203;Clematis recta;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27203;Clematis recta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27205;Clematis vitalba;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27205;Clematis vitalba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27205;Clematis vitalba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 27205;Clematis vitalba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 27205;Clematis vitalba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27205;Clematis vitalba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Rebele, F. (1992): Colonization and early succession on anthropogenic soils.;BIOPOP April 2005 27205;Clematis vitalba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 27205;Clematis vitalba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27206;Clematis viticella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24218;Clinopodium vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24218;Clinopodium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24218;Clinopodium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3260;Cnicus benedictus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1405;Cnidium dubium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13319;Cochlearia anglica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13319;Cochlearia anglica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12875;Cochlearia danica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12875;Cochlearia danica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12875;Cochlearia danica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14148;Cochlearia officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 59067;Cochlearia officinalis ag.;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14458;Cochlearia officinalis subsp. pyrenaica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39475;Coeloglossum viride;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 39475;Coeloglossum viride;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39475;Coeloglossum viride;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 46061;Coincya monensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 46063;Coincya monensis s. recurvata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38684;Colchicum autumnale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38684;Colchicum autumnale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 38684;Colchicum autumnale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38684;Colchicum autumnale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Butcher, R. W. (1954): Biological flora of the British Isles: Colchium autumnale L..;BIOPOP April 2005 41701;Coleanthus subtilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28174;Collomia grandiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21799;Colutea arborescens;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21799;Colutea arborescens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21799;Colutea arborescens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 19809;Colutea orientalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35783;Commelina communis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1410;Conium maculatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1410;Conium maculatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1346;Conopodium majus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13199;Conringia austriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13624;Conringia orientalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27212;Consolida ajacis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27096;Consolida orientalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27229;Consolida regalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39099;Convallaria majalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39099;Convallaria majalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39099;Convallaria majalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18964;Convolvulus althaeoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18911;Convolvulus arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18911;Convolvulus arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18911;Convolvulus arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18911;Convolvulus arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18911;Convolvulus arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Weaver, S. E. (1982): The biology of Canadian weeds. 53. Convolvulus arvensis L.;BIOPOP April 2005 18929;Convolvulus cantabrica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18941;Convolvulus lineatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18886;Convolvulus tricolor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5194;Conyza canadensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 5194;Conyza canadensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5194;Conyza canadensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 60991;Conyza sumatrana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39481;Corallorhiza trifida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-07-03 00:00:00.0;;G4.4 - Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Betula] woodland;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 39481;Corallorhiza trifida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39481;Corallorhiza trifida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2310;Coriandrum sativum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17907;Corispermum hyssopifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17909;Corispermum intermedium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17784;Corispermum marschallii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18424;Cornus alba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 18424;Cornus alba;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18428;Cornus mas;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18429;Cornus sanguinea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18429;Cornus sanguinea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18429;Cornus sanguinea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18429;Cornus sanguinea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 18429;Cornus sanguinea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18429;Cornus sanguinea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 18436;Cornus sericea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18436;Cornus sericea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 18440;Cornus suecica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18440;Cornus suecica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21803;Coronilla coronata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21346;Coronilla repanda;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22332;Coronilla scorpioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22332;Coronilla scorpioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21349;Coronilla vaginalis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21810;Coronilla varia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21810;Coronilla varia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 21810;Coronilla varia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13200;Coronopus didymus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13200;Coronopus didymus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14154;Coronopus squamatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14154;Coronopus squamatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15658;Corrigiola litoralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15658;Corrigiola litoralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25389;Corydalis cava;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25403;Corydalis intermedia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25496;Corydalis pumila;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25469;Corydalis solida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18083;Corylus avellana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18083;Corylus avellana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18083;Corylus avellana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18083;Corylus avellana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18084;Corylus colurna;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18085;Corylus maxima;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41702;Corynephorus canescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41702;Corynephorus canescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 944;Cotinus coggygria;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29735;Cotoneaster horizontalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29735;Cotoneaster horizontalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29735;Cotoneaster horizontalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30932;Cotoneaster integerrimus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29402;Cotoneaster microphyllus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29737;Cotoneaster nebrodensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29738;Cotoneaster simonsii;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5009;Cotula coronopifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5009;Cotula coronopifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14463;Crambe maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14463;Crambe maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 46103;Crassula helmsii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18116;Crassula tillaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18116;Crassula tillaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30936;Crataegus coccinea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30375;Crataegus crus-galli;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29749;Crataegus laevigata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Haeupler, H. (2000): Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands;BIOPOP April 2005 29749;Crataegus laevigata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29749;Crataegus laevigata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29980;Crataegus monogyna;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29980;Crataegus monogyna;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29980;Crataegus monogyna;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29751;Crataegus monogyna s. monogyna;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5873;Crepis alpestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4230;Crepis biennis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 4230;Crepis biennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3071;Crepis capillaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3071;Crepis capillaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3071;Crepis capillaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3071;Crepis capillaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6115;Crepis conyzifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3405;Crepis foetida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3405;Crepis foetida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5768;Crepis mollis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5197;Crepis nicaeensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5882;Crepis paludosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5882;Crepis paludosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2633;Crepis praemorsa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5675;Crepis pulchra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4706;Crepis pyrenaica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4235;Crepis sancta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4060;Crepis setosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3084;Crepis tectorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3084;Crepis tectorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Najda, H. G.(1982): The biology of Canadian weeds. 54. Crepis tectorum L.;BIOPOP April 2005 5286;Crepis vesicaria s. haenseleri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5286;Crepis vesicaria s. haenseleri;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3419;Crepis zacintha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1350;Crithmum maritimum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1350;Crithmum maritimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36422;Crocus flavus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36462;Crocus nudiflorus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36513;Crocus tommasinianus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36523;Crocus vernus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31953;Crucianella angustifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31855;Cruciata glabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32133;Cruciata laevipes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32133;Cruciata laevipes;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42191;Crypsis aculeata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16443;Cucubalus baccifer;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18480;Cucumis melo;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18481;Cucumis sativus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18482;Cucurbita maxima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18484;Cucurbita pepo;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18871;Cuscuta campestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18845;Cuscuta epilinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18799;Cuscuta epithymum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18799;Cuscuta epithymum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18822;Cuscuta europaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18822;Cuscuta europaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18827;Cuscuta gronovii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18833;Cuscuta lupuliformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30948;Cydonia oblonga;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 33224;Cymbalaria muralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33224;Cymbalaria muralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33229;Cymbalaria pallida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4453;Cynara cardunculus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41221;Cynodon dactylon;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41221;Cynodon dactylon;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41221;Cynodon dactylon;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12512;Cynoglossum germanicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12512;Cynoglossum germanicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12519;Cynoglossum officinale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12519;Cynoglossum officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12519;Cynoglossum officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Upadhyaya, M. K.(1988): The biology of Canadian weeds. 87. Cynoglossum officinale L.;BIOPOP April 2005 12519;Cynoglossum officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40659;Cynosurus cristatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40659;Cynosurus cristatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40659;Cynosurus cristatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Lodge, R. W. (1959): Biological flora of the British Isles: Cynosurus cristatus.;BIOPOP April 2005 40659;Cynosurus cristatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41222;Cynosurus echinatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37201;Cyperus esculentus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37602;Cyperus flavescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37606;Cyperus fuscus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37606;Cyperus fuscus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37214;Cyperus longus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39484;Cypripedium calceolus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44510;Cystopteris alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21757;Cytisus scoparius;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 21757;Cytisus scoparius;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21757;Cytisus scoparius;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21757;Cytisus scoparius;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 19536;Daboecia cantabrica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40290;Dactylis glomerata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40290;Dactylis glomerata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40290;Dactylis glomerata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40290;Dactylis glomerata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Beddows, A. R. (1959): Biological flora of the British Isles: Dactylis glomerata.;BIOPOP April 2005 40290;Dactylis glomerata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39508;Dactylorhiza fuchsii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39515;Dactylorhiza incarnata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39506;Dactylorhiza maculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39530;Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. maculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39838;Dactylorhiza majalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39838;Dactylorhiza majalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39843;Dactylorhiza majalis s. praetermissa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39843;Dactylorhiza majalis s. praetermissa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39567;Dactylorhiza sambucina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 50029;Dactylorhiza sphagnicola;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39579;Dactylorhiza traunsteineri;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39600;Dactylorhiza traunsteineri s. lapponica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-07-18 00:00:00.0;;D4.1 - Rich fens. including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 39600;Dactylorhiza traunsteineri s. lapponica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35641;Damasonium alisma;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42203;Danthonia decumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42203;Danthonia decumbens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34621;Daphne cneorum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34606;Daphne laureola;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34606;Daphne laureola;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 34610;Daphne mezereum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 34610;Daphne mezereum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 34610;Daphne mezereum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34610;Daphne mezereum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35049;Datura ferox;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34991;Datura innoxia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34907;Datura stramonium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34907;Datura stramonium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1358;Daucus carota;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1358;Daucus carota;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1358;Daucus carota;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27141;Delphinium elatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40299;Deschampsia cespitosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 40299;Deschampsia cespitosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40299;Deschampsia cespitosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40299;Deschampsia cespitosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Davy, A. J. (1980): Biological flora of the British Isles: Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv.;BIOPOP April 2005 40298;Deschampsia cespitosa s. alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41497;Deschampsia cespitosa s. cespitosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41982;Deschampsia flexuosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41982;Deschampsia flexuosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 41982;Deschampsia flexuosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41982;Deschampsia flexuosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Scurfield, G. (1954): Biological flora of the British Isles: Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin.;BIOPOP April 2005 41982;Deschampsia flexuosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40982;Deschampsia setacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40982;Deschampsia setacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13207;Descurainia sophia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13207;Descurainia sophia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40983;Desmazeria marina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40983;Desmazeria marina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40985;Desmazeria rigida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40985;Desmazeria rigida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23111;Deutzia scabra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16445;Dianthus arenarius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16115;Dianthus armeria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16115;Dianthus armeria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16451;Dianthus barbatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16880;Dianthus carthusianorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15721;Dianthus caryophyllus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16129;Dianthus deltoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16129;Dianthus deltoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16472;Dianthus gratianopolitanus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16472;Dianthus gratianopolitanus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16538;Dianthus monspessulanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16429;Dianthus plumarius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16914;Dianthus seguieri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16439;Dianthus superbus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16923;Dianthus sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19591;Diapensia lapponica;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F1 - Tundra;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19591;Diapensia lapponica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45574;Dicentra formosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41730;Dichanthium ischaemum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31688;Dictamnus albus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34167;Digitalis ferruginea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33169;Digitalis grandiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33173;Digitalis lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33178;Digitalis purpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33178;Digitalis purpurea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40681;Digitaria ischaemum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40681;Digitaria ischaemum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40683;Digitaria sanguinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40683;Digitaria sanguinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 44384;Diphasiastrum alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 44384;Diphasiastrum alpinum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44372;Diphasiastrum complanatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44381;Diphasiastrum tristachyum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13209;Diplotaxis erucoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13634;Diplotaxis muralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13634;Diplotaxis muralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14468;Diplotaxis tenuifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14468;Diplotaxis tenuifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14468;Diplotaxis tenuifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14168;Diplotaxis viminea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19359;Dipsacus fullonum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19359;Dipsacus fullonum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19264;Dipsacus laciniatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19256;Dipsacus pilosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19256;Dipsacus pilosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19175;Dipsacus sativus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19175;Dipsacus sativus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19175;Dipsacus sativus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19104;Dipsacus strigosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 4343;Dittrichia graveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 5523;Doronicum orientale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3685;Doronicum pardalianches;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3685;Doronicum pardalianches;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4344;Doronicum plantagineum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21240;Dorycnium pentaphyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14170;Draba aizoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45915;Draba dolomitica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14188;Draba hoppeana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14189;Draba incana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14065;Draba muralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14065;Draba muralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14066;Draba nemorosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14067;Draba norvegica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23487;Dracocephalum ruyschiana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18994;Drosera anglica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18996;Drosera intermedia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18996;Drosera intermedia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18999;Drosera rotundifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18999;Drosera rotundifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31232;Dryas octopetala;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 31232;Dryas octopetala;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44528;Dryopteris affinis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44546;Dryopteris expansa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 393;Dryopteris filix-mas;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 44536;Dryopteris oreades;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44547;Dryopteris remota;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30010;Duchesnea indica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18464;Ecballium elaterium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41247;Echinochloa colonum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42222;Echinochloa crus-galli;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42222;Echinochloa crus-galli;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42222;Echinochloa crus-galli;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18465;Echinocystis lobata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3278;Echinops exaltatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2649;Echinops ritro;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2649;Echinops ritro;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2586;Echinops sphaerocephalus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2586;Echinops sphaerocephalus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12462;Echium asperrimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12078;Echium italicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12090;Echium plantagineum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12105;Echium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12105;Echium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12105;Echium vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36334;Egeria densa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36334;Egeria densa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19005;Elaeagnus angustifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19006;Elaeagnus commutata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19030;Elatine alsinastrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19033;Elatine hexandra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19033;Elatine hexandra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19010;Elatine hydropiper;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19010;Elatine hydropiper;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19013;Elatine triandra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37636;Eleocharis acicularis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37636;Eleocharis acicularis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37639;Eleocharis austriaca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37116;Eleocharis multicaulis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37116;Eleocharis multicaulis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37118;Eleocharis ovata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37120;Eleocharis palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37120;Eleocharis palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36888;Eleocharis parvula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37539;Eleocharis quinqueflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37539;Eleocharis quinqueflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37127;Eleocharis uniglumis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37127;Eleocharis uniglumis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40688;Eleusine indica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36340;Elodea canadensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36340;Elodea canadensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36340;Elodea canadensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36344;Elodea nuttallii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36344;Elodea nuttallii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42231;Elymus caninus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42231;Elymus caninus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42231;Elymus caninus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40994;Elymus farctus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40717;Elymus pungens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41771;Elymus pycnanthus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41771;Elymus pycnanthus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40238;Elymus repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40238;Elymus repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40238;Elymus repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40238;Elymus repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Werner, P. A. (1977): The biology of Canadian weeds. 24. Agropyron repens.;BIOPOP April 2005 40238;Elymus repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19449;Empetrum nigrum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19449;Empetrum nigrum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19449;Empetrum nigrum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 26069;Epilobium alpestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26071;Epilobium alsinifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26073;Epilobium anagallidifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 26073;Epilobium anagallidifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26075;Epilobium angustifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26075;Epilobium angustifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26075;Epilobium angustifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Broderick, D.H. (1990): The biology of Canadian weeds. 93. Epilobium angustifolium L. (Onagraceae).;BIOPOP April 2005 26075;Epilobium angustifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Myerscough, P. J. (1980): Biological flora of the British Isles: Epilobium angustifolium L.;BIOPOP April 2005 26075;Epilobium angustifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 62141;Epilobium brunnescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26518;Epilobium ciliatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26518;Epilobium ciliatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26520;Epilobium collinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26526;Epilobium dodonaei;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26536;Epilobium hirsutum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26536;Epilobium hirsutum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26536;Epilobium hirsutum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26536;Epilobium hirsutum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26538;Epilobium inornatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26540;Epilobium lanceolatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26540;Epilobium lanceolatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26496;Epilobium montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26496;Epilobium montanum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26496;Epilobium montanum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26496;Epilobium montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26501;Epilobium nutans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26502;Epilobium obscurum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26502;Epilobium obscurum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26504;Epilobium palustre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26504;Epilobium palustre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26505;Epilobium parviflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26505;Epilobium parviflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26508;Epilobium roseum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26508;Epilobium roseum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26469;Epilobium tetragonum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26469;Epilobium tetragonum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11679;Epimedium alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39603;Epipactis atrorubens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39603;Epipactis atrorubens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39608;Epipactis confusa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39609;Epipactis helleborine;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39609;Epipactis helleborine;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39614;Epipactis leptochila;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39620;Epipactis microphylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39622;Epipactis muelleri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39624;Epipactis palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39624;Epipactis palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39626;Epipactis phyllanthes;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39627;Epipactis purpurata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39630;Epipogium aphyllum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 166;Equisetum arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 166;Equisetum arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 170;Equisetum hyemale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D2.1 - Valley mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 179;Equisetum sylvaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 42261;Eragrostis cilianensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41786;Eragrostis minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40736;Eragrostis pilosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41788;Eragrostis tef;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27181;Eranthis hyemalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27181;Eranthis hyemalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19544;Erica ciliaris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19545;Erica cinerea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19545;Erica cinerea;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19545;Erica cinerea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 19546;Erica erigena;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19550;Erica herbacea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19554;Erica mackaiana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19560;Erica scoparia;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19489;Erica tetralix;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19489;Erica tetralix;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19489;Erica tetralix;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 19491;Erica vagans;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3429;Erigeron acer;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3429;Erigeron acer;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 3429;Erigeron acer;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5070;Erigeron annuus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 5070;Erigeron annuus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 4210;Erigeron borealis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 4210;Erigeron borealis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 5654;Erigeron candidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3862;Erigeron glabratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3551;Erigeron karvinskianus;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 4980;Erigeron philadelphicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3584;Erigeron speciosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33899;Erinus alpinus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36863;Eriocaulon aquaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37550;Eriophorum angustifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D2 - Valley mires. poor fens and transition mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37550;Eriophorum angustifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37137;Eriophorum gracile;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37137;Eriophorum gracile;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37555;Eriophorum latifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37555;Eriophorum latifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37141;Eriophorum scheuchzeri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37560;Eriophorum vaginatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D2.1 - Valley mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37560;Eriophorum vaginatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37560;Eriophorum vaginatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12115;Eritrichium nanum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 50012;Erodium ballii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22676;Erodium ciconium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22675;Erodium cicutarium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22675;Erodium cicutarium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22675;Erodium cicutarium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22578;Erodium danicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22678;Erodium malacoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22679;Erodium maritimum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22680;Erodium moschatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13237;Erophila glabrescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14075;Erophila verna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14075;Erophila verna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14082;Erophila verna s. praecox;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14494;Erophila verna s. spathulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14086;Eruca vesicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13240;Erucastrum gallicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12804;Erucastrum nasturtiifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1319;Eryngium alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1324;Eryngium campestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1324;Eryngium campestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1324;Eryngium campestre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1328;Eryngium maritimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1328;Eryngium maritimum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1329;Eryngium planum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14097;Erysimum cheiranthoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14097;Erysimum cheiranthoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14097;Erysimum cheiranthoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12871;Erysimum cheiri;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12871;Erysimum cheiri;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12871;Erysimum cheiri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13679;Erysimum crepidifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12812;Erysimum diffusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12817;Erysimum hieracifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14107;Erysimum marschallianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13255;Erysimum odoratum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14514;Erysimum repandum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14120;Erysimum sylvestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39107;Erythronium dens-canis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13571;Euclidium syriacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18402;Euonymus europaeus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18402;Euonymus europaeus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18402;Euonymus europaeus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 18402;Euonymus europaeus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 18402;Euonymus europaeus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18402;Euonymus europaeus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 3585;Eupatorium cannabinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3585;Eupatorium cannabinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 3585;Eupatorium cannabinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20294;Euphorbia amygdaloides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20294;Euphorbia amygdaloides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20281;Euphorbia brittingeri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20238;Euphorbia cyparissias;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20238;Euphorbia cyparissias;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 20238;Euphorbia cyparissias;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20238;Euphorbia cyparissias;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20247;Euphorbia dulcis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20254;Euphorbia epithymoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20227;Euphorbia esula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20227;Euphorbia esula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20206;Euphorbia exigua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20206;Euphorbia exigua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20206;Euphorbia exigua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20208;Euphorbia falcata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20189;Euphorbia helioscopia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 20189;Euphorbia helioscopia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20189;Euphorbia helioscopia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20195;Euphorbia hyberna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20168;Euphorbia lathyris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20175;Euphorbia lucida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20156;Euphorbia myrsinites;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20139;Euphorbia palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20141;Euphorbia paralias;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20141;Euphorbia paralias;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20143;Euphorbia peplis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20109;Euphorbia peplus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20109;Euphorbia peplus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20109;Euphorbia peplus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20091;Euphorbia platyphyllos;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20091;Euphorbia platyphyllos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20094;Euphorbia portlandica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20079;Euphorbia segetalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20085;Euphorbia seguierana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20053;Euphorbia serrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20055;Euphorbia serrulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20055;Euphorbia serrulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33135;Euphrasia anglica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33136;Euphrasia arctica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34385;Euphrasia cambrica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34200;Euphrasia campbelliae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34467;Euphrasia confusa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34091;Euphrasia foulaensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34486;Euphrasia frigida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 34486;Euphrasia frigida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34309;Euphrasia heslop-harrisonii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34204;Euphrasia marshallii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34307;Euphrasia micrantha;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33614;Euphrasia nemorosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33149;Euphrasia officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33149;Euphrasia officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34242;Euphrasia ostenfeldii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33153;Euphrasia pseudokerneri;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33156;Euphrasia rivularis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33621;Euphrasia rotundifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33625;Euphrasia scottica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33166;Euphrasia stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34295;Euphrasia tetraquetra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27702;Fagopyrum esculentum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27706;Fagopyrum tataricum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;3;1;;.67;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;1;1;;650;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22485;Fagus sylvatica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2255;Falcaria vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2255;Falcaria vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 44739;Fallopia baldschuanica;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44736;Fallopia convolvulus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44736;Fallopia convolvulus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44736;Fallopia convolvulus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 44736;Fallopia convolvulus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44738;Fallopia dumetorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44738;Fallopia dumetorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1265;Ferula sadleriana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1265;Ferula sadleriana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41792;Festuca airoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41544;Festuca altissima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40254;Festuca arundinacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40254;Festuca arundinacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40254;Festuca arundinacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41305;Festuca brevipila;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40190;Festuca cinerea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41040;Festuca curvula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40163;Festuca duvalii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40113;Festuca filiformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40113;Festuca filiformis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40761;Festuca gigantea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40761;Festuca gigantea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40761;Festuca gigantea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40761;Festuca gigantea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40761;Festuca gigantea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42283;Festuca glauca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42284;Festuca guestfalica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40170;Festuca halleri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41321;Festuca heteropachys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41814;Festuca heterophylla;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41814;Festuca heterophylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41052;Festuca intercedens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41820;Festuca laxa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42295;Festuca longifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41823;Festuca makutrensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41826;Festuca ophioliticola;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40171;Festuca ovina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40171;Festuca ovina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40171;Festuca ovina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: ophioliticola. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40171;Festuca ovina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40171;Festuca ovina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 40171;Festuca ovina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40789;Festuca pallens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41574;Festuca pannonica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42303;Festuca polesica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41343;Festuca pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41343;Festuca pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41343;Festuca pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42305;Festuca pratensis s. apennina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42306;Festuca psammophila;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41836;Festuca pulchella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40103;Festuca rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40103;Festuca rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 40103;Festuca rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40103;Festuca rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40794;Festuca rubra subsp. arenaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40189;Festuca rupicola;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41584;Festuca stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41078;Festuca trichophylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40152;Festuca valesiaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40199;Festuca violacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42318;Festuca vivipara;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F1 - Tundra;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 42318;Festuca vivipara;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25300;Ficus carica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 3719;Filaginella uliginosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3719;Filaginella uliginosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2658;Filago lutescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2658;Filago lutescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3396;Filago pyramidata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 3396;Filago pyramidata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 3396;Filago pyramidata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5888;Filago vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 5888;Filago vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29764;Filipendula ulmaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29764;Filipendula ulmaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 29764;Filipendula ulmaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29429;Filipendula vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29429;Filipendula vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1281;Foeniculum vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1281;Foeniculum vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30348;Fragaria moschata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30348;Fragaria moschata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30633;Fragaria vesca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30633;Fragaria vesca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30633;Fragaria vesca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29358;Fragaria viridis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28032;Frangula alnus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 28032;Frangula alnus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28032;Frangula alnus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28032;Frangula alnus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 28032;Frangula alnus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 22690;Frankenia laevis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22690;Frankenia laevis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22690;Frankenia laevis;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26387;Fraxinus angustifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Wardle, P. (1961): Biological flora of the British Isles: Fraxinus excelsior L.;BIOPOP April 2005 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;1;1;;690;830;510;;1;;;Moisture content 12%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Forestry Compendium, CAB International 26381;Fraxinus excelsior;woody;1;1;;640;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 26396;Fraxinus ornus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26402;Fraxinus pennsylvanica;woody;1;1;;;719;600;;1;;;Moisture content 12-15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1;Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1 39121;Fritillaria meleagris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39121;Fritillaria meleagris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26476;Fuchsia magellanica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18723;Fumana procumbens;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18723;Fumana procumbens;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25483;Fumaria bastardii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25443;Fumaria capreolata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25443;Fumaria capreolata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25449;Fumaria densiflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25544;Fumaria muralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25544;Fumaria muralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25548;Fumaria occidentalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25549;Fumaria officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25549;Fumaria officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25549;Fumaria officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25553;Fumaria parviflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25560;Fumaria purpurea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25441;Fumaria rostellata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25520;Fumaria schleicheri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25522;Fumaria vaillantii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39138;Gagea arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39139;Gagea bohemica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39025;Gagea lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39025;Gagea lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38642;Gagea minima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38646;Gagea pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38650;Gagea spathacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35516;Galanthus elwesii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35493;Galanthus ikariae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35672;Galanthus nivalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35672;Galanthus nivalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21307;Galega officinalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 23489;Galeopsis angustifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23489;Galeopsis angustifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23489;Galeopsis angustifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24586;Galeopsis bifida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24586;Galeopsis bifida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24587;Galeopsis ladanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24587;Galeopsis ladanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24228;Galeopsis pubescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24230;Galeopsis segetum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24230;Galeopsis segetum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23861;Galeopsis speciosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23861;Galeopsis speciosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24648;Galeopsis tetrahit;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24648;Galeopsis tetrahit;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24648;Galeopsis tetrahit;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6801;Galinsoga ciliata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6801;Galinsoga ciliata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6801;Galinsoga ciliata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7147;Galinsoga parviflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7147;Galinsoga parviflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31949;Galium album;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31956;Galium aparine;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31956;Galium aparine;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31956;Galium aparine;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31956;Galium aparine;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31917;Galium boreale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31917;Galium boreale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 31917;Galium boreale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31886;Galium debile;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31858;Galium glaucum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31829;Galium lucidum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31782;Galium mollugo;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31805;Galium odoratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31805;Galium odoratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31805;Galium odoratum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31813;Galium palustre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31813;Galium palustre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31813;Galium palustre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: palustre. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31813;Galium palustre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: elongatum. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31817;Galium parisiense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31750;Galium pumilum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31750;Galium pumilum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32103;Galium rotundifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31769;Galium saxatile;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31769;Galium saxatile;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31769;Galium saxatile;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32113;Galium scabrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32114;Galium schultesii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31775;Galium spurium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31777;Galium sterneri;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32193;Galium sudeticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32194;Galium suecicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31699;Galium sylvaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 31699;Galium sylvaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31719;Galium tricornutum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31724;Galium uliginosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31724;Galium uliginosum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32064;Galium valdepilosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32204;Galium verrucosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31730;Galium verum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31730;Galium verum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31730;Galium verum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31730;Galium verum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40811;Gastridium ventricosum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 41363;Gaudinia fragilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19494;Gaultheria shallon;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19494;Gaultheria shallon;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19775;Genista anglica;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19775;Genista anglica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 19775;Genista anglica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20906;Genista germanica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 20906;Genista germanica;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20915;Genista pilosa;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20915;Genista pilosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 20915;Genista pilosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21326;Genista scorpius;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21390;Genista tinctoria;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 21390;Genista tinctoria;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21390;Genista tinctoria;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23062;Gentiana asclepiadea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23090;Gentiana brachyphylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22980;Gentiana cruciata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22977;Gentiana frigida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22882;Gentiana lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22851;Gentiana nivalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22851;Gentiana nivalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 22862;Gentiana pannonica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22875;Gentiana pneumonanthe;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22875;Gentiana pneumonanthe;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22830;Gentiana purpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22754;Gentiana utriculosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22708;Gentiana verna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23102;Gentianella amarella;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23102;Gentianella amarella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23105;Gentianella anglica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23073;Gentianella austriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23049;Gentianella campestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23049;Gentianella campestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23077;Gentianella campestris s. baltica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23007;Gentianella ciliata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23007;Gentianella ciliata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22958;Gentianella germanica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22958;Gentianella germanica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22746;Gentianella uliginosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22581;Geranium columbinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22581;Geranium columbinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22583;Geranium dissectum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22583;Geranium dissectum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22583;Geranium dissectum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22564;Geranium divaricatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22570;Geranium endressii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22634;Geranium ibericum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22584;Geranium lucidum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22584;Geranium lucidum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22585;Geranium molle;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22585;Geranium molle;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22585;Geranium molle;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22586;Geranium nodosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22587;Geranium palustre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22588;Geranium phaeum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22588;Geranium phaeum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22589;Geranium pratense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22589;Geranium pratense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22589;Geranium pratense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22518;Geranium purpureum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22518;Geranium purpureum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22590;Geranium pusillum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22590;Geranium pusillum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22590;Geranium pusillum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22631;Geranium pyrenaicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22631;Geranium pyrenaicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22631;Geranium pyrenaicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22592;Geranium robertianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22592;Geranium robertianum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22592;Geranium robertianum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22592;Geranium robertianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22593;Geranium rotundifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22593;Geranium rotundifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22557;Geranium sanguineum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22557;Geranium sanguineum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22558;Geranium sibiricum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22559;Geranium sylvaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 22559;Geranium sylvaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22561;Geranium versicolor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29768;Geum coccineum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29366;Geum rivale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 29366;Geum rivale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29366;Geum rivale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30638;Geum urbanum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30638;Geum urbanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30638;Geum urbanum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 36567;Gladiolus illyricus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36569;Gladiolus imbricatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36576;Gladiolus palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25531;Glaucium corniculatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25533;Glaucium flavum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25533;Glaucium flavum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28861;Glaux maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28861;Glaux maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24650;Glechoma hederacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hutchings, M. J. (1999): Biological flora of the British Isles: Glechoma hederacea L. (Nepeta glechoma Benth., N. hederacea (L.) Trev.).;BIOPOP April 2005 24650;Glechoma hederacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24650;Glechoma hederacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24650;Glechoma hederacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24653;Glechoma hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20520;Gleditsia triacanthos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25198;Globularia punctata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42323;Glyceria declinata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42323;Glyceria declinata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40814;Glyceria fluitans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40814;Glyceria fluitans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40814;Glyceria fluitans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40135;Glyceria maxima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40135;Glyceria maxima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40136;Glyceria nemoralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40816;Glyceria plicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40816;Glyceria plicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40817;Glyceria striata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21391;Glycine max;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21395;Glycyrrhiza glabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7695;Gnaphalium luteo-album;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 7695;Gnaphalium luteo-album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39636;Goodyera repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39636;Goodyera repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33117;Gratiola officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43982;Groenlandia densa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43982;Groenlandia densa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7463;Guizotia abyssinica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25225;Gunnera tinctoria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39638;Gymnadenia conopsea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39638;Gymnadenia conopsea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39639;Gymnadenia odoratissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16502;Gypsophila acutifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15798;Gypsophila elegans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16075;Gypsophila muralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16941;Gypsophila paniculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16510;Gypsophila perfoliata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17131;Gypsophila repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2221;Hacquetia epipactis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42325;Hainardia cylindrica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17799;Halimione pedunculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17799;Halimione pedunculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17931;Halimione portulacoides;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Strutz-Fischer, H. (1990): Zur Populationsbiologie von Halimione portulacoides.;BIOPOP April 2005 17931;Halimione portulacoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17931;Halimione portulacoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39641;Hammarbya paludosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39641;Hammarbya paludosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34193;Hebe salicifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2449;Hedera helix;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2449;Hedera helix;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 2449;Hedera helix;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 2449;Hedera helix;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 2449;Hedera helix;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2449;Hedera helix;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2449;Hedera helix;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9226;Hedypnois cretica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18679;Helianthemum apenninum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18679;Helianthemum apenninum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18656;Helianthemum canum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18594;Helianthemum nummularium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18594;Helianthemum nummularium;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Haeupler, H. (2000): Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands;BIOPOP April 2005 18594;Helianthemum nummularium;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18594;Helianthemum nummularium;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18610;Helianthemum nummularium s. glabrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18632;Helianthemum nummularium s. nummularium;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18544;Helianthemum pilosum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 59844;Helianthemum syriacum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7986;Helianthus annuus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7986;Helianthus annuus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7788;Helianthus tuberosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7066;Helichrysum arenarium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7987;Helichrysum bracteatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7176;Heliopsis helianthoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12039;Heliotropium europaeum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27075;Helleborus dumetorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27081;Helleborus foetidus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27076;Helleborus viridis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27076;Helleborus viridis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38237;Hemerocallis fulva;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38653;Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26984;Hepatica nobilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1295;Heracleum mantegazzianum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1295;Heracleum mantegazzianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 62348;Heracleum sibiricum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-06-20 00:00:00.0;;G1.1 - Riparian [Salix]. [Alnus] and [Betula] woodland;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 62348;Heracleum sibiricum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1232;Heracleum sphondylium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1232;Heracleum sphondylium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1232;Heracleum sphondylium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1232;Heracleum sphondylium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 39643;Herminium monorchis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39643;Herminium monorchis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15803;Herniaria ciliolata;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16521;Herniaria glabra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16521;Herniaria glabra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 16521;Herniaria glabra;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16521;Herniaria glabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17001;Herniaria hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17001;Herniaria hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15807;Herniaria incana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14004;Hesperis matronalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14009;Hesperis sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13583;Hesperis tristis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25723;Hibiscus trionum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 8507;Hieracium alpinum gr.;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 8507;Hieracium alpinum gr.;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33881;Hieracium amplexicaule;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7024;Hieracium aurantiacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14677;Hieracium bifidum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15820;Hieracium caesium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 8116;Hieracium caespitosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6921;Hieracium cymosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6442;Hieracium diaphanoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6543;Hieracium echioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7042;Hieracium flagellare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14682;Hieracium fuscocinereum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14515;Hieracium glaucinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7271;Hieracium lactucella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44220;Hieracium laevigatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7752;Hieracium laurinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16770;Hieracium maculatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14443;Hieracium murorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14443;Hieracium murorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 21134;Hieracium onosmoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7852;Hieracium peleteranum s. tenuiscapum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6658;Hieracium pilosella;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6658;Hieracium pilosella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6658;Hieracium pilosella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6987;Hieracium praealtum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6878;Hieracium praealtum s. bauhinii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44002;Hieracium prenanthoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44217;Hieracium pseudocorymbosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44204;Hieracium racemosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44218;Hieracium sabaudum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21183;Hieracium saxifragum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19273;Hieracium schmidtii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7093;Hieracium umbellatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7093;Hieracium umbellatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 7093;Hieracium umbellatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6680;Hieracium vagum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17779;Hieracium vulgatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7392;Hieracium wiesbaurianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42515;Hierochloe australis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42519;Hierochloe odorata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42519;Hierochloe odorata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39644;Himantoglossum hircinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39644;Himantoglossum hircinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21868;Hippocrepis comosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21868;Hippocrepis comosa;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Haeupler, H. (2000): Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands;BIOPOP April 2005 21868;Hippocrepis comosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19002;Hippophae rhamnoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19002;Hippophae rhamnoides;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19002;Hippophae rhamnoides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 24425;Hippuris vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24425;Hippuris vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14011;Hirschfeldia incana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42613;Holcus lanatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42613;Holcus lanatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42613;Holcus lanatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42613;Holcus lanatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42614;Holcus mollis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42614;Holcus mollis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42614;Holcus mollis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17010;Holosteum umbellatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17010;Holosteum umbellatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17010;Holosteum umbellatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 9177;Homogyne alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16523;Honkenya peploides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16523;Honkenya peploides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42617;Hordelymus europaeus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42617;Hordelymus europaeus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43701;Hordeum distichon;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43702;Hordeum jubatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43702;Hordeum jubatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43180;Hordeum marinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43180;Hordeum marinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42447;Hordeum murinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42447;Hordeum murinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43017;Hordeum murinum s. leporinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43182;Hordeum secalinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43182;Hordeum secalinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42448;Hordeum vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42448;Hordeum vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42624;Hordeum zeocriton;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14530;Hornungia petraea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28918;Hottonia palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28918;Hottonia palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14697;Humulus lupulus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14697;Humulus lupulus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14697;Humulus lupulus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 464;Huperzia selago;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 38119;Hyacinthoides hispanica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38541;Hyacinthoides non-scripta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38541;Hyacinthoides non-scripta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38541;Hyacinthoides non-scripta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39050;Hyacinthus orientalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36294;Hydrilla verticillata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36302;Hydrocharis morsus-ranae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36302;Hydrocharis morsus-ranae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2206;Hydrocotyle vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2206;Hydrocotyle vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13394;Hymenolobus procumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34956;Hyoscyamus niger;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 34956;Hyoscyamus niger;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34956;Hyoscyamus niger;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25538;Hypecoum pendulum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23335;Hypericum androsaemum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23310;Hypericum calycinum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23312;Hypericum canadense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23312;Hypericum canadense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23277;Hypericum elegans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23279;Hypericum elodes;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23279;Hypericum elodes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23297;Hypericum hircinum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23250;Hypericum hirsutum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23250;Hypericum hirsutum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23250;Hypericum hirsutum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23252;Hypericum humifusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23252;Hypericum humifusum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23226;Hypericum maculatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23226;Hypericum maculatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23232;Hypericum maculatum subsp. obtusiusculum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23240;Hypericum majus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23241;Hypericum montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23241;Hypericum montanum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23212;Hypericum perforatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23212;Hypericum perforatum;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 23212;Hypericum perforatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23212;Hypericum perforatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Crompton, C. W.(1988): The biology of Canadian weeds. 83. Hypericum perforatum.;BIOPOP April 2005 23212;Hypericum perforatum;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23212;Hypericum perforatum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23212;Hypericum perforatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23219;Hypericum pulchrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23219;Hypericum pulchrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23203;Hypericum tetrapterum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23203;Hypericum tetrapterum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23176;Hypericum undulatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 7007;Hypochaeris glabra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 7007;Hypochaeris glabra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 8386;Hypochaeris maculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 8386;Hypochaeris maculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6499;Hypochoeris radicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6499;Hypochoeris radicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6499;Hypochoeris radicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Turkington, R. A. (1983): Biological flora of the British Isles: Hypochoeris radicata L.;BIOPOP April 2005 6499;Hypochoeris radicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6499;Hypochoeris radicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Aarssen, L.W. (1981): The biology of Canadian weeds. 50. Hypochoeris radicata L.;BIOPOP April 2005 6499;Hypochoeris radicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24658;Hyssopus officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14025;Iberis amara;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14025;Iberis amara;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14042;Iberis umbellata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2439;Ilex aquifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Peterken, G. F. (1967): Biological flora of the British Isles: Ilex aquifolium L. [55];BIOPOP April 2005 2439;Ilex aquifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Peterken, G. F. (1967): Biological flora of the British Isles: Ilex aquifolium L. [55];BIOPOP April 2005 2439;Ilex aquifolium;woody;1;1;;;959;600;;1;;;Moisture content 12-15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 2439;Ilex aquifolium;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2439;Ilex aquifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2439;Ilex aquifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 2439;Ilex aquifolium;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17139;Illecebrum verticillatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17139;Illecebrum verticillatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11747;Impatiens capensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11749;Impatiens glandulifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11749;Impatiens glandulifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11751;Impatiens noli-tangere;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11751;Impatiens noli-tangere;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11752;Impatiens parviflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11752;Impatiens parviflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11752;Impatiens parviflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 8741;Inula britannica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 8404;Inula conyza;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 8404;Inula conyza;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 8404;Inula conyza;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9035;Inula crithmoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 7409;Inula ensifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6798;Inula germanica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7875;Inula helenium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7341;Inula helvetica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 8244;Inula hirta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 8532;Inula oculus-christi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6502;Inula salicina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6502;Inula salicina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36612;Iris foetidissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36612;Iris foetidissima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36612;Iris foetidissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36614;Iris germanica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36621;Iris graminea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36654;Iris pallida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36664;Iris pseudacorus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36664;Iris pseudacorus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36669;Iris pumila;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36687;Iris sibirica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36693;Iris spuria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36717;Iris variegata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36721;Iris versicolor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14558;Isatis tinctoria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14558;Isatis tinctoria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14558;Isatis tinctoria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 8135;Iva xanthifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14870;Jasione laevis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14880;Jasione montana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14880;Jasione montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26408;Jasminum nudiflorum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 46120;Jovibarba globifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23152;Juglans nigra;woody;1;1;;908;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%| green density of 10 years old tree;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 23152;Juglans nigra;woody;1;1;;550;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 23152;Juglans nigra;woody;1;1;;;577;479;;1;;;Moisture content 15%| basic density of New Zealand which correspond closely to US-grown;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 23152;Juglans nigra;woody;1;1;;574;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%| basic density of 6 years old tree;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 23152;Juglans nigra;woody;1;1;;534;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%| basic density of 10 years old tree;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 23153;Juglans regia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23153;Juglans regia;woody;1;1;;670;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 23153;Juglans regia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35974;Juncus acutiflorus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35974;Juncus acutiflorus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35907;Juncus alpinus s. alpinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-08-04 00:00:00.0;;H5 - Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegetation;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 35907;Juncus alpinus s. alpinus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35907;Juncus alpinus s. alpinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35907;Juncus alpinus s. alpinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35944;Juncus arcticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35965;Juncus articulatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35965;Juncus articulatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35939;Juncus atratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35943;Juncus balticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35943;Juncus balticus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35947;Juncus biglumis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 35947;Juncus biglumis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36128;Juncus bufonius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36128;Juncus bufonius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36026;Juncus bulbosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36026;Juncus bulbosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36040;Juncus canadensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36042;Juncus capitatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36042;Juncus capitatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35925;Juncus castaneus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 35925;Juncus castaneus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36003;Juncus compressus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36003;Juncus compressus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36007;Juncus conglomeratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36007;Juncus conglomeratus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36014;Juncus effusus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36014;Juncus effusus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36014;Juncus effusus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36022;Juncus ensifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36023;Juncus filiformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 36023;Juncus filiformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36023;Juncus filiformis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36102;Juncus foliosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36102;Juncus foliosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36081;Juncus gerardi;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36081;Juncus gerardi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36061;Juncus inflexus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36061;Juncus inflexus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36160;Juncus maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36160;Juncus maritimus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36160;Juncus maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36164;Juncus minutulus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36048;Juncus pygmaeus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36048;Juncus pygmaeus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36052;Juncus ranarius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36052;Juncus ranarius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36141;Juncus sphaerocarpus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36142;Juncus squarrosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36142;Juncus squarrosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36147;Juncus stygius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36148;Juncus subnodulosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36148;Juncus subnodulosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36111;Juncus tenageia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36112;Juncus tenuis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36112;Juncus tenuis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36209;Juncus trifidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 36209;Juncus trifidus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36211;Juncus trifidus s. monanthos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36216;Juncus triglumis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 741;Juniperus communis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 741;Juniperus communis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 741;Juniperus communis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 711;Juniperus sabina;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 6414;Jurinea cyanoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7015;Jurinea mollis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19496;Kalmia angustifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30016;Kerria japonica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32764;Kickxia commutata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33123;Kickxia elatine;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33123;Kickxia elatine;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33129;Kickxia spuria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33129;Kickxia spuria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33129;Kickxia spuria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19058;Knautia arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19058;Knautia arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19058;Knautia arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 19339;Knautia dipsacifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37150;Kobresia myosuroides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37154;Kobresia simpliciuscula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43022;Koeleria glauca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42831;Koeleria macrantha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42831;Koeleria macrantha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42831;Koeleria macrantha;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Dixon, J. M. (2000): Biological flora of the British Isles: Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schultes (K. alpigena Domin, K. cristata (L.) Pers. pro parte, K. gracilis Pers., K. albescens auct. non DC.).;BIOPOP April 2005 42831;Koeleria macrantha;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42453;Koeleria pyramidata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42464;Koeleria vallesiana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27709;Koenigia islandica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20994;Laburnum anagyroides;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20994;Laburnum anagyroides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 20994;Laburnum anagyroides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 20994;Laburnum anagyroides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20994;Laburnum anagyroides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20994;Laburnum anagyroides;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6626;Lactuca perennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6509;Lactuca quercina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7415;Lactuca saligna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 7415;Lactuca saligna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6510;Lactuca sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6360;Lactuca serriola;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6360;Lactuca serriola;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6360;Lactuca serriola;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 7416;Lactuca tatarica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6511;Lactuca viminea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7940;Lactuca virosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 7940;Lactuca virosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36304;Lagarosiphon major;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43717;Lagurus ovatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43717;Lagurus ovatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24666;Lamiastrum galeobdolon;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24666;Lamiastrum galeobdolon;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 59328;Lamiastrum galeobdolon s. argentatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24182;Lamium album;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24182;Lamium album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24182;Lamium album;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23573;Lamium amplexicaule;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23573;Lamium amplexicaule;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23573;Lamium amplexicaule;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24187;Lamium hybridum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24187;Lamium hybridum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24189;Lamium maculatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24189;Lamium maculatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24190;Lamium moluccellifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24190;Lamium moluccellifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25102;Lamium orvala;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25103;Lamium purpureum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 25103;Lamium purpureum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25103;Lamium purpureum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12063;Lappula squarrosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6629;Lapsana communis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6629;Lapsana communis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6629;Lapsana communis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 653;Larix decidua;woody;3;1;;.54;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 653;Larix decidua;woody;1;1;;550;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 1700;Laser trilobum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1705;Laserpitium latifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1215;Laserpitium prutenicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1216;Laserpitium siler;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33602;Lathraea clandestina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34252;Lathraea squamaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34252;Lathraea squamaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22303;Lathyrus annuus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21294;Lathyrus aphaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21294;Lathyrus aphaca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21294;Lathyrus aphaca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20603;Lathyrus cicera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20604;Lathyrus clymenum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19830;Lathyrus heterophyllus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21923;Lathyrus hirsutus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21923;Lathyrus hirsutus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20999;Lathyrus inconspicuus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21925;Lathyrus japonicus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21925;Lathyrus japonicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21002;Lathyrus latifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21002;Lathyrus latifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20503;Lathyrus montanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20503;Lathyrus montanus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21815;Lathyrus niger;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21815;Lathyrus niger;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21360;Lathyrus nissolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21360;Lathyrus nissolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20506;Lathyrus odoratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21816;Lathyrus palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21816;Lathyrus palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21355;Lathyrus pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21355;Lathyrus pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21355;Lathyrus pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20895;Lathyrus sativus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20898;Lathyrus sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20898;Lathyrus sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 20898;Lathyrus sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19845;Lathyrus tuberosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19846;Lathyrus venetus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25247;Laurus nobilis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24725;Lavandula angustifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23828;Lavandula latifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25729;Lavatera arborea;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25733;Lavatera cretica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25745;Lavatera thuringiaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25698;Lavatera trimestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19499;Ledum palustre;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19499;Ledum palustre;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43387;Leersia oryzoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43387;Leersia oryzoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14894;Legousia falcata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14896;Legousia hybrida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14896;Legousia hybrida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14838;Legousia speculum-veneris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 14838;Legousia speculum-veneris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21830;Lembotropis nigricans;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36873;Lemna gibba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36873;Lemna gibba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36875;Lemna minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36875;Lemna minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36875;Lemna minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 59894;Lemna minuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 59894;Lemna minuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36878;Lemna trisulca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36878;Lemna trisulca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21834;Lens culinaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20515;Lens ervoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22274;Lens nigricans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 7298;Leontodon autumnalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 7298;Leontodon autumnalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 7298;Leontodon autumnalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 7298;Leontodon autumnalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6634;Leontodon croceus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6638;Leontodon hispidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6638;Leontodon hispidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 6638;Leontodon hispidus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 6638;Leontodon hispidus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 6757;Leontodon incanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 8426;Leontodon montanus s. montanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6519;Leontodon pyrenaicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 6861;Leontodon taraxacoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23833;Leonurus cardiaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24198;Leonurus marrubiastrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14061;Lepidium bonariense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13495;Lepidium campestre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 13495;Lepidium campestre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13495;Lepidium campestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14562;Lepidium densiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13498;Lepidium graminifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13940;Lepidium heterophyllum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13940;Lepidium heterophyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13501;Lepidium latifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13501;Lepidium latifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13504;Lepidium perfoliatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13947;Lepidium ruderale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 13947;Lepidium ruderale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13947;Lepidium ruderale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13505;Lepidium sativum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13952;Lepidium virginicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 13952;Lepidium virginicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 61197;Leucanthemum ircutianum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Schubert, R. (1990): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora 4. Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 9651;Leucanthemum vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9651;Leucanthemum vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35586;Leucojum aestivum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35586;Leucojum aestivum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35768;Leucojum vernum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35768;Leucojum vernum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9652;Leuzea conifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2151;Levisticum officinale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15392;Leycesteria formosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43033;Leymus arenarius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43033;Leymus arenarius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1141;Ligusticum scoticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26362;Ligustrum ovalifolium;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26362;Ligustrum ovalifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 26363;Ligustrum vulgare;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26363;Ligustrum vulgare;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26363;Ligustrum vulgare;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26363;Ligustrum vulgare;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 26363;Ligustrum vulgare;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 26363;Ligustrum vulgare;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26363;Ligustrum vulgare;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 39057;Lilium bulbiferum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39063;Lilium martagon;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39063;Lilium martagon;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38557;Lilium pyrenaicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39653;Limodorum abortivum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28470;Limonium bellidifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28390;Limonium humile;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28573;Limonium minutum s. minutum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28293;Limonium vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28293;Limonium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33604;Limosella aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33604;Limosella aquatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34230;Limosella australis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34452;Linaria alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33100;Linaria arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33838;Linaria chalepensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33054;Linaria genistifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33791;Linaria incarnata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34116;Linaria pelisseriana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33748;Linaria purpurea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33754;Linaria repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33754;Linaria repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33714;Linaria spartea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33084;Linaria supina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33084;Linaria supina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33720;Linaria triphylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33091;Linaria vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33091;Linaria vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33091;Linaria vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33573;Lindernia dubia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33575;Lindernia procumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15394;Linnaea borealis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15394;Linnaea borealis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15394;Linnaea borealis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25949;Linum austriacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25957;Linum bienne;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25925;Linum catharticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25925;Linum catharticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25925;Linum catharticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 25925;Linum catharticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25933;Linum flavum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25942;Linum leonii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25903;Linum narbonense;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25878;Linum perenne;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25891;Linum strictum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25891;Linum strictum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25855;Linum tenuifolium;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25855;Linum tenuifolium;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25866;Linum usitatissimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25871;Linum viscosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39943;Liparis loeselii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39943;Liparis loeselii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39947;Listera cordata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39947;Listera cordata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39948;Listera ovata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 39948;Listera ovata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39948;Listera ovata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12012;Lithospermum arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12012;Lithospermum arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12012;Lithospermum arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12411;Lithospermum officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12411;Lithospermum officinale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27852;Littorella uniflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27852;Littorella uniflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38558;Lloydia serotina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14841;Lobelia dortmanna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14841;Lobelia dortmanna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14842;Lobelia erinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14843;Lobelia urens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14577;Lobularia maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14577;Lobularia maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11506;Logfia arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11400;Logfia minima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11400;Logfia minima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19506;Loiseleuria procumbens;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F1 - Tundra;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19506;Loiseleuria procumbens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43196;Lolium multiflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43196;Lolium multiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43196;Lolium multiflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 43540;Lolium perenne;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43540;Lolium perenne;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43540;Lolium perenne;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43540;Lolium perenne;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42844;Lolium remotum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42473;Lolium rigidum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43200;Lolium temulentum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15395;Lonicera alpigena;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15404;Lonicera caerulea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15368;Lonicera caprifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15368;Lonicera caprifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15370;Lonicera etrusca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15382;Lonicera nigra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15385;Lonicera periclymenum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15385;Lonicera periclymenum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15385;Lonicera periclymenum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 15385;Lonicera periclymenum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15354;Lonicera tatarica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15354;Lonicera tatarica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 15356;Lonicera xylosteum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15356;Lonicera xylosteum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15356;Lonicera xylosteum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 15356;Lonicera xylosteum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 43394;Lophochloa cristata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25273;Loranthus europaeus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19855;Lotus angustissimus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21886;Lotus corniculatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21886;Lotus corniculatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21886;Lotus corniculatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 21886;Lotus corniculatus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jones, D. A. (1986): Biological flora of the British Isles: Lotus corniculatus L.;BIOPOP April 2005 21886;Lotus corniculatus;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jones, D. A. (1986): Biological flora of the British Isles: Lotus corniculatus L.;BIOPOP April 2005 21886;Lotus corniculatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21886;Lotus corniculatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21444;Lotus pedunculatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21444;Lotus pedunculatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20976;Lotus tenuis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26480;Ludwigia palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26480;Ludwigia palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13513;Lunaria annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13513;Lunaria annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13960;Lunaria rediviva;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21901;Lupinus albus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21449;Lupinus angustifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21451;Lupinus arboreus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22239;Lupinus luteus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20589;Lupinus nootkatensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22241;Lupinus polyphyllus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22241;Lupinus polyphyllus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35649;Luronium natans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35649;Luronium natans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36187;Luzula alpinopilosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36198;Luzula arcuata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36280;Luzula campestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36280;Luzula campestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 36280;Luzula campestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36280;Luzula campestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36174;Luzula desvauxii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 60001;Luzula divulgata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36181;Luzula forsteri;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36269;Luzula luzulina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36273;Luzula luzuloides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36273;Luzula luzuloides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36245;Luzula multiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 36245;Luzula multiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36245;Luzula multiflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36251;Luzula multiflora subsp. congesta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36262;Luzula pallescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36230;Luzula pilosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36230;Luzula pilosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36240;Luzula spicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 36240;Luzula spicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36244;Luzula sudetica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 36244;Luzula sudetica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36284;Luzula sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36284;Luzula sylvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17455;Lychnis alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16589;Lychnis flos-cuculi;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16589;Lychnis flos-cuculi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16593;Lychnis viscaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16593;Lychnis viscaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35086;Lycium barbarum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 35086;Lycium barbarum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35086;Lycium barbarum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35031;Lycium chinense;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35044;Lycopersicon esculentum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35044;Lycopersicon esculentum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44369;Lycopodiella inundata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 479;Lycopodium clavatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 24606;Lycopus europaeus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24606;Lycopus europaeus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35892;Lysichiton americanus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28927;Lysimachia nemorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28927;Lysimachia nemorum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28922;Lysimachia nummularia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28922;Lysimachia nummularia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28922;Lysimachia nummularia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 28929;Lysimachia punctata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28929;Lysimachia punctata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28880;Lysimachia terrestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28789;Lysimachia thyrsiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28789;Lysimachia thyrsiflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28980;Lysimachia vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28980;Lysimachia vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26029;Lythrum hyssopifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26036;Lythrum portula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26036;Lythrum portula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26038;Lythrum salicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26038;Lythrum salicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26038;Lythrum salicaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26038;Lythrum salicaria;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 11687;Mahonia aquifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 11687;Mahonia aquifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11687;Mahonia aquifolium;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39069;Maianthemum bifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39069;Maianthemum bifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13522;Malcolmia maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30045;Malus domestica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 30045;Malus domestica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29710;Malus pumila;woody;1;1;;640;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);The Wood Exchange (;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 29369;Malus sylvestris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29369;Malus sylvestris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25705;Malva alcea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25717;Malva moschata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25717;Malva moschata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25718;Malva neglecta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25718;Malva neglecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25664;Malva nicaeensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25666;Malva parviflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25668;Malva pusilla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25674;Malva sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25674;Malva sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25681;Malva verticillata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24614;Marrubium vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24614;Marrubium vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9565;Matricaria maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9565;Matricaria maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10535;Matricaria perforata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10535;Matricaria perforata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13527;Matthiola incana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13529;Matthiola longipetala;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14597;Matthiola sinuata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25542;Meconopsis cambrica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19824;Medicago arabica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19824;Medicago arabica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20595;Medicago lupulina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20595;Medicago lupulina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20595;Medicago lupulina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20595;Medicago lupulina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21911;Medicago minima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21911;Medicago minima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21964;Medicago orbicularis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20650;Medicago polymorpha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20650;Medicago polymorpha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20650;Medicago polymorpha;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21971;Medicago prostrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20656;Medicago rigidula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21975;Medicago sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21975;Medicago sativa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 21975;Medicago sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19911;Medicago sativa s. falcata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19911;Medicago sativa s. falcata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34460;Melampyrum arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34460;Melampyrum arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33022;Melampyrum barbatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33028;Melampyrum cristatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33034;Melampyrum nemorosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33523;Melampyrum polonicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33526;Melampyrum pratense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33526;Melampyrum pratense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33044;Melampyrum sylvaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43206;Melica nutans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43206;Melica nutans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43550;Melica uniflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43550;Melica uniflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21420;Melilotus alba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21420;Melilotus alba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 21420;Melilotus alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22213;Melilotus altissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20556;Melilotus indica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22218;Melilotus officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22218;Melilotus officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22218;Melilotus officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23840;Melissa officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24619;Melittis melissophyllum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24622;Mentha aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24622;Mentha aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24622;Mentha aquatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23905;Mentha arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23905;Mentha arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24632;Mentha longifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24632;Mentha longifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24284;Mentha pulegium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24284;Mentha pulegium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24289;Mentha spicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24289;Mentha spicata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23642;Mentha suaveolens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23642;Mentha suaveolens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23642;Mentha suaveolens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26352;Menyanthes trifoliata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26352;Menyanthes trifoliata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20019;Mercurialis annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20019;Mercurialis annua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20019;Mercurialis annua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19987;Mercurialis perennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19987;Mercurialis perennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19987;Mercurialis perennis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12418;Mertensia maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 869;Mesembryanthemum crystallinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30357;Mespilus germanica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1148;Meum athamanticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42486;Mibora minima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42486;Mibora minima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23993;Micromeria croatica;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24711;Micromeria fruticosa;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43212;Milium effusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43212;Milium effusum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42491;Milium vernale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34136;Mimulus guttatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34136;Mimulus guttatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34406;Mimulus luteus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34076;Mimulus moschatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34076;Mimulus moschatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16482;Minuartia biflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16496;Minuartia hybrida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16496;Minuartia hybrida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16581;Minuartia recurva;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16155;Minuartia rubella;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16156;Minuartia rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17489;Minuartia sedoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16237;Minuartia stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17060;Minuartia verna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16243;Minuartia viscosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34219;Misopates orontium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34219;Misopates orontium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17067;Moehringia bavarica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16247;Moehringia trinervia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 16247;Moehringia trinervia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16247;Moehringia trinervia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16558;Moenchia erecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16558;Moenchia erecta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16959;Moenchia mantica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42495;Molinia caerulea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42496;Molinia caerulea s. arundinacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28798;Moneses uniflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28798;Moneses uniflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28802;Monotropa hypophegea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28803;Monotropa hypopitys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28803;Monotropa hypopitys;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27478;Montia fontana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27478;Montia fontana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25308;Morus alba;woody;1;1;;;763;650;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 25308;Morus alba;woody;1;1;;;850;670;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prosea 5(3) p:388; Agroforestry tree DATABASE, ICRAF;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 25309;Morus nigra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13539;Murbeckiella pinnatifida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jahn, Ralf(1995): Exkursionsflora für Kreta [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39078;Muscari armeniacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38961;Muscari botryoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38147;Muscari comosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38976;Muscari neglectum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38964;Muscari tenuiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14601;Myagrum perfoliatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11510;Mycelis muralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11510;Mycelis muralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11510;Mycelis muralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12022;Myosotis alpestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12027;Myosotis arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12027;Myosotis arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 12027;Myosotis arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12034;Myosotis decumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11975;Myosotis discolor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11975;Myosotis discolor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11988;Myosotis laxa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 12357;Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11994;Myosotis nemorosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11938;Myosotis ramosissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11938;Myosotis ramosissima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11938;Myosotis ramosissima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 11945;Myosotis rehsteineri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11951;Myosotis scorpioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11951;Myosotis scorpioides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11951;Myosotis scorpioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11953;Myosotis secunda;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11960;Myosotis sparsiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12387;Myosotis stolonifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11964;Myosotis stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11966;Myosotis sylvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11966;Myosotis sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 11966;Myosotis sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15865;Myosoton aquaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15865;Myosoton aquaticum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15865;Myosoton aquaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27104;Myosurus minimus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27104;Myosurus minimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25313;Myrica caroliniensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25316;Myrica gale;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25316;Myrica gale;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34699;Myricaria germanica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25228;Myriophyllum alterniflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25228;Myriophyllum alterniflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25231;Myriophyllum heterophyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25232;Myriophyllum spicatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25232;Myriophyllum spicatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25234;Myriophyllum verticillatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25234;Myriophyllum verticillatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1152;Myrrhis odorata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1152;Myrrhis odorata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25977;Myrtus communis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;categorized from original source;Baas, Pieter(1987): Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of trees, shrubs and climbers from Europe [8];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25977;Myrtus communis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39421;Najas flexilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39411;Najas marina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39411;Najas marina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39413;Najas minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35502;Narcissus jonquilla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35706;Narcissus poeticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35717;Narcissus pseudonarcissus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35717;Narcissus pseudonarcissus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43217;Nardus stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43217;Nardus stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 43217;Nardus stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43217;Nardus stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38170;Narthecium ossifragum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38170;Narthecium ossifragum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12669;Nasturtium microphyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12669;Nasturtium microphyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12669;Nasturtium microphyllum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14602;Nasturtium officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14602;Nasturtium officinale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39952;Neotinea maculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39957;Neottia nidus-avis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39957;Neottia nidus-avis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24784;Nepeta cataria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24784;Nepeta cataria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24784;Nepeta cataria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24254;Nepeta grandiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23899;Nepeta nuda;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2565;Nerium oleander;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13116;Neslia paniculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34982;Nicandra physalodes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35067;Nicotiana alata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34935;Nicotiana rustica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34910;Nicotiana tabacum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 34910;Nicotiana tabacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27106;Nigella arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27114;Nigella damascena;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11903;Nonea pulla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25253;Nuphar lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25253;Nuphar lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25256;Nuphar pumila;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25260;Nymphaea alba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25260;Nymphaea alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25264;Nymphaea candida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26354;Nymphoides peltata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26354;Nymphoides peltata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33000;Odontites lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33007;Odontites verna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33736;Odontites verna s. serotina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33008;Odontites verna subsp. litoralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1156;Oenanthe aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1156;Oenanthe aquatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1158;Oenanthe conioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1659;Oenanthe crocata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1659;Oenanthe crocata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1660;Oenanthe fistulosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1660;Oenanthe fistulosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2103;Oenanthe fluviatilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2104;Oenanthe lachenalii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2104;Oenanthe lachenalii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2106;Oenanthe peucedanifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1666;Oenanthe pimpinelloides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1666;Oenanthe pimpinelloides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1668;Oenanthe silaifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1668;Oenanthe silaifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26442;Oenothera biennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26442;Oenothera biennis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26448;Oenothera erythrosepala;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26448;Oenothera erythrosepala;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26459;Oenothera parviflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26459;Oenothera parviflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26466;Oenothera stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11511;Omalotheca norvegica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 11511;Omalotheca norvegica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10537;Omalotheca supina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 10537;Omalotheca supina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11311;Omalotheca sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11311;Omalotheca sylvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11922;Omphalodes scorpioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11923;Omphalodes verna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21876;Onobrychis arenaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21940;Onobrychis montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21874;Onobrychis viciifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21874;Onobrychis viciifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 21874;Onobrychis viciifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21509;Ononis arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19902;Ononis pusilla;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21955;Ononis reclinata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20645;Ononis repens;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20645;Ononis repens;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kirchner, O. v.(1936): Lebensgeschichte der Blütenpflanzen Mitteleuropas;BIOPOP April 2005 20645;Ononis repens;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20645;Ononis repens;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20645;Ononis repens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21958;Ononis spinosa;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21958;Ononis spinosa;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21958;Ononis spinosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21958;Ononis spinosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21958;Ononis spinosa;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9350;Onopordum acanthium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9350;Onopordum acanthium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11924;Onosma arenaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39669;Ophrys apifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39669;Ophrys apifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39967;Ophrys bertolonii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39685;Ophrys fuciflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39695;Ophrys fusca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39703;Ophrys insectifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39703;Ophrys insectifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39719;Ophrys sphegodes;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39719;Ophrys sphegodes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39740;Orchis coriophora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39755;Orchis mascula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39755;Orchis mascula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40042;Orchis militaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40042;Orchis militaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 40042;Orchis militaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39762;Orchis morio;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39762;Orchis morio;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39766;Orchis pallens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40052;Orchis purpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40052;Orchis purpurea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40058;Orchis simia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40058;Orchis simia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39779;Orchis tridentata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39783;Orchis ustulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39783;Orchis ustulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24674;Origanum majorana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23973;Origanum vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23973;Origanum vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23973;Origanum vulgare;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2113;Orlaya grandiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39000;Ornithogalum boucheanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 39001;Ornithogalum nutans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38906;Ornithogalum pyramidale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38908;Ornithogalum pyrenaicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39006;Ornithogalum umbellatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22017;Ornithopus compressus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19964;Ornithopus perpusillus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19964;Ornithopus perpusillus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21023;Ornithopus pinnatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22019;Ornithopus sativus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26302;Orobanche alba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26308;Orobanche alsatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26314;Orobanche amethystea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26321;Orobanche arenaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26253;Orobanche caryophyllacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26253;Orobanche caryophyllacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26266;Orobanche crenata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26270;Orobanche elatior;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26270;Orobanche elatior;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26281;Orobanche gracilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26288;Orobanche hederae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26288;Orobanche hederae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26187;Orobanche loricata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26187;Orobanche loricata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26196;Orobanche lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26203;Orobanche minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26203;Orobanche minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26224;Orobanche purpurea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26224;Orobanche purpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26230;Orobanche ramosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26147;Orobanche rapum-genistae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26147;Orobanche rapum-genistae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26159;Orobanche reticulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26159;Orobanche reticulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26167;Orobanche salviae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26177;Orobanche teucrii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28809;Orthilia secunda;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28809;Orthilia secunda;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10681;Otanthus maritimus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25842;Oxalis acetosella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25842;Oxalis acetosella;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25842;Oxalis acetosella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25841;Oxalis articulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25840;Oxalis corniculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 25840;Oxalis corniculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25840;Oxalis corniculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25834;Oxalis europaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25830;Oxalis latifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25829;Oxalis pes-caprae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25827;Oxalis stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25827;Oxalis stricta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27715;Oxyria digyna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 27715;Oxyria digyna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21486;Oxytropis campestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21029;Oxytropis halleri;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21479;Oxytropis pilosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25406;Paeonia officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43220;Panicum capillare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43564;Panicum dichotomiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43565;Panicum miliaceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25500;Papaver argemone;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;McNaughton, I. H. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Papaver rhoeas L., P. dubium (L.).;BIOPOP April 2005 25500;Papaver argemone;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25500;Papaver argemone;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25513;Papaver dubium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;McNaughton, I. H. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Papaver rhoeas L., P. dubium (L.).;BIOPOP April 2005 25513;Papaver dubium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: dubium, lecoqii. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25513;Papaver dubium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25595;Papaver hybridum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25595;Papaver hybridum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;McNaughton, I. H. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Papaver rhoeas L., P. dubium (L.).;BIOPOP April 2005 25610;Papaver orientale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25577;Papaver rhoeas;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;McNaughton, I. H. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Papaver rhoeas L., P. dubium (L.).;BIOPOP April 2005 25577;Papaver rhoeas;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25577;Papaver rhoeas;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25577;Papaver rhoeas;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 25589;Papaver somniferum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25589;Papaver somniferum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42870;Parapholis incurva;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42872;Parapholis strigosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42872;Parapholis strigosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34247;Parentucellia latifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33509;Parentucellia viscosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33509;Parentucellia viscosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44662;Parietaria judaica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44662;Parietaria judaica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35137;Parietaria officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44664;Parietaria pensylvanica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38073;Paris quadrifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38073;Paris quadrifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25636;Parnassia palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 25636;Parnassia palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 25636;Parnassia palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34510;Parthenocissus inserta;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 34510;Parthenocissus inserta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34514;Parthenocissus quinquefolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34514;Parthenocissus quinquefolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34516;Parthenocissus tricuspidata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43570;Paspalum dilatatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42874;Paspalum paspalodes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42874;Paspalum paspalodes;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1183;Pastinaca sativa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1183;Pastinaca sativa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1183;Pastinaca sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34389;Pedicularis elongata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33474;Pedicularis foliosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33481;Pedicularis lapponica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 33763;Pedicularis oederi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 33763;Pedicularis oederi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33771;Pedicularis palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33771;Pedicularis palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34226;Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32992;Pedicularis sylvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32992;Pedicularis sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13872;Peltaria alliacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11832;Pentaglottis sempervirens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11832;Pentaglottis sempervirens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2559;Periploca graeca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11005;Petasites albus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11005;Petasites albus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11574;Petasites fragrans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10476;Petasites hybridus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10476;Petasites hybridus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11313;Petasites japonicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9658;Petasites spurius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16636;Petrorhagia prolifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16636;Petrorhagia prolifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16636;Petrorhagia prolifera;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15566;Petrorhagia saxifraga;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1095;Petroselinum crispum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1097;Petroselinum segetum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1097;Petroselinum segetum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1100;Peucedanum alsaticum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1105;Peucedanum austriacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1620;Peucedanum carvifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1621;Peucedanum cervaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1112;Peucedanum officinale;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Randall(1996): Biological flora of the British Isles: Peucedanum officinale L.;BIOPOP April 2005 1112;Peucedanum officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2070;Peucedanum oreoselinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1118;Peucedanum ostruthium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2071;Peucedanum palustre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2071;Peucedanum palustre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2073;Peucedanum venetum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jahn, Ralf(1995): Exkursionsflora für Kreta [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1121;Peucedanum verticillare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25220;Phacelia tanacetifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10478;Phagnalon rupestre;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42396;Phalaris arundinacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42396;Phalaris arundinacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42396;Phalaris arundinacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43577;Phalaris brachystachys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42881;Phalaris canariensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43235;Phalaris coerulescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42398;Phalaris minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42882;Phalaris paradoxa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19978;Phaseolus coccineus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22039;Phaseolus vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44452;Phegopteris connectilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23160;Philadelphus coronarius;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26369;Phillyrea angustifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26370;Phillyrea latifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42401;Phleum alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 42401;Phleum alpinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42667;Phleum arenarium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42667;Phleum arenarium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43581;Phleum paniculatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43239;Phleum phleoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 43239;Phleum phleoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42408;Phleum pratense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42408;Phleum pratense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43242;Phleum pratense s. bertolonii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43406;Phleum pratense s. pratense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24687;Phlomis lychnitis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38921;Phormium tenax;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42412;Phragmites australis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42412;Phragmites australis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42412;Phragmites australis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19512;Phyllodoce caerulea;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19512;Phyllodoce caerulea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35072;Physalis alkekengi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34978;Physalis peruviana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29711;Physocarpus opulifolius;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2075;Physospermum cornubiense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14779;Phyteuma michelii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jahn, Ralf(1995): Exkursionsflora für Kreta [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14815;Phyteuma nigrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14818;Phyteuma orbiculare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14778;Phyteuma scorzonerifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14783;Phyteuma sieberi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14784;Phyteuma spicatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14784;Phyteuma spicatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27870;Phytolacca americana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 27870;Phytolacca americana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27873;Phytolacca esculenta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 670;Picea abies;woody;2;1;;.47;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 670;Picea abies;woody;1;1;;465;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Woods of the world, 670;Picea abies;woody;1;1;;;500;350;;1;;;Moisture content 12%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 670;Picea abies;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Haeupler, H. (2000): Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands;BIOPOP April 2005 684;Picea glauca;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Humphries, C. J.(1990): Der Kosmos-Baumführer;BIOPOP April 2005 10896;Picris echioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10896;Picris echioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10896;Picris echioides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9660;Picris hieracioides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 9660;Picris hieracioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9660;Picris hieracioides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10611;Picris hieracioides s. villarsii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1634;Pimpinella anisum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1134;Pimpinella major;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1134;Pimpinella major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1643;Pimpinella saxifraga;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1643;Pimpinella saxifraga;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1643;Pimpinella saxifraga;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26120;Pinguicula alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-07-21 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 26120;Pinguicula alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26126;Pinguicula grandiflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26137;Pinguicula lusitanica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26085;Pinguicula vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 26085;Pinguicula vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26085;Pinguicula vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 607;Pinus pinaster;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 624;Pinus sylvestris;woody;4;1;;.52;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 624;Pinus sylvestris;woody;1;1;;513;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Woods of the world, 624;Pinus sylvestris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Haeupler, H. (2000): Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands;BIOPOP April 2005 624;Pinus sylvestris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Carlisle, A. (1968): Biological flora of the British Isles: Pinus sylvestris L. [56(1)];BIOPOP April 2005 624;Pinus sylvestris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Carlisle, A. (1968): Biological flora of the British Isles: Pinus sylvestris L. [56(1)];BIOPOP April 2005 624;Pinus sylvestris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22040;Pisum sativum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27875;Pittosporum crassifolium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27855;Plantago afra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27857;Plantago albicans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27858;Plantago alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27859;Plantago altissima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27863;Plantago arenaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27899;Plantago coronopus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27899;Plantago coronopus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27899;Plantago coronopus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27818;Plantago lagopus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27860;Plantago lanceolata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27860;Plantago lanceolata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27860;Plantago lanceolata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27860;Plantago lanceolata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Sagar, G. R. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Plantago major L., P. media L. and P. lanceolata L.;BIOPOP April 2005 27860;Plantago lanceolata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27829;Plantago major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27829;Plantago major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27829;Plantago major;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Sagar, G. R. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Plantago major L., P. media L. and P. lanceolata L.;BIOPOP April 2005 27829;Plantago major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27829;Plantago major;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27829;Plantago major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 27835;Plantago major subsp. intermedia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27843;Plantago maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27843;Plantago maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27848;Plantago maritima s. maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-06-19 00:00:00.0;;B1.2 - Sand beaches above the driftline;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 27848;Plantago maritima s. maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27756;Plantago media;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27756;Plantago media;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27756;Plantago media;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27756;Plantago media;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Sagar, G. R. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Plantago major L., P. media L. and P. lanceolata L.;BIOPOP April 2005 39786;Platanthera bifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39786;Platanthera bifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39789;Platanthera chlorantha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39789;Platanthera chlorantha;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27915;Platanus occidentalis;woody;1;1;;490;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 27915;Platanus occidentalis;woody;1;1;;460;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%| green;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 27849;Platanus orientalis;woody;1;1;;625;;;;1;;;air-dry| Platanus hybrida;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 60719;Platanus x hispanica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1061;Pleurospermum austriacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42327;Poa alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42327;Poa alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 42678;Poa angustifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42678;Poa angustifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42678;Poa angustifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 43060;Poa annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43060;Poa annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43060;Poa annua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43060;Poa annua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 43060;Poa annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42692;Poa badensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42340;Poa bulbosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42340;Poa bulbosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42340;Poa bulbosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42340;Poa bulbosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42902;Poa chaixii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42902;Poa chaixii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42683;Poa compressa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42683;Poa compressa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42683;Poa compressa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43744;Poa flexuosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43601;Poa glauca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42905;Poa infirma;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42439;Poa laxa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43608;Poa molinerii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42334;Poa nemoralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42334;Poa nemoralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42334;Poa nemoralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43610;Poa palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43610;Poa palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43610;Poa palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42677;Poa pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42677;Poa pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42677;Poa pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42677;Poa pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43267;Poa remota;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42699;Poa subcaerulea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42699;Poa subcaerulea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43423;Poa supina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43077;Poa trivialis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43077;Poa trivialis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43077;Poa trivialis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28181;Polemonium caeruleum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28181;Polemonium caeruleum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16221;Polycarpon tetraphyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17999;Polycnemum arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18001;Polycnemum majus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28146;Polygala amarella;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28137;Polygala calcarea;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28113;Polygala chamaebuxus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28115;Polygala comosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28131;Polygala major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28073;Polygala oxyptera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28082;Polygala serpyllifolia;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28082;Polygala serpyllifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28062;Polygala vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28062;Polygala vulgaris;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38923;Polygonatum latifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38075;Polygonatum multiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38075;Polygonatum multiflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38076;Polygonatum odoratum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38076;Polygonatum odoratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38518;Polygonatum verticillatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38518;Polygonatum verticillatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27723;Polygonum alpinum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27723;Polygonum alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27725;Polygonum amphibium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27725;Polygonum amphibium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27728;Polygonum arenarium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27735;Polygonum arenastrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27740;Polygonum aviculare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27740;Polygonum aviculare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27740;Polygonum aviculare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27681;Polygonum bellardii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27743;Polygonum bistorta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27743;Polygonum bistorta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27745;Polygonum boreale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44732;Polygonum capitatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27636;Polygonum hydropiper;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27636;Polygonum hydropiper;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27747;Polygonum lapathifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27747;Polygonum lapathifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27651;Polygonum maritimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27653;Polygonum minus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27653;Polygonum minus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27653;Polygonum minus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 27654;Polygonum mite;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27654;Polygonum mite;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27660;Polygonum oxyspermum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27660;Polygonum oxyspermum;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27660;Polygonum oxyspermum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27665;Polygonum patulum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27673;Polygonum persicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27673;Polygonum persicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27673;Polygonum persicaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27673;Polygonum persicaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27675;Polygonum polystachyum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27680;Polygonum rurivagum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27573;Polygonum viviparum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 27573;Polygonum viviparum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43616;Polypogon monspeliensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43616;Polypogon monspeliensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42346;Polypogon viridis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44064;Pontederia cordata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32710;Populus alba;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44620;Populus candicans;woody;1;1;;380;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 44620;Populus candicans;woody;1;1;;350;;;;1;;;moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 44620;Populus candicans;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32671;Populus deltoides;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32673;Populus nigra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32673;Populus nigra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32673;Populus nigra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32673;Populus nigra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32680;Populus tremula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32680;Populus tremula;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32680;Populus tremula;woody;1;1;;;550;300;;1;;;Moisture content 12%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 32680;Populus tremula;woody;1;1;;450;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 32680;Populus tremula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 32680;Populus tremula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32680;Populus tremula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 32682;Populus trichocarpa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32687;Populus x canadensis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32687;Populus x canadensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32687;Populus x canadensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27501;Portulaca oleracea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27501;Portulaca oleracea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27501;Portulaca oleracea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Miyanishi, K. (1980): The biology of Canadian weeds. 40. Portulaca oleracea L.;BIOPOP April 2005 27501;Portulaca oleracea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43950;Potamogeton acutifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43950;Potamogeton acutifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43951;Potamogeton alpinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43951;Potamogeton alpinus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43955;Potamogeton berchtoldii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43955;Potamogeton berchtoldii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43961;Potamogeton coloratus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43961;Potamogeton coloratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43962;Potamogeton compressus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43962;Potamogeton compressus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43966;Potamogeton crispus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43966;Potamogeton crispus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43967;Potamogeton epihydrus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43968;Potamogeton filiformis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43972;Potamogeton friesii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43972;Potamogeton friesii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43975;Potamogeton gramineus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43975;Potamogeton gramineus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43923;Potamogeton lucens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43923;Potamogeton lucens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43926;Potamogeton natans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43926;Potamogeton natans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43926;Potamogeton natans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43933;Potamogeton nodosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43933;Potamogeton nodosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43936;Potamogeton obtusifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43936;Potamogeton obtusifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43938;Potamogeton pectinatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43938;Potamogeton pectinatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43943;Potamogeton perfoliatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43943;Potamogeton perfoliatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43944;Potamogeton polygonifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43944;Potamogeton polygonifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43887;Potamogeton praelongus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43887;Potamogeton praelongus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43890;Potamogeton pusillus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43890;Potamogeton pusillus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43895;Potamogeton rutilus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43903;Potamogeton trichoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43903;Potamogeton trichoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30128;Potentilla alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31198;Potentilla anglica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31198;Potentilla anglica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29712;Potentilla anserina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Miyanishi, K.(1991): The biology of Canadian weeds. 98. Potentilla anserina L.;BIOPOP April 2005 29712;Potentilla anserina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29712;Potentilla anserina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29712;Potentilla anserina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30642;Potentilla argentea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30642;Potentilla argentea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29716;Potentilla aurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30603;Potentilla cinerea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29385;Potentilla collina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29387;Potentilla crantzii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 29387;Potentilla crantzii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30927;Potentilla erecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30927;Potentilla erecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 30927;Potentilla erecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30927;Potentilla erecta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29725;Potentilla fruticosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29728;Potentilla heptaphylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29340;Potentilla inclinata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30887;Potentilla intermedia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30888;Potentilla leucopolitana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29976;Potentilla micrantha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29685;Potentilla norvegica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29685;Potentilla norvegica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30328;Potentilla palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30328;Potentilla palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29346;Potentilla praecox;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30894;Potentilla pusilla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29349;Potentilla recta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29347;Potentilla recta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29349;Potentilla recta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30622;Potentilla reptans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30622;Potentilla reptans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30622;Potentilla reptans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29693;Potentilla rupestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29693;Potentilla rupestris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Wilson, G. B.(1995): Biological flora of the British Isles: Potentilla rupestris L. (Potentilla corsica Sieber ex Lehm).;BIOPOP April 2005 30899;Potentilla sordida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30583;Potentilla sterilis;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Grime, J. P.(1988): Comparative Plant Ecology: A functional approach to common British species;BIOPOP April 2005 30583;Potentilla sterilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30583;Potentilla sterilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31183;Potentilla supina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30295;Potentilla tabernaemontani;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30295;Potentilla tabernaemontani;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30295;Potentilla tabernaemontani;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30901;Potentilla thyrsiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30299;Potentilla wiemanniana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9532;Prenanthes purpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28913;Primula auricula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29086;Primula elatior;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29086;Primula elatior;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29086;Primula elatior;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28915;Primula farinosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28781;Primula glutinosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28898;Primula scotica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28858;Primula veris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28858;Primula veris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28981;Primula vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28981;Primula vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23985;Prunella grandiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25036;Prunella laciniata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24350;Prunella vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24350;Prunella vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24350;Prunella vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30585;Prunus armeniaca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31189;Prunus avium;woody;2;1;;.57;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 31189;Prunus avium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 31189;Prunus avium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31189;Prunus avium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31189;Prunus avium;woody;1;1;;610;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 31189;Prunus avium;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31189;Prunus avium;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29699;Prunus cerasifera;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29305;Prunus cerasus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29700;Prunus domestica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29700;Prunus domestica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29700;Prunus domestica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30304;Prunus fruticosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29962;Prunus laurocerasus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 29962;Prunus laurocerasus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29971;Prunus lusitanica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29650;Prunus mahaleb;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30306;Prunus padus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30306;Prunus padus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30306;Prunus padus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 29943;Prunus persica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29315;Prunus serotina;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Mulligan, G. A. (1981): The biology of Canadian weeds. 51. Prunus virginiana L. and P. serotina Ehrh.;BIOPOP April 2005 29315;Prunus serotina;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29315;Prunus serotina;woody;1;1;;540;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 29315;Prunus serotina;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29316;Prunus spinosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29316;Prunus spinosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29316;Prunus spinosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29316;Prunus spinosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29316;Prunus spinosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 30310;Prunus virginiana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Mulligan, G. A. (1981): The biology of Canadian weeds. 51. Prunus virginiana L. and P. serotina Ehrh.;BIOPOP April 2005 45591;Pseudofumaria alba s. alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45589;Pseudofumaria lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45589;Pseudofumaria lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 39803;Pseudorchis albida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 39803;Pseudorchis albida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42350;Psilurus incurvus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23155;Pterocarya fraxinifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42706;Puccinellia distans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42706;Puccinellia distans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43427;Puccinellia distans s. borealis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42358;Puccinellia fasciculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42358;Puccinellia fasciculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43436;Puccinellia maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43436;Puccinellia maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42933;Puccinellia rupestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42933;Puccinellia rupestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9613;Pulicaria dysenterica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9613;Pulicaria dysenterica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10384;Pulicaria vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10384;Pulicaria vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11846;Pulmonaria angustifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11849;Pulmonaria longifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11853;Pulmonaria mollis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11790;Pulmonaria montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11795;Pulmonaria obscura;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11796;Pulmonaria officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11796;Pulmonaria officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11799;Pulmonaria saccharata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27060;Pulsatilla rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27065;Pulsatilla vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27065;Pulsatilla vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31150;Pyracantha coccinea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28769;Pyrola chlorantha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28773;Pyrola media;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28775;Pyrola minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 28775;Pyrola minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28775;Pyrola minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28777;Pyrola rotundifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28777;Pyrola rotundifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29660;Pyrus communis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29660;Pyrus communis;woody;1;1;;;839;600;;1;;;Moisture content 12-15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 29660;Pyrus communis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 29323;Pyrus cordata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31152;Pyrus nivalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31153;Pyrus pyraster;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 22497;Quercus cerris;woody;1;1;;;959;720;;1;;;Moisture content 12-15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prospect: The Wood Database Version 2.1;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22497;Quercus cerris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22497;Quercus cerris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22498;Quercus coccifera;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22435;Quercus ilex;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22443;Quercus palustris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22443;Quercus palustris;woody;1;1;;630;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;1;1;;673;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;1;1;;720;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;2;1;;.67;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22445;Quercus petraea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22457;Quercus robur;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22457;Quercus robur;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22457;Quercus robur;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 22457;Quercus robur;woody;1;1;;689;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22457;Quercus robur;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 22457;Quercus robur;woody;1;1;;720;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22457;Quercus robur;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22466;Quercus rubra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22466;Quercus rubra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 25873;Radiola linoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25873;Radiola linoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26864;Ranunculus aconitifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26865;Ranunculus acris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26865;Ranunculus acris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 26865;Ranunculus acris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Harper, J. L. (1957): Biological flora of the British Isles: Ranunculus acris, R. repens, R. bulbosus.;BIOPOP April 2005 26865;Ranunculus acris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26865;Ranunculus acris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26865;Ranunculus acris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27005;Ranunculus aquatilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27005;Ranunculus aquatilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27005;Ranunculus aquatilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27005;Ranunculus aquatilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27014;Ranunculus arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27014;Ranunculus arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27000;Ranunculus auricomus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27000;Ranunculus auricomus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26809;Ranunculus bulbosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Harper, J. L. (1957): Biological flora of the British Isles: Ranunculus acris, R. repens, R. bulbosus.;BIOPOP April 2005 26809;Ranunculus bulbosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26809;Ranunculus bulbosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26809;Ranunculus bulbosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26942;Ranunculus cassubicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26945;Ranunculus circinatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26945;Ranunculus circinatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26860;Ranunculus ficaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26860;Ranunculus ficaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26860;Ranunculus ficaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26860;Ranunculus ficaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26624;Ranunculus flammula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26624;Ranunculus flammula;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26881;Ranunculus fluitans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26881;Ranunculus fluitans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26885;Ranunculus glacialis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26892;Ranunculus gramineus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26758;Ranunculus hederaceus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26758;Ranunculus hederaceus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26876;Ranunculus illyricus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26737;Ranunculus lanuginosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26743;Ranunculus lingua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26743;Ranunculus lingua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26836;Ranunculus montanus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26837;Ranunculus muricatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26821;Ranunculus ololeucos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26822;Ranunculus omiophyllus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26822;Ranunculus omiophyllus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26792;Ranunculus ophioglossifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26692;Ranunculus parviflorus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26695;Ranunculus peltatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26695;Ranunculus peltatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45465;Ranunculus peltatus s. baudotii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45465;Ranunculus peltatus s. baudotii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45469;Ranunculus penicillatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 45469;Ranunculus penicillatus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26778;Ranunculus platanifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26780;Ranunculus polyanthemos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26647;Ranunculus pygmaeus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F1 - Tundra;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 26647;Ranunculus pygmaeus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26770;Ranunculus repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26770;Ranunculus repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26770;Ranunculus repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26770;Ranunculus repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26623;Ranunculus reptans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26629;Ranunculus rionii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26637;Ranunculus sardous;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26637;Ranunculus sardous;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26717;Ranunculus sceleratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26717;Ranunculus sceleratus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26722;Ranunculus seguieri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26706;Ranunculus serpens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26621;Ranunculus thora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26588;Ranunculus trichophyllus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26711;Ranunculus tripartitus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26711;Ranunculus tripartitus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13549;Raphanus raphanistrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: maritimus. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13549;Raphanus raphanistrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Subspecies: raphanistrum. Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13549;Raphanus raphanistrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13125;Raphanus sativus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14611;Rapistrum perenne;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13886;Rapistrum rugosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10003;Reichardia picroides;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27957;Reseda alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27974;Reseda lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27974;Reseda lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27974;Reseda lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27977;Reseda luteola;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27977;Reseda luteola;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27980;Reseda odorata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27929;Reseda phyteuma;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27574;Reynoutria japonica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27574;Reynoutria japonica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27574;Reynoutria japonica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27578;Reynoutria sachalinensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27578;Reynoutria sachalinensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10656;Rhagadiolus stellatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28012;Rhamnus catharticus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 28012;Rhamnus catharticus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 28012;Rhamnus catharticus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Godwin, H. (1943): Biological flora of the British Isles: Rhamnus cathartica L.;BIOPOP April 2005 27989;Rhamnus saxatilis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27584;Rheum rhabarbarum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33445;Rhinanthus alectorolophus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32931;Rhinanthus alpinus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33452;Rhinanthus angustifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33452;Rhinanthus angustifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33295;Rhinanthus freynii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 50039;Rhinanthus glacialis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32892;Rhinanthus minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32892;Rhinanthus minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18168;Rhodiola rosea;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 18168;Rhodiola rosea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19518;Rhododendron luteum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19518;Rhododendron luteum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19459;Rhododendron ponticum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19459;Rhododendron ponticum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19459;Rhododendron ponticum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 955;Rhus typhina;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37156;Rhynchospora alba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37156;Rhynchospora alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37574;Rhynchospora fusca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37574;Rhynchospora fusca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23116;Ribes alpinum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23116;Ribes alpinum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23118;Ribes aureum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23122;Ribes nigrum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 23122;Ribes nigrum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23122;Ribes nigrum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23124;Ribes petraeum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23126;Ribes rubrum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23126;Ribes rubrum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23130;Ribes sanguineum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23132;Ribes spicatum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23138;Ribes uva-crispa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23138;Ribes uva-crispa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23138;Ribes uva-crispa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 19992;Ricinus communis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1604;Ridolfia segetum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;1;1;;800;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Prosea 5(3) p:388; Agroforestry tree DATABASE, ICRAF;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Rebele, F. (1992): Colonization and early succession on anthropogenic soils.;BIOPOP April 2005 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;1;1;;690;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 22045;Robinia pseudacacia;woody;1;1;;680;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 36747;Romulea columnae;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13138;Rorippa amphibia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13138;Rorippa amphibia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13904;Rorippa austriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13905;Rorippa islandica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14626;Rorippa palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14626;Rorippa palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13444;Rorippa pyrenaica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13910;Rorippa sylvestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13910;Rorippa sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29667;Rosa agrestis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31158;Rosa arvensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31158;Rosa arvensis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29669;Rosa blanda;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30273;Rosa caesia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29295;Rosa canina;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29295;Rosa canina;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 29295;Rosa canina;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29295;Rosa canina;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30275;Rosa caryophyllacea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30277;Rosa corymbifera;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 60797;Rosa dumalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30050;Rosa elliptica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29674;Rosa foetida;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30842;Rosa gallica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29258;Rosa glauca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31124;Rosa jundzillii;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31125;Rosa majalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30571;Rosa micrantha;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31128;Rosa mollis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29985;Rosa multiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29327;Rosa obtusifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30578;Rosa pendulina;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29288;Rosa pimpinellifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29288;Rosa pimpinellifolia;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29904;Rosa rhaetica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29291;Rosa rubiginosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29291;Rosa rubiginosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30857;Rosa rugosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31137;Rosa sherardii;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30546;Rosa stylosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29641;Rosa subcanina;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30254;Rosa subcollina;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29878;Rosa tomentosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29630;Rosa villosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25038;Rosmarinus officinalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25038;Rosmarinus officinalis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31737;Rubia peregrina;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32061;Rubia tinctorium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30235;Rubus bifrons;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30108;Rubus caesius;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30108;Rubus caesius;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30108;Rubus caesius;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30071;Rubus chamaemorus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;woody stems below soil surface!;D2 - Valley mires. poor fens and transition mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 30071;Rubus chamaemorus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 58723;Rubus corylifolius ag.;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Bartels, H. (1993): Gehölzkunde;BIOPOP April 2005 58723;Rubus corylifolius ag.;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 58698;Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 58698;Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Grime, J. P.(1988): Comparative Plant Ecology: A functional approach to common British species;ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 58698;Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 58698;Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29604;Rubus idaeus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29604;Rubus idaeus;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29604;Rubus idaeus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30492;Rubus nessensis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31060;Rubus odoratus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30497;Rubus phoenicolasius;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29888;Rubus saxatilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29888;Rubus saxatilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30483;Rubus silesiacus;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30773;Rubus spectabilis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30773;Rubus spectabilis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29561;Rubus ulmifolius;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11072;Rudbeckia hirta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9935;Rudbeckia laciniata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9935;Rudbeckia laciniata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9935;Rudbeckia laciniata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27593;Rumex acetosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27593;Rumex acetosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 27593;Rumex acetosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27593;Rumex acetosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27593;Rumex acetosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27601;Rumex acetosella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27601;Rumex acetosella;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27602;Rumex alpinus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27607;Rumex aquaticus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27607;Rumex aquaticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27622;Rumex confertus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27623;Rumex conglomeratus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27623;Rumex conglomeratus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27506;Rumex crispus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27506;Rumex crispus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cavers, P. B. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Rumex obtusifolius und Rumex crispus. [52(3)];BIOPOP April 2005 27506;Rumex crispus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27506;Rumex crispus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cavers, P. B. (1964): Biological flora of the British Isles: Rumex obtusifolius und Rumex crispus. [52(3)];BIOPOP April 2005 27506;Rumex crispus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27517;Rumex frutescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27528;Rumex hydrolapathum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27528;Rumex hydrolapathum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27534;Rumex longifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27537;Rumex maritimus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27537;Rumex maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27542;Rumex obtusifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27542;Rumex obtusifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 27542;Rumex obtusifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27542;Rumex obtusifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27549;Rumex palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27549;Rumex palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27551;Rumex patientia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27551;Rumex patientia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27560;Rumex pulcher;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27447;Rumex rugosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27449;Rumex rupestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27606;Rumex salicifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27450;Rumex sanguineus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 27450;Rumex sanguineus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27451;Rumex scutatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 27453;Rumex stenophyllus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 27457;Rumex thyrsiflorus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43915;Ruppia cirrhosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43915;Ruppia cirrhosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43869;Ruppia maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43869;Ruppia maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38080;Ruscus aculeatus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31663;Ruta graveolens;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17028;Sagina apetala;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17028;Sagina apetala;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17033;Sagina maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17033;Sagina maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15578;Sagina nivalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16644;Sagina nodosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16644;Sagina nodosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16230;Sagina procumbens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16230;Sagina procumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16651;Sagina saginoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16231;Sagina subulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16231;Sagina subulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35652;Sagittaria latifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35605;Sagittaria sagittifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35605;Sagittaria sagittifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18004;Salicornia dolichostachya;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18012;Salicornia europaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18012;Salicornia europaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18015;Salicornia fragilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18018;Salicornia nitens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18019;Salicornia obscura;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18022;Salicornia procumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18025;Salicornia pusilla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18025;Salicornia pusilla;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18027;Salicornia ramosissima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18033;Salicornia stricta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32638;Salix alba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32638;Salix alba;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32638;Salix alba;woody;1;1;;385;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 32638;Salix alba;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32649;Salix appendiculata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32652;Salix arbuscula;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32563;Salix aurita;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32563;Salix aurita;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32563;Salix aurita;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32624;Salix babylonica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32585;Salix bicolor;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32633;Salix breviserrata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32634;Salix caesia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32596;Salix caprea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32596;Salix caprea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 32596;Salix caprea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32596;Salix caprea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32596;Salix caprea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32565;Salix cinerea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32565;Salix cinerea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32565;Salix cinerea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32605;Salix daphnoides;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32607;Salix elaeagnos;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32613;Salix foetida;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32570;Salix fragilis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32570;Salix fragilis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32570;Salix fragilis;woody;1;1;;450;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 32570;Salix fragilis;woody;1;1;;449;;;;1;;;Moisture content air-dry;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 32570;Salix fragilis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32573;Salix glauca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32577;Salix hastata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32589;Salix herbacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32589;Salix herbacea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32593;Salix laggeri;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32548;Salix lanata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32548;Salix lanata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32550;Salix lapponum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32550;Salix lapponum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32559;Salix myrsinifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32559;Salix myrsinifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32555;Salix myrsinites;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32555;Salix myrsinites;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32557;Salix myrtilloides;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32567;Salix pentandra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32567;Salix pentandra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32567;Salix pentandra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32568;Salix phylicifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32568;Salix phylicifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32526;Salix purpurea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32526;Salix purpurea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32526;Salix purpurea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32533;Salix repens;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32533;Salix repens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32533;Salix repens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32535;Salix reticulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32535;Salix reticulata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32509;Salix silesiaca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32511;Salix starkeana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32478;Salix triandra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32478;Salix triandra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32486;Salix viminalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32486;Salix viminalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32637;Salix x calodendron;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18036;Salsola kali;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18036;Salsola kali;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18036;Salsola kali;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23990;Salvia austriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23588;Salvia glutinosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24767;Salvia nemorosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23945;Salvia officinalis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24299;Salvia pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24299;Salvia pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24299;Salvia pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24774;Salvia sclarea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23951;Salvia verbenaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23951;Salvia verbenaca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23952;Salvia verticillata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23412;Salvia viridis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15361;Sambucus ebulus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15361;Sambucus ebulus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 15361;Sambucus ebulus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15363;Sambucus nigra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 15363;Sambucus nigra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 15363;Sambucus nigra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15363;Sambucus nigra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15363;Sambucus nigra;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15363;Sambucus nigra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15363;Sambucus nigra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15364;Sambucus racemosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 15364;Sambucus racemosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15364;Sambucus racemosa;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28974;Samolus valerandi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 28974;Samolus valerandi;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28974;Samolus valerandi;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29153;Sanguisorba minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29153;Sanguisorba minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29153;Sanguisorba minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29153;Sanguisorba minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30139;Sanguisorba officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30139;Sanguisorba officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30139;Sanguisorba officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 30139;Sanguisorba officinalis;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 2102;Sanicula europaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2102;Sanicula europaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 2102;Sanicula europaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9489;Santolina chamaecyparissus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16543;Saponaria ocymoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17539;Saponaria officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17539;Saponaria officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17539;Saponaria officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31302;Sarracenia purpurea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43636;Sasa palmata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24570;Satureja calamintha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25007;Satureja hortensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9535;Saussurea alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 9535;Saussurea alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31321;Saxifraga aizoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 31321;Saxifraga aizoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31321;Saxifraga aizoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31373;Saxifraga cernua;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31375;Saxifraga cespitosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31375;Saxifraga cespitosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31403;Saxifraga cotyledon;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31408;Saxifraga cuneifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31381;Saxifraga granulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31381;Saxifraga granulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31381;Saxifraga granulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31463;Saxifraga hirculus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31463;Saxifraga hirculus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31464;Saxifraga hirsuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31390;Saxifraga hypnoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31390;Saxifraga hypnoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31524;Saxifraga nivalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31526;Saxifraga oppositifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 31526;Saxifraga oppositifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31526;Saxifraga oppositifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31573;Saxifraga rivularis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31574;Saxifraga rosacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31574;Saxifraga rosacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31582;Saxifraga rotundifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31600;Saxifraga spathularis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31429;Saxifraga stellaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 31429;Saxifraga stellaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31429;Saxifraga stellaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31616;Saxifraga tridactylites;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31616;Saxifraga tridactylites;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31616;Saxifraga tridactylites;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31621;Saxifraga vandellii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jahn, Ralf(1995): Exkursionsflora für Kreta [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19064;Scabiosa atropurpurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19381;Scabiosa columbaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19381;Scabiosa columbaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19382;Scabiosa columbaria s. columbaria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 19228;Scabiosa ochroleuca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1087;Scandix pecten-veneris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1087;Scandix pecten-veneris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43986;Scheuchzeria palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43986;Scheuchzeria palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37576;Schoenus ferrugineus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37577;Schoenus nigricans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37577;Schoenus nigricans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38085;Scilla autumnalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38085;Scilla autumnalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38937;Scilla bifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38091;Scilla sibirica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38950;Scilla verna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37041;Scirpus cernuus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37472;Scirpus cespitosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D2.1 - Valley mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 37472;Scirpus cespitosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37472;Scirpus cespitosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37478;Scirpus fluitans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37478;Scirpus fluitans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37480;Scirpus holoschoenus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37486;Scirpus lacustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37486;Scirpus lacustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37486;Scirpus lacustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37488;Scirpus lacustris s. tabernaemontani;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37488;Scirpus lacustris s. tabernaemontani;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37054;Scirpus maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 37054;Scirpus maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37500;Scirpus pungens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37063;Scirpus setaceus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37063;Scirpus setaceus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37067;Scirpus sylvaticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 37067;Scirpus sylvaticus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37508;Scirpus triqueter;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 37508;Scirpus triqueter;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17086;Scleranthus annuus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17086;Scleranthus annuus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17085;Scleranthus annuus s. annuus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17092;Scleranthus perennis;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17092;Scleranthus perennis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42375;Sclerochloa dura;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42941;Scolochloa festucacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10899;Scolymus hispanicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35027;Scopolia carniolica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21040;Scorpiurus muricatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11129;Scorzonera cana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9619;Scorzonera hispanica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9541;Scorzonera humilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9541;Scorzonera humilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10007;Scorzonera laciniata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11636;Scorzonera parviflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33429;Scrophularia auriculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33429;Scrophularia auriculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32910;Scrophularia canina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32862;Scrophularia nodosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32862;Scrophularia nodosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 32862;Scrophularia nodosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34168;Scrophularia scorodonia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34372;Scrophularia umbrosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34372;Scrophularia umbrosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33383;Scrophularia vernalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33383;Scrophularia vernalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25013;Scutellaria altissima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23965;Scutellaria columnae;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24386;Scutellaria galericulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24386;Scutellaria galericulata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23967;Scutellaria minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23967;Scutellaria minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42376;Secale cereale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18178;Sedum acre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18178;Sedum acre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 18178;Sedum acre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18178;Sedum acre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18182;Sedum album;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18182;Sedum album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18189;Sedum anglicum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18189;Sedum anglicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18195;Sedum annuum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18212;Sedum cepaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18216;Sedum dasyphyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 46133;Sedum forsterianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18227;Sedum hirsutum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18236;Sedum hybridum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18248;Sedum ochroleucum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18224;Sedum rupestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18224;Sedum rupestre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18275;Sedum sexangulare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 18275;Sedum sexangulare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18278;Sedum spurium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 18278;Sedum spurium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18278;Sedum spurium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18283;Sedum telephium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18293;Sedum telephium s. maximum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18284;Sedum telephium s. telephium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18303;Sedum villosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18303;Sedum villosum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44385;Selaginella selaginoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;D4 - Base-rich fens;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 1092;Selinum carvifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1092;Selinum carvifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18338;Sempervivum montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18347;Sempervivum pittonii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18351;Sempervivum tectorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9234;Senecio abrotanifolius;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 9544;Senecio aquaticus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9544;Senecio aquaticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9624;Senecio bicolor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11410;Senecio cambrensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9467;Senecio congestus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11230;Senecio erucifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11230;Senecio erucifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 11230;Senecio erucifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9545;Senecio fluviatilis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9545;Senecio fluviatilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 60251;Senecio germanicus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9403;Senecio helenitis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9629;Senecio inaequidens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10152;Senecio integrifolius s. integrifolius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10452;Senecio jacobaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10452;Senecio jacobaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10452;Senecio jacobaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10452;Senecio jacobaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9809;Senecio nemorensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11419;Senecio paludosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11419;Senecio paludosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11497;Senecio smithii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9306;Senecio squalidus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9306;Senecio squalidus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9889;Senecio sylvaticus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9889;Senecio sylvaticus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11179;Senecio vernalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11179;Senecio vernalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10121;Senecio viscosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10121;Senecio viscosus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10121;Senecio viscosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10456;Senecio vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10456;Senecio vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10456;Senecio vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10456;Senecio vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10456;Senecio vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10456;Senecio vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10123;Serratula tinctoria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10123;Serratula tinctoria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10123;Serratula tinctoria;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10289;Serratula tinctoria s. macrocephala;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1044;Seseli libanotis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1044;Seseli libanotis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1050;Seseli montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43301;Sesleria albicans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42378;Sesleria caerulea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42378;Sesleria caerulea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42741;Setaria italica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43456;Setaria pumila;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43457;Setaria verticillata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43457;Setaria verticillata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42743;Setaria viridis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42743;Setaria viridis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31967;Sherardia arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31967;Sherardia arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 31967;Sherardia arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30472;Sibbaldia procumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30472;Sibbaldia procumbens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 30472;Sibbaldia procumbens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34390;Sibthorpia europaea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 18457;Sicyos angulatus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 25691;Sida rhombifolia;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24745;Sideritis hyssopifolia;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24820;Sideritis montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23674;Sideritis romana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10459;Sigesbeckia jorullensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 993;Silaum silaus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 993;Silaum silaus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 993;Silaum silaus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17102;Silene acaulis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 17102;Silene acaulis;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17102;Silene acaulis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16606;Silene acaulis s. acaulis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16613;Silene alpestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17110;Silene armeria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15554;Silene chlorantha;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17564;Silene coeli-rosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16631;Silene conica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16631;Silene conica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16289;Silene cretica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15776;Silene dichotoma;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17578;Silene dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17578;Silene dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 17578;Silene dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Baker, H. G. (1947): Biological flora of the British Isles: Melandrium diocum (L. emend.) Coss. & Germ.;BIOPOP April 2005 17578;Silene dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17578;Silene dioica;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 17578;Silene dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16298;Silene gallica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16298;Silene gallica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17283;Silene latifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17283;Silene latifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17252;Silene noctiflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17252;Silene noctiflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 17252;Silene noctiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16673;Silene nutans;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16673;Silene nutans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15749;Silene otites;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15749;Silene otites;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17610;Silene pendula;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17622;Silene rupestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17273;Silene tatarica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16657;Silene vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16657;Silene vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 16657;Silene vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10762;Silphium perfoliatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9640;Silybum marianum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13450;Sinapis alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13450;Sinapis alba;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13454;Sinapis arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13454;Sinapis arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 995;Sison amomum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13034;Sisymbrium altissimum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13034;Sisymbrium altissimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13926;Sisymbrium austriacum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14646;Sisymbrium irio;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14646;Sisymbrium irio;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13930;Sisymbrium loeselii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13930;Sisymbrium loeselii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13041;Sisymbrium officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13041;Sisymbrium officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 13041;Sisymbrium officinale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13042;Sisymbrium orientale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13042;Sisymbrium orientale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14649;Sisymbrium polyceratium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13809;Sisymbrium strictissimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 12711;Sisymbrium supinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36801;Sisyrinchium bermudiana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1536;Sium latifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1536;Sium latifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38416;Smilacina stellata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1000;Smyrnium olusatrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1000;Smyrnium olusatrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1000;Smyrnium olusatrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35041;Solanum dulcamara;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35041;Solanum dulcamara;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35041;Solanum dulcamara;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Oberdorfer, E. (1983): Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora;BIOPOP April 2005 35041;Solanum dulcamara;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 35041;Solanum dulcamara;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35041;Solanum dulcamara;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 34958;Solanum nigrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34958;Solanum nigrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34958;Solanum nigrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34958;Solanum nigrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 34939;Solanum sarrachoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34912;Solanum triflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34912;Solanum triflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34915;Solanum tuberosum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 34915;Solanum tuberosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35142;Soleirolia soleirolii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9491;Solidago canadensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 9491;Solidago canadensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9491;Solidago canadensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10023;Solidago gigantea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10023;Solidago gigantea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10023;Solidago gigantea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9820;Solidago virgaurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 9820;Solidago virgaurea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9820;Solidago virgaurea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10586;Sonchus arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10586;Sonchus arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10586;Sonchus arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10586;Sonchus arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9413;Sonchus asper;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9413;Sonchus asper;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9413;Sonchus asper;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hutchinson, I.(1984): The biology of Canadian weeds. 63. Sonchus asper (L.) Hill and S. oleraceus L.;BIOPOP April 2005 9413;Sonchus asper;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10357;Sonchus maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10357;Sonchus maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10587;Sonchus oleraceus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10587;Sonchus oleraceus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10587;Sonchus oleraceus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10587;Sonchus oleraceus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9894;Sonchus palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9894;Sonchus palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29158;Sorbaria sorbifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29160;Sorbus anglica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30087;Sorbus aria;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 30087;Sorbus aria;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30087;Sorbus aria;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30090;Sorbus arranensis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29162;Sorbus aucuparia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29162;Sorbus aucuparia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29162;Sorbus aucuparia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29162;Sorbus aucuparia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 29162;Sorbus aucuparia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 29162;Sorbus aucuparia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 29164;Sorbus austriaca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30759;Sorbus badensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30146;Sorbus bristoliensis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30433;Sorbus chamaemespilus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30039;Sorbus devoniensis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29168;Sorbus domestica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29540;Sorbus eminens;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30149;Sorbus graeca;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30764;Sorbus hibernica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30014;Sorbus intermedia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30014;Sorbus intermedia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30724;Sorbus lancastriensis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29544;Sorbus latifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30439;Sorbus leptophylla;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29965;Sorbus leyana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29545;Sorbus minima;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29983;Sorbus mougeotii;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29110;Sorbus pannonica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30726;Sorbus parumlobata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 31012;Sorbus porrigentiformis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29919;Sorbus pseudofennica;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30443;Sorbus rupicola;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29550;Sorbus subcuneata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29551;Sorbus torminalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 29551;Sorbus torminalis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29551;Sorbus torminalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30730;Sorbus vexans;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 30159;Sorbus wilmottiana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43458;Sorghum bicolor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43116;Sorghum halepense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43989;Sparganium angustifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43989;Sparganium angustifolium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43992;Sparganium emersum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43992;Sparganium emersum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43993;Sparganium erectum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43993;Sparganium erectum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43993;Sparganium erectum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44014;Sparganium erectum subsp. neglectum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43999;Sparganium minimum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42746;Spartina alterniflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43117;Spartina anglica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43117;Spartina anglica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43792;Spartina maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43792;Spartina maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43118;Spartina x townsendii;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16731;Spergula arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16731;Spergula arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16731;Spergula arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17638;Spergula morisonii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16733;Spergula pentandra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17645;Spergularia marina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17645;Spergularia marina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17645;Spergularia marina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16741;Spergularia media;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16741;Spergularia media;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17650;Spergularia rubra;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17650;Spergularia rubra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17651;Spergularia rupicola;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15967;Spergularia segetalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18064;Spinacia oleracea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29502;Spiraea alba;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30731;Spiraea cana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 30069;Spiraea chamaedryfolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31020;Spiraea douglasii;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 29504;Spiraea hypericifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 29508;Spiraea salicifolia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 29508;Spiraea salicifolia;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 30734;Spiraea tomentosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40075;Spiranthes aestivalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 40077;Spiranthes romanzoffiana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40081;Spiranthes spiralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 40081;Spiranthes spiralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36882;Spirodela polyrhiza;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36882;Spirodela polyrhiza;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24038;Stachys alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24038;Stachys alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24834;Stachys annua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24369;Stachys arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24369;Stachys arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24844;Stachys germanica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24916;Stachys officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24916;Stachys officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24921;Stachys palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24921;Stachys palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 24921;Stachys palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24800;Stachys recta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 24023;Stachys sylvatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24023;Stachys sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24023;Stachys sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34660;Staphylea pinnata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17658;Stellaria graminea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17658;Stellaria graminea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16753;Stellaria holostea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16753;Stellaria holostea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16755;Stellaria media;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 16755;Stellaria media;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16755;Stellaria media;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16759;Stellaria neglecta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 16759;Stellaria neglecta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 16761;Stellaria nemorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15981;Stellaria nemorum s. glochidisperma;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17302;Stellaria pallida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17302;Stellaria pallida;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17304;Stellaria palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17304;Stellaria palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17654;Stellaria uliginosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17654;Stellaria uliginosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17654;Stellaria uliginosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42755;Stipa borysthenica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42954;Stipa bromoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42956;Stipa capillata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42957;Stipa dasyphylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43654;Stipa offneri;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42760;Stipa pennata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42556;Stipa pulcherrima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36308;Stratiotes aloides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36308;Stratiotes aloides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 38421;Streptopus amplexifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17972;Suaeda maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 17972;Suaeda maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17972;Suaeda maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 17986;Suaeda vera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 17986;Suaeda vera;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13468;Subularia aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13468;Subularia aquatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19186;Succisa pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19186;Succisa pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19186;Succisa pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19319;Succisella inflexa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15329;Symphoricarpos albus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15329;Symphoricarpos albus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 15329;Symphoricarpos albus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15329;Symphoricarpos albus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 15329;Symphoricarpos albus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12210;Symphytum asperum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12211;Symphytum bulbosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11757;Symphytum officinale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11757;Symphytum officinale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 12215;Symphytum orientale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11764;Symphytum tuberosum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26376;Syringa josikaea;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26377;Syringa vulgaris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 26377;Syringa vulgaris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10972;Tagetes minuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34711;Tamarix canariensis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34716;Tamarix gallica;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34728;Tamarix parviflora;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36357;Tamus communis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9823;Tanacetum corymbosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 10157;Tanacetum macrophyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11451;Tanacetum parthenium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 11451;Tanacetum parthenium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10128;Tanacetum vulgare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10128;Tanacetum vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10128;Tanacetum vulgare;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9235;Taraxacum Sec. Erythrosperma;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9860;Taraxacum Sec. Obliqua;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9256;Taraxacum Sec. Palustria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 59373;Taraxacum Sec. Ruderalia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 59280;Taraxacum laevigatum ag.;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44243;Taraxacum obliquum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44243;Taraxacum obliquum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44250;Taraxacum officinale;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44238;Taraxacum palustre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44238;Taraxacum palustre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9261;Taraxacum species;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 838;Taxodium distichum;woody;1;1;;500;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 838;Taxodium distichum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 835;Taxus baccata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 835;Taxus baccata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 835;Taxus baccata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 835;Taxus baccata;woody;1;1;;670;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 835;Taxus baccata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 835;Taxus baccata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 835;Taxus baccata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13470;Teesdalia nudicaulis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 13470;Teesdalia nudicaulis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 31626;Tellima grandiflora;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35114;Tetragonia tetragonoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35114;Tetragonia tetragonoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21564;Tetragonolobus maritimus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23469;Teucrium botrys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23469;Teucrium botrys;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24813;Teucrium chamaedrys;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24813;Teucrium chamaedrys;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24813;Teucrium chamaedrys;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 24813;Teucrium chamaedrys;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Meusel, H. (1970): Wuchsformenreihen mediterran-mitteleuropäischer Angiospermen-Taxa.;BIOPOP April 2005 24885;Teucrium flavum;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Meusel, H. (1970): Wuchsformenreihen mediterran-mitteleuropäischer Angiospermen-Taxa.;BIOPOP April 2005 23362;Teucrium montanum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24902;Teucrium scordium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23452;Teucrium scordium s. scordium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24460;Teucrium scorodonia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24460;Teucrium scorodonia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24460;Teucrium scorodonia;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hutchinson, T. C. (1968): Biological flora of the British Isles: Teucrium scorodonia L.;BIOPOP April 2005 24460;Teucrium scorodonia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26671;Thalictrum alpinum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26671;Thalictrum alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 26672;Thalictrum aquilegiifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26674;Thalictrum flavum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26674;Thalictrum flavum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26571;Thalictrum lucidum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26547;Thalictrum minus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26547;Thalictrum minus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26562;Thalictrum simplex;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35441;Theligonum cynocrambe;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32434;Thesium alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32443;Thesium bavarum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32461;Thesium ebracteatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32462;Thesium humifusum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32462;Thesium humifusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32439;Thesium linophyllon;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32417;Thesium pyrenaicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32423;Thesium rostratum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13472;Thlaspi alliaceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13476;Thlaspi alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13825;Thlaspi arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 13825;Thlaspi arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 13825;Thlaspi arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45966;Thlaspi caerulescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45966;Thlaspi caerulescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 45966;Thlaspi caerulescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13060;Thlaspi calaminare;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 13062;Thlaspi goesingense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14668;Thlaspi montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 14669;Thlaspi perfoliatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14669;Thlaspi perfoliatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 755;Thuja occidentalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 756;Thuja orientalis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 44580;Thuja plicata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44580;Thuja plicata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34584;Thymelaea passerina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23455;Thymus alpestris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24536;Thymus longicaulis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24516;Thymus pannonicus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24924;Thymus praecox;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24924;Thymus praecox;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24929;Thymus pulegioides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 24929;Thymus pulegioides;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 24929;Thymus pulegioides;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24928;Thymus serpyllum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 24928;Thymus serpyllum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 24928;Thymus serpyllum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 24928;Thymus serpyllum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 23794;Thymus vulgaris;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 23794;Thymus vulgaris;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 23794;Thymus vulgaris;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Meusel, H. (1970): Wuchsformenreihen mediterran-mitteleuropäischer Angiospermen-Taxa.;BIOPOP April 2005 23794;Thymus vulgaris;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 34664;Tilia cordata;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34664;Tilia cordata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34664;Tilia cordata;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34634;Tilia platyphyllos;woody;2;1;;.49;;;;2;;;;G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland;actual measurement;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26] 34634;Tilia platyphyllos;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34634;Tilia platyphyllos;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34634;Tilia platyphyllos;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34652;Tilia tomentosa;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38841;Tofieldia calyculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38843;Tofieldia pusilla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 38843;Tofieldia pusilla;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11441;Tolpis staticifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1544;Tordylium apulum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1545;Tordylium maximum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1012;Torilis arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1552;Torilis japonica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 1552;Torilis japonica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1552;Torilis japonica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 1553;Torilis leptophylla;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 1554;Torilis nodosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1554;Torilis nodosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11771;Trachystemon orientalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35787;Tradescantia virginiana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9874;Tragopogon dubius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9874;Tragopogon dubius;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 9289;Tragopogon porrifolius;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 9791;Tragopogon pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10571;Tragopogon pratensis s. orientalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 10571;Tragopogon pratensis s. orientalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10265;Tragopogon pratensis s. pratensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 43483;Tragus racemosus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34689;Trapa natans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34689;Trapa natans;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 40086;Traunsteinera globosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34540;Tribulus terrestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 28871;Trientalis europaea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 28871;Trientalis europaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 28871;Trientalis europaea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22105;Trifolium alexandrinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21116;Trifolium alpestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22107;Trifolium alpinum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22108;Trifolium angustifolium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19943;Trifolium arvense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19943;Trifolium arvense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21992;Trifolium aureum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21992;Trifolium aureum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21993;Trifolium badium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21123;Trifolium bocconei;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21008;Trifolium campestre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21008;Trifolium campestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21008;Trifolium campestre;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 19955;Trifolium diffusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21100;Trifolium dubium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21100;Trifolium dubium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 21100;Trifolium dubium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22005;Trifolium fragiferum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22005;Trifolium fragiferum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22005;Trifolium fragiferum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21105;Trifolium glomeratum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21107;Trifolium hybridum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21107;Trifolium hybridum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21107;Trifolium hybridum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 21571;Trifolium incarnatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21571;Trifolium incarnatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21574;Trifolium lappaceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22081;Trifolium medium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22081;Trifolium medium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19621;Trifolium micranthum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19621;Trifolium micranthum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21547;Trifolium montanum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22087;Trifolium nigrescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21553;Trifolium occidentale;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22088;Trifolium ochroleucon;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21173;Trifolium ornithopodioides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21173;Trifolium ornithopodioides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19933;Trifolium pallescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19934;Trifolium pallidum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22092;Trifolium pannonicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19935;Trifolium patens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22096;Trifolium pratense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22096;Trifolium pratense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22096;Trifolium pratense;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22096;Trifolium pratense;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22101;Trifolium repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22101;Trifolium repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22101;Trifolium repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22101;Trifolium repens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20696;Trifolium resupinatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21630;Trifolium retusum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19602;Trifolium rubens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20699;Trifolium saxatile;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21632;Trifolium scabrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21632;Trifolium scabrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20366;Trifolium spadiceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22158;Trifolium squamosum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21076;Trifolium striatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21076;Trifolium striatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20370;Trifolium strictum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21077;Trifolium subterraneum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21077;Trifolium subterraneum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20371;Trifolium suffocatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36323;Triglochin maritima;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36323;Triglochin maritima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36324;Triglochin palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 36324;Triglochin palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22060;Trigonella corniculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21525;Trigonella foenum-graecum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20378;Trigonella gladiata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21083;Trigonella monspeliaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 966;Trinia glauca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 61747;Tripleurospermum perforatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42773;Trisetum alpestre;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42564;Trisetum flavescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42564;Trisetum flavescens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42564;Trisetum flavescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42564;Trisetum flavescens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42579;Trisetum spicatum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 43825;Triticum aestivum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43825;Triticum aestivum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 43828;Triticum spelta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26598;Trollius europaeus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34544;Tropaeolum majus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18499;Tuberaria guttata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 18499;Tuberaria guttata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 38854;Tulipa sylvestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 1998;Turgenia latifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9608;Tussilago farfara;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9608;Tussilago farfara;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 9608;Tussilago farfara;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 9608;Tussilago farfara;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44027;Typha angustifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44027;Typha angustifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Grace, J. B. (1986): The biology of Canadian weeds. 73 Typha latifolia L., Typha angustifolia L. and Typha xglauca Godr.;BIOPOP April 2005 44027;Typha angustifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44033;Typha domingensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44041;Typha latifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Grace, J. B. (1986): The biology of Canadian weeds. 73 Typha latifolia L., Typha angustifolia L. and Typha xglauca Godr.;BIOPOP April 2005 44041;Typha latifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 44041;Typha latifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 44044;Typha minima;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 44053;Typha shuttleworthii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21090;Ulex europaeus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21090;Ulex europaeus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21090;Ulex europaeus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19611;Ulex gallii;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21091;Ulex minor;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35180;Ulmus glabra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35180;Ulmus glabra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 35180;Ulmus glabra;woody;1;1;;690;;;;1;;;Moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Forestry Compendium, CAB International;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 35180;Ulmus glabra;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35180;Ulmus glabra;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35180;Ulmus glabra;woody;1;1;;609;;;;1;;;moisture content 15%;;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);Woods of the world,;Wood density database,, Administrator e-mail: 35184;Ulmus laevis;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35187;Ulmus minor;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35187;Ulmus minor;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35163;Ulmus procera;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Fitschen, Jost(1990): Gehölzflora, ein Buch zum Bestimmen der in Mitteleuropa wildwachsenden und angepflanzten Bäume und Sträucher [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18389;Umbilicus rupestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 18389;Umbilicus rupestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 10050;Urospermum picroides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35149;Urtica dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35149;Urtica dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35149;Urtica dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 35149;Urtica dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35149;Urtica dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Greig-Smith, P. (1948): Biological flora of the British Isles: Urtica dioica L.;BIOPOP April 2005 35156;Urtica kioviensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35157;Urtica pilulifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35160;Urtica urens;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35160;Urtica urens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26089;Utricularia australis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26089;Utricularia australis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26094;Utricularia bremii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 26099;Utricularia intermedia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26099;Utricularia intermedia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26100;Utricularia minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26100;Utricularia minor;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 26101;Utricularia ochroleuca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26103;Utricularia vulgaris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 26103;Utricularia vulgaris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 45231;Vaccaria hispanica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19467;Vaccinium corymbosum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19470;Vaccinium macrocarpon;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19473;Vaccinium microcarpum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19473;Vaccinium microcarpum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19475;Vaccinium myrtillus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19475;Vaccinium myrtillus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Ritchie, J. C. (1956): Biological flora of the British Isles: Vaccinium myrtillus L.;BIOPOP April 2005 19475;Vaccinium myrtillus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 19475;Vaccinium myrtillus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19475;Vaccinium myrtillus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19475;Vaccinium myrtillus;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19475;Vaccinium myrtillus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19476;Vaccinium oxycoccos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19476;Vaccinium oxycoccos;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19476;Vaccinium oxycoccos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-29 00:00:00.0;woody stems below soil surface!;D2 - Valley mires. poor fens and transition mires;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19476;Vaccinium oxycoccos;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19476;Vaccinium oxycoccos;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Haeupler, H. (2000): Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands;BIOPOP April 2005 19479;Vaccinium uliginosum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19479;Vaccinium uliginosum;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 19479;Vaccinium uliginosum;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19481;Vaccinium uliginosum s. microphyllum;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19439;Vaccinium vitis-idaea;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19439;Vaccinium vitis-idaea;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;F2 - Arctic. alpine and subalpine scrub habitats;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 19439;Vaccinium vitis-idaea;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 19439;Vaccinium vitis-idaea;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 32227;Valantia muralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34884;Valeriana dioica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34884;Valeriana dioica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34812;Valeriana montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34832;Valeriana officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34846;Valeriana officinalis s. collina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34746;Valeriana officinalis s. sambucifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-06-20 00:00:00.0;;G1.1 - Riparian [Salix]. [Alnus] and [Betula] woodland;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 34746;Valeriana officinalis s. sambucifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34760;Valeriana pratensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34797;Valeriana pyrenaica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34799;Valeriana repens;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34803;Valeriana saliunca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34810;Valeriana tripteris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34814;Valeriana tuberosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Polunin, O.(1969): Flowers of Europe [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34818;Valerianella carinata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34818;Valerianella carinata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34818;Valerianella carinata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34784;Valerianella coronata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34825;Valerianella dentata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34825;Valerianella dentata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34827;Valerianella discoidea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34767;Valerianella echinata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34768;Valerianella eriocarpa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34776;Valerianella locusta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 34776;Valerianella locusta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34776;Valerianella locusta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34795;Valerianella rimosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34795;Valerianella rimosa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34740;Valerianella vesicaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 36310;Vallisneria spiralis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36310;Vallisneria spiralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43148;Ventenata dubia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38054;Veratrum album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 38055;Veratrum nigrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32871;Verbascum blattaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33327;Verbascum chaixii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33851;Verbascum densiflorum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33851;Verbascum densiflorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33779;Verbascum lychnitis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33779;Verbascum lychnitis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32834;Verbascum nigrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32834;Verbascum nigrum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32834;Verbascum nigrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32841;Verbascum phlomoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32842;Verbascum phoeniceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33747;Verbascum pulverulentum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32855;Verbascum speciosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 32859;Verbascum thapsus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32859;Verbascum thapsus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32859;Verbascum thapsus;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33376;Verbascum virgatum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35092;Verbena officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35092;Verbena officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 35092;Verbena officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33324;Veronica acinifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34127;Veronica agrestis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34127;Veronica agrestis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33325;Veronica alpina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 33325;Veronica alpina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32774;Veronica anagallis-aquatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32774;Veronica anagallis-aquatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34184;Veronica anagalloides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33302;Veronica arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33302;Veronica arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33302;Veronica arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32781;Veronica austriaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33306;Veronica austriaca s. teucrium;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33306;Veronica austriaca s. teucrium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33863;Veronica beccabunga;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33863;Veronica beccabunga;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33875;Veronica catenata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33875;Veronica catenata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32792;Veronica chamaedrys;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32792;Veronica chamaedrys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32792;Veronica chamaedrys;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32793;Veronica chamaedrys s. chamaedrys;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33845;Veronica cymbalaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Stace, C. A.(1992): New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33829;Veronica dillenii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33807;Veronica filiformis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33807;Veronica filiformis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33807;Veronica filiformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34175;Veronica fruticans;semi-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33317;Veronica hederifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33317;Veronica hederifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32803;Veronica longifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33758;Veronica montana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33758;Veronica montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33764;Veronica officinalis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33764;Veronica officinalis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34421;Veronica opaca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33270;Veronica peregrina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33270;Veronica peregrina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33737;Veronica persica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33737;Veronica persica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33737;Veronica persica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33737;Veronica persica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33745;Veronica polita;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33745;Veronica polita;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33745;Veronica polita;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 33746;Veronica praecox;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33746;Veronica praecox;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32737;Veronica prostrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32737;Veronica prostrata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33272;Veronica scardica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34347;Veronica scutellata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34347;Veronica scutellata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32740;Veronica serpyllifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 32740;Veronica serpyllifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 32740;Veronica serpyllifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 32740;Veronica serpyllifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 32745;Veronica spicata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 33276;Veronica spicata s. spicata;semi-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 33282;Veronica triphyllos;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 33282;Veronica triphyllos;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34194;Veronica urticifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 34375;Veronica verna;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34375;Veronica verna;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15334;Viburnum lantana;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15334;Viburnum lantana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 15334;Viburnum lantana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 15334;Viburnum lantana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kollmann, J. (2002): Biological flora of the British Isles: Viburnum lantana L. und Viburnum opulus L. (V. lobatum Lam., Opulus vulgaris Borkh.).;BIOPOP April 2005 15334;Viburnum lantana;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15336;Viburnum opulus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 15336;Viburnum opulus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kollmann, J. (2002): Biological flora of the British Isles: Viburnum lantana L. und Viburnum opulus L. (V. lobatum Lam., Opulus vulgaris Borkh.).;BIOPOP April 2005 15336;Viburnum opulus;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 15336;Viburnum opulus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 15336;Viburnum opulus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Hegi, G. B. (1906): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa;BIOPOP April 2005 15336;Viburnum opulus;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 22076;Vicia articulata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21154;Vicia bithynica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19692;Vicia cassubica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22128;Vicia cracca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22128;Vicia cracca;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22128;Vicia cracca;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20751;Vicia dalmatica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21606;Vicia dumetorum;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20343;Vicia ervilia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20755;Vicia faba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21610;Vicia grandiflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20346;Vicia hirsuta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20346;Vicia hirsuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20346;Vicia hirsuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 19694;Vicia hybrida;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21160;Vicia lathyroides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 21160;Vicia lathyroides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21163;Vicia lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21163;Vicia lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20758;Vicia melanops;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 20763;Vicia orobus;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22136;Vicia pannonica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20765;Vicia peregrina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22140;Vicia pisiformis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 22143;Vicia sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22143;Vicia sativa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22143;Vicia sativa;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 19592;Vicia sativa s. cordata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 19593;Vicia sativa s. nigra;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20357;Vicia sepium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 20357;Vicia sepium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 20357;Vicia sepium;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 20360;Vicia sylvatica;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 22123;Vicia tenuifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22123;Vicia tenuifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22147;Vicia tetrasperma;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 22147;Vicia tetrasperma;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22147;Vicia tetrasperma;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22147;Vicia tetrasperma;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 21598;Vicia villosa;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 22113;Vicia villosa s. varia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2530;Vinca herbacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2533;Vinca major;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2533;Vinca major;woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2536;Vinca minor;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 2536;Vinca minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Preston, C.D.(2004): Attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 2536;Vinca minor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2467;Vincetoxicum hirundinaria;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 2485;Vincetoxicum nigrum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35426;Viola alba;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35403;Viola arvensis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35403;Viola arvensis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35415;Viola biflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 35415;Viola biflora;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35384;Viola canina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35385;Viola canina s. canina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2005-06-19 00:00:00.0;;E2 - Mesic grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 35385;Viola canina s. canina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35386;Viola canina s. montana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35356;Viola collina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35360;Viola cornuta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35336;Viola elatior;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35340;Viola epipsila;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 50023;Viola guestphalica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35355;Viola hirta;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35355;Viola hirta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35355;Viola hirta;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 35323;Viola kitaibeliana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35326;Viola lactea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35331;Viola lutea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35331;Viola lutea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35297;Viola mirabilis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35309;Viola odorata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35309;Viola odorata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35309;Viola odorata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 35276;Viola palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;2003-08-20 00:00:00.0;;E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail: 35276;Viola palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35276;Viola palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35285;Viola persicifolia;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35285;Viola persicifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35256;Viola pumila;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35262;Viola reichenbachiana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35262;Viola reichenbachiana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35262;Viola reichenbachiana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 35267;Viola riviniana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35267;Viola riviniana;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35267;Viola riviniana;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35233;Viola rupestris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35233;Viola rupestris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 35250;Viola suavis;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 35219;Viola tricolor;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 35223;Viola tricolor s. curtisii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25275;Viscum album;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Cooper, M. R. (1984): Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man;BIOPOP April 2005 25275;Viscum album;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 25275;Viscum album;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 25275;Viscum album;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 34500;Vitis vinifera;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 34500;Vitis vinifera;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;BIOPOP April 2005 42790;Vulpia bromoides;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42790;Vulpia bromoides;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 42792;Vulpia ciliata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43348;Vulpia fasciculata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43348;Vulpia fasciculata;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43350;Vulpia ligustica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 42798;Vulpia myuros;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Kleyer, M. (1995): Biological traits of vascular plants. A database. Arbeitsberichte Inst. f. Landschaftsplanung u. Ökologie N. F;BIOPOP April 2005 42798;Vulpia myuros;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 42798;Vulpia myuros;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43838;Vulpia unilateralis;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 14756;Wahlenbergia hederacea;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 14756;Wahlenbergia hederacea;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 31023;Waldsteinia ternata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 21151;Wisteria sinensis;woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Liebenow, H. (1981): Giftpflanzen;BIOPOP April 2005 36885;Wolffia arrhiza;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 36885;Wolffia arrhiza;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 11443;Xanthium italicum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;unknown from literature;unknown;Diaz, S.(2004): The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents [15];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 11345;Xanthium spinosum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 10168;Xanthium strumarium;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;;;unknown;Weaver, S. E. (1983): The biology of Canadian weeds. 56. Xanthium strumarium L.;BIOPOP April 2005 9610;Xeranthemum annuum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Adler, W.(1994): Exkursionsflora von Österreich [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 9879;Xeranthemum inapertum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Grey-Wilson, Christopher(1980): Pareys Bergblumenbuch, wildblühende Pflanzen d. Alpen, Pyrenäen, Apenninen, d. skandinav. u. brit. Gebirge [];Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 43857;Zannichellia palustris;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43857;Zannichellia palustris;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Fitter, A. H. (unknown e-mail address);ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 60685;Zannichellia palustris subsp. pedicellata;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43844;Zea mays;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43883;Zostera angustifolia;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43879;Zostera marina;non-woody;;1;;;;;;;;;Original comment from ECOFLORA ("Source no." points to this record's original reference): -;;observation (like obvious taxonomical traits);Clapham, A. R.(1987): Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [];ECOFLORA - database of the ecological flora of the british isles 43879;Zostera marina;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 43880;Zostera noltii;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41412;x Ammocalamagrostis baltica;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: 41093;x Festulolium loliaceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Jäger, E.J. (2002): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail: 41093;x Festulolium loliaceum;non-woody;1;1;;;;;;;;;;;derivation from morphologies or other plant traits;Barkman, J.J.(1988): New systems of plant growth forms and phenological plant types;Source data from Radboud University, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, NL, (Ozinga), E-Mail: