

  • Anschrift:

    C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg
    CMC Center for Migration, Education
    and Cultural Studies
    Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
    26129 Oldenburg

Areas of Practice

Areas of Practice

Many of IBKM’S past practice-oriented projects have significantly contributed to accentuating the center’s profile. These projects were partly developed, executed and evaluated by the IBKM in cooperation with other institutions of education. These mostly externally funded projects and networks had the professed goal of improving migrants’ opportunities to participate in societal processes. As well as enhancing the individual subject’s opportunities through offers of education and consultation, the stated aim of the projects was the eradication of structural, social and institutional discrimination. Part of this initiative was the project „Dezentrale Flüchtlingssozialarbeit“—a program that helped to qualify migrants (particularly those with academic training) for a profession—which was conceived and carried out in the 1990s and included, for instance, the advanced training program “Weiterbildende Studiengang Interkulturelle Bildung und Beratung as well as the Kontaktstudium Pädagogische Kompetenz in Bildung, Beratung und Sozialarbeit and the creation and expansion of a network with the migration counselling services (Kooperative Migrationsarbeit Niedersachsen - KMN) in the 2000s. The main issue of future practice-based work and further networks will be the question of appropriate professional and ethical work practice within contexts of social, cultural and linguistic heterogeneity as well as reflecting critically on issues of race and its discursive, productive potential in socio-pedagogical interventions within migratory contexts.

(Changed: 19 Jan 2024)  | 
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